A list of 9 words by spicolli.
- troikawas added by spicolli and appears on 52 lists
- gesellschaftwas added by spicolli and appears on 5 lists
- maxwell's demonwas added by spicolli and appears on 5 lists
- zorn's lemmawas added by spicolli and appears on 4 lists
- hapax legomenonwas added by spicolli and appears on 79 lists
- nostalgiawas added by spicolli and appears on 118 lists
- wavelengthwas added by spicolli and appears on 13 lists
- serenewas added by spicolli and appears on 100 lists
- velocitywas added by spicolli and appears on 55 lists
spicolli commented on the list experimental-film-titles
"A specter is haunting the cinema: the specter of narrative. If that apparition is an Angel, we must embrace it; and if it is a Devil, we must cast it out. But we cannot know what it is until we have met it face to face." - Hollis Frampton, Circles of Confusion: Film Photography Video: Texts 1968-1980
Zorn's Lemma by Hollis Frampton
April 14, 2007