A list of 163 words by oroboros.
- dabsterwas added by oroboros and appears on 13 lists
- bucklewas added by oroboros and appears on 48 lists
- screenwas added by oroboros and appears on 52 lists
- withwas added by oroboros and appears on 41 lists
- sirenwas added by oroboros and appears on 82 lists
- leavenwas added by oroboros and appears on 31 lists
- peerwas added by oroboros and appears on 66 lists
- drawwas added by oroboros and appears on 77 lists
- cinchwas added by oroboros and appears on 33 lists
- copwas added by oroboros and appears on 37 lists
- oversightwas added by oroboros and appears on 34 lists
- wrinklewas added by oroboros and appears on 42 lists
- liegewas added by oroboros and appears on 35 lists
- engagementwas added by oroboros and appears on 39 lists
- canwas added by oroboros and appears on 61 lists
- awesomewas added by oroboros and appears on 122 lists
- luck outwas added by oroboros and appears on 2 lists
- resolvewas added by oroboros and appears on 80 lists
- flushwas added by oroboros and appears on 79 lists
- citationwas added by oroboros and appears on 24 lists
- riddlewas added by oroboros and appears on 51 lists
- passwas added by oroboros and appears on 47 lists
- shellwas added by oroboros and appears on 62 lists
- storewas added by oroboros and appears on 31 lists
- smackwas added by oroboros and appears on 55 lists
- billwas added by oroboros and appears on 58 lists
- frankwas added by oroboros and appears on 50 lists
- pitchwas added by oroboros and appears on 94 lists
- demowas added by oroboros and appears on 18 lists
- tablewas added by oroboros and appears on 83 lists
- transparentwas added by oroboros and appears on 54 lists
- varietywas added by oroboros and appears on 36 lists
- flogwas added by oroboros and appears on 27 lists
- quantumwas added by oroboros and appears on 57 lists
- worstwas added by oroboros and appears on 24 lists
- toastwas added by oroboros and appears on 71 lists
- downhillwas added by oroboros and appears on 12 lists
- meanwas added by oroboros and appears on 57 lists
- coolwas added by oroboros and appears on 109 lists
- beforewas added by oroboros and appears on 33 lists
- eitherwas added by oroboros and appears on 23 lists
- radicalwas added by oroboros and appears on 96 lists
- begwas added by oroboros and appears on 63 lists
- soakwas added by oroboros and appears on 30 lists
- yuckwas added by oroboros and appears on 20 lists
- stirwas added by oroboros and appears on 32 lists
- zingwas added by oroboros and appears on 45 lists
- yukwas added by oroboros and appears on 11 lists
- xwas added by oroboros and appears on 19 lists
- vernacularwas added by oroboros and appears on 178 lists
- nervywas added by oroboros and appears on 17 lists
- perusewas added by oroboros and appears on 128 lists
- literallywas added by oroboros and appears on 49 lists
- kick offwas added by oroboros and appears on 7 lists
- jakewas added by oroboros and appears on 27 lists
- hystericalwas added by oroboros and appears on 43 lists
- aughtwas added by oroboros and appears on 38 lists
- enjoinwas added by oroboros and appears on 86 lists
- intowas added by oroboros and appears on 28 lists
- tackwas added by oroboros and appears on 37 lists
- fulsomewas added by oroboros and appears on 188 lists
- hostwas added by oroboros and appears on 55 lists
- bailwas added by oroboros and appears on 32 lists
- chargewas added by oroboros and appears on 53 lists
- debarwas added by oroboros and appears on 19 lists
- assortwas added by oroboros and appears on 7 lists
- asylumwas added by oroboros and appears on 74 lists
- bentwas added by oroboros and appears on 58 lists
- boringwas added by oroboros and appears on 36 lists
- cornerwas added by oroboros and appears on 33 lists
- closewas added by oroboros and appears on 68 lists
- dampenwas added by oroboros and appears on 19 lists
- deposewas added by oroboros and appears on 39 lists
- driftwas added by oroboros and appears on 71 lists
- extendwas added by oroboros and appears on 30 lists
- farewas added by oroboros and appears on 32 lists
- fellwas added by oroboros and appears on 90 lists
- fitwas added by oroboros and appears on 55 lists
- fizzlewas added by oroboros and appears on 41 lists
- gagwas added by oroboros and appears on 44 lists
- gatewas added by oroboros and appears on 45 lists
- gowas added by oroboros and appears on 80 lists
- hidewas added by oroboros and appears on 44 lists
- lagwas added by oroboros and appears on 29 lists
- leerywas added by oroboros and appears on 64 lists
- lickwas added by oroboros and appears on 52 lists
- matchwas added by oroboros and appears on 28 lists
- napwas added by oroboros and appears on 42 lists
- partwas added by oroboros and appears on 43 lists
- peakwas added by oroboros and appears on 47 lists
- postwas added by oroboros and appears on 62 lists
- quickwas added by oroboros and appears on 50 lists
- radiatorwas added by oroboros and appears on 12 lists
- releasewas added by oroboros and appears on 47 lists
- retirewas added by oroboros and appears on 20 lists
- ringwas added by oroboros and appears on 71 lists
- rowwas added by oroboros and appears on 68 lists
- sackwas added by oroboros and appears on 49 lists
- tacklewas added by oroboros and appears on 43 lists
- sparewas added by oroboros and appears on 43 lists
- succeedwas added by oroboros and appears on 23 lists
- stemwas added by oroboros and appears on 66 lists
- strikewas added by oroboros and appears on 60 lists
- spoilwas added by oroboros and appears on 33 lists
- dragwas added by oroboros and appears on 52 lists
- resignwas added by oroboros and appears on 30 lists
- fairwas added by oroboros and appears on 77 lists
- bakerwas added by oroboros and appears on 20 lists
- mootwas added by oroboros and appears on 149 lists
- cutwas added by oroboros and appears on 76 lists
- crackwas added by oroboros and appears on 74 lists
- doctorwas added by oroboros and appears on 64 lists
- savewas added by oroboros and appears on 54 lists
- refundwas added by oroboros and appears on 13 lists
- waiterwas added by oroboros and appears on 13 lists
- overwas added by oroboros and appears on 47 lists
- ultimatewas added by oroboros and appears on 70 lists
- garnishwas added by oroboros and appears on 47 lists
- patronizewas added by oroboros and appears on 64 lists
- executewas added by oroboros and appears on 38 lists
- exploitwas added by oroboros and appears on 69 lists
- linewas added by oroboros and appears on 76 lists
- mindwas added by oroboros and appears on 72 lists
- awfulwas added by oroboros and appears on 55 lists
- badwas added by oroboros and appears on 73 lists
- unbendingwas added by oroboros and appears on 2 lists
- cavalierwas added by oroboros and appears on 149 lists
- quidditywas added by oroboros and appears on 163 lists
- fixwas added by oroboros and appears on 44 lists
- think (better of)was added by oroboros and appears on 2 lists
- vitalwas added by oroboros and appears on 43 lists
- mortalwas added by oroboros and appears on 76 lists
- tripwas added by oroboros and appears on 42 lists
- boundwas added by oroboros and appears on 55 lists
- shankwas added by oroboros and appears on 51 lists
- rootwas added by oroboros and appears on 75 lists
- scanwas added by oroboros and appears on 29 lists
- ravelwas added by oroboros and appears on 36 lists
- put outwas added by oroboros and appears on 11 lists
- temperwas added by oroboros and appears on 72 lists
- trimwas added by oroboros and appears on 36 lists
- weatherwas added by oroboros and appears on 44 lists
- wind upwas added by oroboros and appears on 17 lists
- seedwas added by oroboros and appears on 48 lists
- overlookwas added by oroboros and appears on 23 lists
- leftwas added by oroboros and appears on 45 lists
- inflammablewas added by oroboros and appears on 36 lists
- impregnablewas added by oroboros and appears on 73 lists
- hold upwas added by oroboros and appears on 7 lists
- give outwas added by oroboros and appears on 4 lists
- dustwas added by oroboros and appears on 84 lists
- commencementwas added by oroboros and appears on 18 lists
- cheeriowas added by oroboros and appears on 29 lists
- boltwas added by oroboros and appears on 73 lists
- bimonthlywas added by oroboros and appears on 9 lists
- alohawas added by oroboros and appears on 21 lists
- secretewas added by oroboros and appears on 46 lists
- jibewas added by oroboros and appears on 58 lists
- fastwas added by oroboros and appears on 67 lists
- handicapwas added by oroboros and appears on 25 lists
- sanctionwas added by oroboros and appears on 109 lists
- cleavewas added by oroboros and appears on 117 lists
- clipwas added by oroboros and appears on 53 lists
frindley commented on the list autantonyms
I have come across three additional terms used in connection with this phenomenon:
and also
antanaclasis – rhetorical device that can make use of autoantonyms, although these two don't:
"We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately." (Benjamin Franklin)
"Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana." (Groucho Marx)
April 27, 2008
evin290 commented on the list autantonyms
cleave is contranymic. It can mean to adhere, and it can also mean to sever.
June 28, 2008
mollusque commented on the list autantonyms
How about demo?
July 9, 2010
ruzuzu commented on the list autantonyms
The Century Dictionary shows that frank can mean both "unrestrained" (with freedom of movement) and "shut up in a frank or sty."
August 6, 2010
oroboros commented on the list autantonyms
Interesting, ruzuzu. Thanks, I'll add it.
August 6, 2010
ruzuzu commented on the list autantonyms
See discussion on shelled.
December 9, 2010
ruzuzu commented on the list autantonyms
I think cop can mean both policing and stealing.
January 6, 2011
ruzuzu commented on the list autantonyms
And are you doing foreign languages? I saw aloha--I think the French salut and the Latvian sveiks could go here, too.
January 6, 2011
oroboros commented on the list autantonyms
Thanks, 'zu. Cop as "Goin' to get all medieval on yo ass."? (Pulp Fiction, I think). :o)
January 6, 2011
ruzuzu commented on the list autantonyms
You know, I've never seen Pulp Fiction, but that's the third time I've heard it come up in as many days.
January 6, 2011
Prolagus commented on the list autantonyms
See iroquoisy.
January 6, 2011
ruzuzu commented on the list autantonyms
You might like tuck-in and tuck-out.
January 8, 2011
oroboros commented on the list autantonyms
Thanks again, ruzuzu. Tuck-out's new to me. tuck in always meant to sit down and "dig in" to a meal with enthusiastic appetite; didn't realize tuck-out was the same. Course, little Jack Horner tuck-in his thumb and tuck-out a plum, don'tcha know! :o)
January 8, 2011
fbharjo commented on the list autantonyms
rattle on/rattle off/rattle down - quasi autantonyms
January 8, 2011
ruzuzu commented on the list autantonyms
See comments on crummy.
January 12, 2011
oroboros commented on the list autantonyms
Point taken, 'zu. Also fbharjo's. Thanks.
January 12, 2011
ruzuzu commented on the list autantonyms
And how about pass? You can pass an exam or you can pass on taking an exam.
January 12, 2011
oroboros commented on the list autantonyms
Yeah, good one. Added.
January 12, 2011
ruzuzu commented on the list autantonyms
riddle (it also means to unriddle)
March 10, 2011
oroboros commented on the list autantonyms
Thank'zu, 'zu! :o)
March 10, 2011
mollusque commented on the list autantonyms
Does citation qualify?
April 19, 2011
oroboros commented on the list autantonyms
Good one, mollusque. Thanks!
April 19, 2011
linhao commented on the list autantonyms
inflammable what a interesting word!
April 7, 2012
paper_airplane commented on the list autantonyms
what about luck out ?
v. To experience great luck; to be extremely fortunate or lucky.
v. To have run out of luck.
or awesome
August 10, 2012
willf commented on the list autantonyms
What about wrinkle ("A clever trick" or "A problem or imperfection")?
May 28, 2013
danama commented on the list autantonyms
1. n. A lord or sovereign to whom allegiance and service are due according to feudal law.
2. n. A vassal or subject owing allegiance and services to a lord or sovereign under feudal law.
Does anybody know how liege came to refer to both the sovereign and the subject?
June 3, 2013
danama commented on the list autantonyms
Close, but not sure they qualify:
oversight, in that proper oversight should prevent an oversight
cop, (mixing nouns and verbs) one that enforces the law, an act of law-breaking
November 22, 2013
oroboros commented on the list autantonyms
Thanks, danama. Those work!
November 23, 2013
rolig commented on the list autantonyms
Fearful belongs to this list, I think.
October 28, 2015
hrothgarrrr commented on the list autantonyms
unsparing belongs here! It means both "unmerciful" and "generous".
November 28, 2016
erinmckean commented on the list autantonyms
what about dabster? It means both 'a skilled person' and 'a bungler'. :)
August 5, 2017
qms commented on the list autantonyms
See ferial, which means pertaining to a holiday or pertaining to any day of the week which is not a holiday.
January 2, 2019