A list of 37 words by muamor.
- pizzazzwas added by muamor and appears on 56 lists
- bluffywas added by muamor and appears on just this list
- licoricewas added by muamor and appears on 40 lists
- pronkiewas added by muamor and appears on just this list
- fuzzy logicwas added by muamor and appears on 11 lists
- casual fridaywas added by muamor and appears on just this list
- spiritwas added by muamor and appears on 99 lists
- no shitwas added by muamor and appears on 3 lists
- moxiewas added by muamor and appears on 147 lists
- shibumiwas added by muamor and appears on 9 lists
- dobbywas added by muamor and appears on 16 lists
- savannahwas added by muamor and appears on 19 lists
- catwalkwas added by muamor and appears on 14 lists
- lovewas added by muamor and appears on 370 lists
- moonwas added by muamor and appears on 144 lists
- curfewwas added by muamor and appears on 26 lists
- cowlickwas added by muamor and appears on 22 lists
- karezzawas added by muamor and appears on 13 lists
- lollygagwas added by muamor and appears on 82 lists
- notwithstandingwas added by muamor and appears on 79 lists
- oopswas added by muamor and appears on 25 lists
- couch potatowas added by muamor and appears on 7 lists
- camouflagewas added by muamor and appears on 49 lists
- tar babywas added by muamor and appears on 11 lists
- jediwas added by muamor and appears on 17 lists
- sambucawas added by muamor and appears on 11 lists
- teacherwas added by muamor and appears on 46 lists
- tobaccowas added by muamor and appears on 34 lists
- jokerwas added by muamor and appears on 22 lists
- catfacewas added by muamor and appears on 5 lists
- platowas added by muamor and appears on 11 lists
- purr machinewas added by muamor and appears on just this list
- yowas added by muamor and appears on 46 lists
- party animalwas added by muamor and appears on 3 lists
- bonkwas added by muamor and appears on 41 lists
- absinthewas added by muamor and appears on 119 lists
- apollowas added by muamor and appears on 24 lists
bilby commented on the list how-to-name-a-cat
December 12, 2007
chained_bear commented on the list how-to-name-a-cat
I think Notwithstanding is one of the best cat names ever.
December 12, 2007
mollusque commented on the list how-to-name-a-cat
We had a cat named Webster, so called because he was unabridged.
December 12, 2007
treeseed commented on the list how-to-name-a-cat
Mystery or Silence
February 26, 2008
gangerh commented on the list how-to-name-a-cat
We had 'shibumi' for many years. After Trevelyan's book 'Shibumi' our cat was a perfect antithesis of the word's meaning. Or was it? 'twas certainly an enigma.
February 26, 2008
muamor commented on the list how-to-name-a-cat
Shibumi is a word that tastes good in my mouth!
February 26, 2008
vanishedone commented on the list how-to-name-a-cat
Plenty of suggestions courtesy of T.S. Eliot: I see Plato is already listed.
February 26, 2008
Prolagus commented on the list how-to-name-a-cat
I read, somewhere in a book, of a cat named Anathema.
March 23, 2008
Prolagus commented on the list how-to-name-a-cat
Condoleezza. But only if it's evil - and neutered.
March 24, 2008
ry commented on the list how-to-name-a-cat
I like cat as a name for a cat. If you have more than one, cat 1, cat 2...
I hope that doesn't sound mean spirited—i'm very much a dog person but i like cats.
April 16, 2014
ruzuzu commented on the list how-to-name-a-cat
The cat called "Cat" in the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's was played by Orangey.
April 16, 2014