from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.
- intransitive verb To move swiftly on foot so that both or all feet are not on the ground during each stride.
- intransitive verb To retreat rapidly; flee.
- intransitive verb Informal To depart; leave.
- intransitive verb To migrate, especially to move in a shoal in order to spawn. Used of fish.
- intransitive verb To move without hindrance or restraint.
- intransitive verb To move or go quickly or hurriedly.
- intransitive verb To go when in trouble or distress.
- intransitive verb To make a short, quick trip or visit.
- intransitive verb To take part in a race or contest by running.
- intransitive verb To compete in a race for elected office.
- intransitive verb To finish a race or contest in a specified position.
- intransitive verb To move freely, as on wheels.
- intransitive verb To travel over a regular route.
- intransitive verb Nautical To sail or steer before the wind or on an indicated course.
- intransitive verb To flow, especially in a steady stream.
- intransitive verb To melt and flow.
- intransitive verb To emit pus, mucus, or serous fluid.
- intransitive verb To be wet or covered with a liquid.
- intransitive verb To spread or dissolve, as dyes in fabric.
- intransitive verb To have dye spread or dissolve.
- intransitive verb To extend, stretch, or reach in a certain direction or to a particular point.
- intransitive verb To extend, spread, or climb as a result of growing.
- intransitive verb To become known or prevalent rapidly in or over an area.
- intransitive verb To unravel along a line.
- intransitive verb To be valid or in effect, as in a given area.
- intransitive verb To be present as a valid accompaniment.
- intransitive verb To accumulate or accrue.
- intransitive verb To be in operation; function or work.
- intransitive verb To pass; elapse.
- intransitive verb To tend to persist or recur.
- intransitive verb To pass into or become subject to a specified condition.
- intransitive verb To take a particular form, order, or expression.
- intransitive verb To tend or incline.
- intransitive verb To occupy or exist in a certain range.
- intransitive verb To be presented or performed.
- intransitive verb To be published or broadcast, especially as news.
- intransitive verb To travel over on foot at a pace faster than a walk.
- intransitive verb To cause (an animal) to move quickly or rapidly.
- intransitive verb To allow to move without restraint.
- intransitive verb To hunt or pursue; chase.
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Help support Wordnik (and make this page ad-free) by adopting the word run.
Today, rather than run a network of secret torture centers as the Soviets 'proxy Mohammad Najibullah did, President Hamid Karzai has set himself up as a defender of the rights of Afghans detained in U. S.-run prisons, something that plays well with the population.
Amber stands poised, as if ready to run -- _run away from me?
But can the fact of his uncles and aunts running less well than his fathers and mothers be a means of his fathers and mothers coming to run _better than they used to run_?
Evolution, Old & New Or, the Theories of Buffon, Dr. Erasmus Darwin and Lamarck, as compared with that of Charles Darwin Samuel Butler 1868
But stay; there are many more that run than there be that obtain; therefore, he that will have heaven must _run_ for it!
The Heavenly Footman John Bunyan 1658
O sad will the state of those be that run and miss I Therefore if you will have heaven you must _run_ for it; and "so run, that ye may obtain."
The Heavenly Footman John Bunyan 1658
Men that run for a wager, (if they intend to _win_ as well as _run_,) do not use to encumber themselves, or carry those things about them that may be a hindrance to them in their running.
The Heavenly Footman John Bunyan 1658
· SQL Commander - Make it possible to run scripts of unlimited size with the @run command
· SQL Commander - Make it possible to run scripts of unlimited size with the @run command
Open Cup quarterfinal run, but was unable to piece together a stretch� run� in the regular season.
"Proper exercise" is generally a 5-mile run (a * run*, not a walk around the block at your pace) per day.
An officer would begin his or her deployment (one woman, Lynn Watson, is known to have been a police spy) by borrowing the identity of a dead child, a routine called the ‘jackal run’ after Frederick Forsyth’s novel, in which the assassin does just that.
Katrina Forrester · Shag another: In Bed with the Police · LRB 7 November 2013 Katrina Forrester 2022
A freak accident causes Michael to feel the office is cursed. He explores the religious beliefs of his employees before deciding to hold a charity 5K fun run.
The Zombie Fun Run is an annual, FREE, fun run for community members of all ages, brought to you by the City’s Parks, Recreation, and Trails Advisory Board!
Related Words
synonyms (981)
Words with the same meaning
- Brownian movement
- Everyman
- Indian file
- Le Mans
- Lehrfreiheit
- Public
- Zeitgeist
- abide
- abrade
- abrasion
- abscond
- absquatulate
- academic freedom
- acciaccatura
- acquire
- act
- adolescent stream
- advance
- affluence
- afflux
- affluxion
- aim
- air lane
- air race
- airlift
- alameda
- angular motion
- appoggiatura
- arabesque
- array
- arroyo
- articulation
- ascend
- ascending
- ascent
- assault
- automobile race
- average
- average man
- averageness
- axial motion
- azimuth
- back
- back up
- backflowing
- backing
- backward motion
- balance
- bank
- bark
- batch
- be effective
- be in action
- be responsible for
- bear
- bear upon
- bearing
- beat
- beat a retreat
- beaten path
- beaten track
- beck
- bent
- berm
- bicycle path
- bicycle race
- bide
- blemish
- bloody
- boardwalk
- boat
- boat race
- bolt
- booking
- boost
- borscht circuit
- bound
- bourn
- braided stream
- branch
- break
- breed
- bridle path
- bring down
- bring on
- bring out
- bring upon
- brook
- brooklet
- buck
- budge
- bull
- bulldoze
- bum
- bump
- bundle
- bunt
- bureaucracy
- bureaucratism
- burn
- burrow
- burst
- burst of speed
- bustle
- butt
- butt against
- buzz
- cadence
- cadenza
- call the signals
- campaign
- canoe
- canter
- captain
- career
- carry
- carry on
- carry out
- carry sail
- carry through
- cast
- catena
- catenation
- catwalk
- cave
- center
- chafe
- chain
- chain reaction
- chaining
- change
- change place
- channel
- chart a course
- chase
- check
- chinoiserie
- chip
- circle
- circuit
- circumnavigate
- claw
- clear out
- climb
- climbing
- coast
- coil
- colliquate
- coloratura
- command
- common man
- common run
- commonality
- commonness
- commute
- concatenation
- concourse
- concussion
- cond
- conduct
- confluence
- conflux
- conn
- connection
- consecution
- constitutional freedom
- contest a seat
- contest of speed
- continualness
- continuance
- continuation
- continue
- continue to be
- continuity
- continuum
- contract
- control
- couch
- course
- cover
- cover ground
- covert
- coxswain
- crack
- crackle
- cram
- craze
- creek
- crick
- cross
- cross-country race
- crosscurrent
- crossing
- crowd
- cruise
- culture
- currency
- current
- cut
- cut and run
- cycle
- daily grind
- dash
- dash off
- dash on
- date
- dead run
- deal with
- decamp
- decoagulate
- decoct
- defeat time
- defluxion
- defrost
- defy time
- deliquesce
- den
- depart
- derby
- descend
- descending
- descent
- desert
- designate
- determine
- dig
- direct
- direction
- direction line
- discharge
- discuss
- dissolve
- division
- dog
- dog it
- dog race
- dogtrot
- double-time
- downflow
- downpour
- downward motion
- drag race
- drift
- driftage
- drive
- drone
- duration
- dwell
- dysentery
- earth
- ebb
- ebbing
- elapse
- elbow
- elope
- embellishment
- emigrate
- emigration
- emit
- encompass
- endless belt
- endless round
- endurance
- endurance race
- endure
- engagement
- engineer
- engrave
- enter the lists
- environ
- esplanade
- everyman
- everywoman
- excursion
- exist
- expatriate
- expatriation
- expedition
- expire
- extend
- extension
- extensiveness
- falcon
- fall in with
- fall into
- fare
- fare forth
- farm
- fastwalk
- fatten
- feed
- fester
- festinate
- fetch
- file
- filiation
- fioritura
- flank speed
- flash burn
- flat-out speed
- flee
- flight
- flight path
- flit
- float
- flood
- flourish
- flow
- flow back
- flow in
- flow on
- flow out
- flowing
- flowing stream
- fluency
- fluidify
- fluidize
- flush
- fluviation
- flux
- fly
- follow
- follow the hounds
- foot
- foot pavement
- footpath
- footrace
- footway
- force
- forced draft
- form
- forward motion
- fowl
- fox-trot
- fracture
- fray
- frazzle
- freedom
- freedom from fear
- freedom from want
- freedom of worship
- fresh
- freshet
- fret
- fugitate
- full gallop
- function
- fuse
- gain
- gall
- gallop
- gamut
- gang
- garden path
- gash
- generality
- get
- get going
- get moving
- get out
- get over
- ghost
- gill
- girl next door
- git
- glacial movement
- glide
- go
- go along
- go around
- go by
- go by ship
- go hunting
- go on
- go on shipboard
- go out
- go round
- go sideways
- go to sea
- goad
- golden mean
- govern
- grace
- grace note
- gradation
- grand tour
- grind
- groove
- grow
- guide
- gun
- gush
- gyrate
- habitualness
- hand gallop
- handle
- happy medium
- hasten
- hatch
- have effect
- have free play
- have play
- have the conn
- hawk
- head
- head up
- heading
- headlong rush
- heat
- heavy right foot
- hectograph
- helm
- helmsmanship
- herd
- hie
- high lope
- hightail
- hiking trail
- hold
- hold in solution
- hold on
- hold out
- hold the reins
- hole
- homme moyen sensuel
- hop
- hop along
- hotfoot
- hound
- hum
- hunt
- hunt down
- hurdle race
- hurry
- hurry on
- hurry through
- hurry up
- hurry-scurry
- hurt
- hurtle
- hustle
- immigrate
- immigration
- impress
- imprint
- in-migrate
- in-migration
- incidental
- incidental note
- incise
- incision
- inclination
- incline
- incur
- indicate
- inflow
- infuse
- injure
- injury
- intermigrate
- intermigration
- invite
- issue
- itinerary
- jab
- jack
- jacklight
- jam
- jaunt
- jog
- jog trot
- joggle
- jolt
- jostle
- journey
- jump
- jump bail
- junket
- juste-milieu
- keep
- keep on
- kill
- lacerate
- laceration
- ladder
- lair
- lap
- lapse
- last
- last long
- last out
- lay
- lazy stream
- leach
- lead
- lead on
- leap
- leg
- lengthening
- lesion
- levant
- liberty
- license
- lie
- line
- line of direction
- line of march
- lineage
- liquefy
- liquesce
- liquidize
- live
- live on
- live through
- lixiviate
- lodge
- long mordent
- loose
- lope
- lose no time
- lot
- maim
- main current
- mainstream
- maintain
- maintenance
- make
- make a passage
- make go
- make haste
- make mincemeat of
- make off
- make the rules
- make tracks
- making
- mall
- manage
- maneuver
- manipulate
- marathon
- marathon race
- mastermind
- match race
- matter
- maul
- maximum speed
- mean
- meandering stream
- median
- mediocrity
- medium
- melt
- melt down
- mew
- midchannel
- middle
- middle course
- middle ground
- middle point
- middle position
- middle state
- middle-of-the-road
- midpoint
- midstream
- migrate
- migration
- militate
- mill run
- millrace
- millstream
- mimeograph
- mold
- monotone
- mordent
- mortal wound
- motion
- motorboat
- motorcycle race
- mount
- mounting
- move
- move along
- move on
- move over
- move quickly
- movement
- moving road
- multigraph
- mutilate
- mutilation
- name
- name for office
- navigable river
- navigate
- navigation
- nexus
- nominate
- norm
- normal
- normality
- nudge
- nurture
- oblique motion
- obstacle race
- ocean trip
- officer
- ongoing
- onrush
- onward course
- open throttle
- operate
- orbit
- ordain
- order
- ordinariness
- ordinary Joe
- ordinary run
- orientation
- ornament
- out-migrate
- out-migration
- outflow
- outing
- overprint
- package tour
- par
- parade
- part
- pass
- pass by
- passage
- path
- pathway
- pendulum
- percolate
- perdure
- peregrination
- perennate
- perform
- perform on
- periodicity
- perk
- perpetuation
- perseverance
- persist
- persistence
- piece
- pierce
- pile drive
- pilgrimage
- pilot
- piloting
- play
- playing engagement
- pleasure trip
- plenum
- plow the deep
- plunge
- plunging
- ply
- point
- poke
- popularity
- portion
- post
- potato race
- pour
- powder train
- practice
- prado
- pralltriller
- prescribe
- press
- press on
- prevail
- prevalence
- primrose path
- proceed
- prod
- progress
- progression
- prolongation
- promenade
- proof
- propose
- protraction
- prove
- prowl after
- public walk
- publish
- pull
- pull a proof
- pull the strings
- punch
- puncture
- pursuance
- push
- push on
- put out
- put to bed
- put to press
- put up
- quarter
- quarterback
- queue
- race
- racing stream
- radial motion
- raise
- ram
- ram down
- rampantness
- ranch
- random motion
- range
- rank
- rankle
- rattle
- reach
- reach out
- rear
- recurrence
- red tape
- red-tapeism
- refine
- reflowing
- refluence
- reflux
- regatta
- regress
- regression
- regulate
- regurgitate
- reign
- reissue
- relay
- relay race
- remain
- remigrate
- remigration
- rend
- render
- rent
- repetition
- reprint
- reticulation
- retrogress
- retrogression
- ride
- ride the sea
- ride to hounds
- rifeness
- rip
- ripen
- rise
- rising
- risk
- river
- rivulet
- road
- road race
- roll
- roll on
- rotate
- rotation
- roulade
- round
- round trip
- route
- routine
- routineness
- row
- rubberneck tour
- ruck
- rule
- run against
- run away
- run away from
- run away with
- run for it
- run for office
- run its course
- run off
- run on
- run out
- rundle
- runlet
- runnel
- runway
- rupture
- rush
- rush through
- rut
- sack race
- safari
- sail
- sail free
- sail round
- sail the sea
- sally
- sashay
- savage
- scald
- scale
- scamper
- scoot
- scorch
- scotch
- scramble
- scrape
- scratch
- screw
- scud
- scuff
- scull
- scurry
- scuttle
- sea lane
- sea trip
- seafare
- second-degree burn
- see to
- sequence
- series
- set
- shake
- shakedown cruise
- shape
- shape a course
- shepherd
- shift
- shikar
- shin
- shits
- shoot
- shortcut
- shoulder
- shove
- show the heels
- sidewalk
- sideward motion
- sike
- single file
- single mordent
- sink
- sinking
- skedaddle
- skim
- skin
- skip
- skip out
- skipper
- slash
- slide
- slip
- slip the cable
- slit
- smelt
- smuggle
- smuggled
- sneak
- soar
- soaring
- solo
- solubilize
- solve
- sore
- span
- spate
- spectrum
- speed
- speedway race
- spill stream
- spin
- sport
- sprain
- spread
- spring
- sprint
- sprint race
- spurt
- squirrel cage
- stab
- stab wound
- stalk
- stamp
- stand
- stand for office
- start
- stay
- stay on
- staying power
- steam
- steamboat
- steer
- steerage
- steering
- step
- step along
- step lively
- sternway
- stick
- still-hunt
- stir
- stock-car race
- straddle
- straight course
- strain
- stream
- stream action
- streamlet
- stress
- stretch
- stretch out
- strike
- string
- strip
- submit
- subside
- subsiding
- subsist
- subterranean river
- succession
- suppurate
- surge
- surge back
- surround
- survive
- sustain
- sustained action
- sustenance
- swarm
- swarming
- swath
- sweep
- sweepingness
- swing
- tack down wind
- take French leave
- take a voyage
- take care of
- take command
- take effect
- take flight
- take in
- take the helm
- take the lead
- take to flight
- take wing
- tamp
- tarry
- tear
- tendency
- tenor
- test flight
- thaw
- the Four Freedoms
- the general tendency
- the main course
- the run of
- thin
- third-degree burn
- thread
- three-legged race
- thrust
- thrust out
- tick
- tide
- tide over
- tier
- time spirit
- tone
- torch race
- tour
- towing path
- towpath
- track
- track race
- trade route
- trail
antonyms (1)
Words with the opposite meaning
equivalents (3)
Other words for 'run'
hypernyms (73)
Words that are more generic or abstract
- accompany
- accomplish
- action
- be
- become
- break
- bring home the bacon
- broadcast
- carry out
- carry through
- change
- chronological sequence
- chronological succession
- circularise
- circularize
- circulate
- come apart
- come through
- damage
- deliver the goods
- diffuse
- disintegrate
- disperse
- displace
- disseminate
- distribute
- endure
- execute
- fall apart
- free
- fulfil
- fulfill
- function
- get
- go
- go across
- go through
- harm
- impairment
- incur
- indefinite quantity
- jaunt
- last
- liberate
- liberty
- locomote
- loose
- make pass
- merchandise
- move
- occur
- operate
- pass
- pass around
- propagate
- release
- sail
- separate
- sequence
- split up
- spread
- stream
- succeed
- succession
- successiveness
- trade
- travel
- trip
- unloose
- unloosen
- watercourse
- win
- work
same context (59)
Words that are found in similar contexts
- against
- auferre
- bones
- box
- brought
- business
- call
- called
- cast
- characteristic
- course
- dear
- declaim
- do
- drink
- drive
- far
- farm
- fast
- fit
- fizzle
- flight
- fly
- french
- game
- get
- give
- go
- hand
- hard
- herself
- hung
- make
- measure
- move
- natural
- near
- neologism
- once
- pass
- performance
- proper
- ready
- reason
- ride
- say
- sent
- shoot
- start
- stick
- strong
- take
- throw
- thrown
- to-day
- unaccounted
- understand
- walk
- went
cross-references (130)
- all-round run
- apply
- at the long run
- average
- by the run
- chase
- circulate
- climb
- club run
- coagulate
- continuance
- continue
- course
- creep
- demand
- direction
- discharge
- earned run
- endurance run
- extend
- flee
- flow
- forced run
- gait
- glance
- go
- grazing
- ground
- hard run
- home run
- journey
- liquefy
- melody
- migrate
- migration
- mind
- move
- pass
- pipe-line run
- read
- roll
- run net
- run of one's teeth
- run of the kiln
- run of the mine
- run to clear
- run up
- sail
- school
- score
- spread
- strawberry run
- stream
- the common run
- to cut and run
- to get a run for one's money
- to get the run upon
- to let run
- to run
- to run a ball up
- to run a bead
- to run a blockade
- to run a levant
- to run a match
- to run a rig
- to run across
- to run after
- to run against
- to run ahead of ene's reckoning
- to run amuck
- to run and fell
- to run at
- to run at the ring
- to run away
- to run awry
- to run before
- to run counter
- to run deep
- to run down
- to run down a coast
- to run down a meridian
- to run down a parallel
- to run down a port
- to run foul of
- to run hard
- to run idle
- to run in
- to run in debt
- to run in the blood
- to run in trust
- to run in with
- to run into
- to run into the ground
- to run latitude down
- to run longitude down
- to run mad
- to run of
- to run off
- to run off with
- to run on
- to run on all fours
- to run on pattens
- to run on sorts
- to run one's face
- to run one's letters
- to run out
- to run out a cable
- to run out of
- to run over
- to run riot
- to run rusty
- to run the bath
- to run the foil
- to run the guard
- to run the rig upon
- to run the stage
- to run the works
- to run through
- to run to earth
- to run to seed
- to run together
- to run under
- to run up
- to run upon
- to run wide
- to run with the machine
- track
- trajectory
- trend
- wag
bilby commented on the word run
Cricket jargon - a run is the basic scoring unit.
December 2, 2007
lampbane commented on the word run
"Holy girl
Don't get up
For running
Stay with me
I feel sad
When you run"
August 29, 2008
GHibbs commented on the word run
In IT they talk about 'run time', the time when the program is operating, running. That could happen at run time.'
September 19, 2011