
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun One who or that which slaps.
  • noun A person or thing of large size; a whopper.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • adjective Slang. Very large; monstrous; big.
  • noun One who, or that which, slaps.
  • noun Slang Anything monstrous; a whopper.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun countable One who, or that which, slaps.
  • noun countable, slang, dated Anything monstrous; a whopper.
  • noun countable, UK, Ireland, slang A prostitute.
  • noun countable, UK, Ireland, slang A woman of loose morals.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun a hitter who slaps (usually another person) with an open hand


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

For senses 3 and 4, the OED tentatively quotes the Bloomsbury Dictionary of Contemporary Slang: "This working class term from East London and Essex is probably a corruption of shlepper or schlepper, a word of Yiddish origin, one of whose meanings is a slovenly or immoral woman."


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  • Six or seven years ago, anything involving the word "slapper" would have been jolly interesting to the public in connection with David Beckham. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph Vicki Woods 2011

  • The next day Dale posted a blog defending his use of the word "slapper" and explained how, as a non-drinker, he is horrified by public drunkenness.

    The Guardian World News Susanna Rustin 2012

  • Ehrhoff's long slapper from the right point just inside the blue line eluded a screened Antti Niemi (FSY) to give the Canucks the early lead.

    Canucks' Bieksa scores twice, forces Game 6 vs. Blackhawks 2010

  • It looked as though that goal would be enough to give the Bruins the lead heading into the second period, but Briere scored on a slapper from the circle that went through Rask's legs to tie it.

    Flyers use overtime to survive, knock off Bruins in Game 4 2010

  • Gorges got Montreal on the board at 13: 56 before Martin set up Oduya for a slapper from the top of the left circle at 18: 20 for a 3-1 Devils lead. 2008

  • The goal came just nine seconds after Suter had beaten Hasek with a slapper from the top of the other faceoff circle.

    Predators' third-period goals stun Red Wings 2008

  • He turned aside Tomas Plekanec's drive off the right wing, made a solid stop on Mark Streit's slapper from the point and denied Saku Koivu's backhander in the slot to keep the game scoreless. 2007

  • Spacek made it 2-0 at the 59-second mark of the second period with another slapper from the blue line on the power play. 2007

  • Then Sturm scored again 2: 18 later with a slapper from the left circle. 2007

  • Philadelphia had one of the best chances in the closing seconds when Briere's power-play slapper from the blueline almost trickled past Brodeur. 2007


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  • a female of easy virtue, a tart

    July 23, 2008