A list of 45 words by liu_xing.
- validwas added by liu_xing and appears on 39 lists
- viscidwas added by liu_xing and appears on 78 lists
- turbidwas added by liu_xing and appears on 125 lists
- squalidwas added by liu_xing and appears on 104 lists
- torpidwas added by liu_xing and appears on 151 lists
- stolidwas added by liu_xing and appears on 187 lists
- timidwas added by liu_xing and appears on 54 lists
- rabidwas added by liu_xing and appears on 52 lists
- rancidwas added by liu_xing and appears on 62 lists
- roscidwas added by liu_xing and appears on 16 lists
- pinguidwas added by liu_xing and appears on 32 lists
- luridwas added by liu_xing and appears on 224 lists
- fumidwas added by liu_xing and appears on 5 lists
- morbidwas added by liu_xing and appears on 100 lists
- perfevidwas added by liu_xing and appears on just this list
- nitidwas added by liu_xing and appears on 32 lists
- humidwas added by liu_xing and appears on 34 lists
- fluidwas added by liu_xing and appears on 60 lists
- insipidwas added by liu_xing and appears on 358 lists
- hybridwas added by liu_xing and appears on 55 lists
- invalidwas added by liu_xing and appears on 31 lists
- intrepidwas added by liu_xing and appears on 274 lists
- fulvidwas added by liu_xing and appears on 8 lists
- fulgidwas added by liu_xing and appears on 18 lists
- floridwas added by liu_xing and appears on 177 lists
- flaccidwas added by liu_xing and appears on 89 lists
- acridwas added by liu_xing and appears on 159 lists
- acidwas added by liu_xing and appears on 47 lists
- avidwas added by liu_xing and appears on 95 lists
- fervidwas added by liu_xing and appears on 117 lists
- aridwas added by liu_xing and appears on 59 lists
- foetidwas added by liu_xing and appears on 16 lists
- evanidwas added by liu_xing and appears on 10 lists
- corvidwas added by liu_xing and appears on 24 lists
- horridwas added by liu_xing and appears on 43 lists
- sapidwas added by liu_xing and appears on 52 lists
- gelidwas added by liu_xing and appears on 108 lists
- stupidwas added by liu_xing and appears on 58 lists
- candidwas added by liu_xing and appears on 150 lists
- solidwas added by liu_xing and appears on 43 lists
- languidwas added by liu_xing and appears on 241 lists
- vapidwas added by liu_xing and appears on 300 lists
- gravidwas added by liu_xing and appears on 91 lists
- pellucidwas added by liu_xing and appears on 253 lists
- limpidwas added by liu_xing and appears on 215 lists
jonodavis commented on the list adjectives-ending-in-id
but you forgot torrid, and I think that it's a nice word.
January 24, 2007
abraxaszugzwang commented on the list adjectives-ending-in-id
Here're some more: pallid, sordid, candid, sapid, rapid, hairdid (I like to combine those words; look in the Urban Dictionary. Wonder if you could use it as an adjective:), squalid, and valid.
January 24, 2007
valse commented on the list adjectives-ending-in-id
Don't forget caryatid...
January 24, 2007
spamdad commented on the list adjectives-ending-in-id
Being a noun, caryatid doesn't fit the list, but turgid would be a nice addition...
January 24, 2007
abraxaszugzwang commented on the list adjectives-ending-in-id
placid and flaccid. Oh, and stupid and putrid.
January 25, 2007
valse commented on the list adjectives-ending-in-id
Here's one to redeem my blunder: splendid.
January 25, 2007
Stevebwriter commented on the list adjectives-ending-in-id
Solid, liquid. The third member of the "states of matter" trio should be "vapid", but curiously it's never used literally nowadays, if it ever was. Tepid, rigid, gelid.
June 7, 2013
Stevebwriter commented on the list adjectives-ending-in-id
Which _id adjectives form their noun as _or (sometimes _our in British-English) and which as _idity? And which both, possibly with different meanings? Stupor is a physical condition, stupidity mental. Rigo(u)r (as a mental habit) is generally seen as a good trait; rigidity (in a similar sense) is usually regarded as bad.
June 7, 2013
liu_xing commented on the list adjectives-ending-in-id
Savour => sapid?
June 8, 2013
liu_xing commented on the list adjectives-ending-in-id
Langour, splendour, pallor, candour, horror. Liquor?
June 8, 2013
liu_xing commented on the list adjectives-ending-in-id
PS thanks Stevebwriter, had never thought of that.
June 8, 2013
rolig commented on the list adjectives-ending-in-id
Feel free to pilfer from my list exploring-the-i-id-i. (No idea why I have to add -i to the name of the list to make the link work!)
June 8, 2013
liu_xing commented on the list adjectives-ending-in-id
oooh rolig some excellent words there.
June 8, 2013
Stevebwriter commented on the list adjectives-ending-in-id
"He had mistakenly put the whisky in the freezer and it was a day before it once again achieved liquor." Did "liquor" ever mean "the state of being liquid"? And why not "solo(u)r?"
June 9, 2013
alexz commented on the list adjectives-ending-in-id
is it cheating to use z*id in the search terms to find odd words like zebroid xiphoid
June 9, 2013
Stevebwriter commented on the list adjectives-ending-in-id
Well yes, liu_xing "savo(u)r is connected with "sapid" in that they both come from the Latin sapidus (tasty); but sapid was brought into English directly and savour came by way of French. So savour developed its own adjective, savoury and sapid its own noun, sapidity.
Mind you, the stupor/stupid pair have done that too - noun stupidity, adjective stuporous.
June 9, 2013
Stevebwriter commented on the list adjectives-ending-in-id
One of the most interesting things about "sapid" (rarely used these days) is that its opposite is the much more common "insipid". The only other adjective I can think of where a negative prefix changes the vowel is apt/ inept. Perhaps we should start a new thread with examples of this phenomenon.
June 9, 2013