A list of 119 words by taciturnyetprolix.
- whiggismwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 3 lists
- fiscwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 16 lists
- buchananitewas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- goldwateritewas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- balkinizewas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- yeastywas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 23 lists
- commissarwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 13 lists
- progressivismwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 3 lists
- deracinatewas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 81 lists
- conservatizewas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- communardwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 9 lists
- comstockerywas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 14 lists
- pruderywas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 12 lists
- medievalismwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 4 lists
- theosophistwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 5 lists
- crecheswas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 2 lists
- penumbrawas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 209 lists
- judenhasswas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- neojacobinismwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 3 lists
- scientismwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 14 lists
- huxleyanwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- remoraswas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- festschriftwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 29 lists
- comtianwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- aesopianwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 9 lists
- amicuswas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 12 lists
- cride coeurwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- bureaucratizationwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 5 lists
- averwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 179 lists
- focowas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- racialismwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 8 lists
- suasionwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 27 lists
- cavilwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 181 lists
- naderismwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 3 lists
- appositewas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 179 lists
- gleichschaltungwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 2 lists
- rooseveltismwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 2 lists
- swopismwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- taylorismwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 2 lists
- lickspittlewas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 61 lists
- pro bono publicowas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 2 lists
- silveritewas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 2 lists
- lamarckianwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 7 lists
- salpingectomywas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- raceologistwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- malthusianismwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 2 lists
- dysgenicwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 9 lists
- kennedyismwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- reifenstahlesquewas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- expiatewas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 120 lists
- technopoliswas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- vorticistwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 7 lists
- kulturkampfwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 11 lists
- paulinewas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 4 lists
- sacralizewas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 2 lists
- lebensraumwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 27 lists
- jesuiticalwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 10 lists
- apothegmwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 137 lists
- hagiographywas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 118 lists
- anomiewas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 153 lists
- samizdatwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 80 lists
- rectorialwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 2 lists
- squadristwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- condottieriwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 2 lists
- etat majeurwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 2 lists
- fobwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 45 lists
- booboisiewas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 26 lists
- perorationwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 89 lists
- coughlinitewas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- fabianwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 9 lists
- pranksterismwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 2 lists
- routinizewas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 4 lists
- thralldomwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 10 lists
- anti-utopianwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- wilsonianwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 2 lists
- magpiewas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 66 lists
- volksschulewas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- destructionistwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- bobowas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 10 lists
- crolyitewas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- rationalismwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 15 lists
- interventionnistwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- volkischwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 3 lists
- caesarismwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- overbornewas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 3 lists
- volkskanzlerwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- hitlerianawas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- volksgemeinschaftwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- teutonomaniawas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- germannesswas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- perfervidwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 58 lists
- gramophonewas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 22 lists
- trotskyitewas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 3 lists
- producerismwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- trincerocraziawas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- statolatrywas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 2 lists
- italianismwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- kaiseritewas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- sorelianwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- syndicalismwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 8 lists
- cantonalwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 5 lists
- mirabile dictuwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 24 lists
- corporatismwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 8 lists
- bushitlerwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- hitlerywas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 2 lists
- hitlerismwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 2 lists
- logocentrismwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 12 lists
- numinousnesswas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 2 lists
- kulakwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 13 lists
- fons et origowas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 7 lists
- deweyanwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- granitelikewas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- divinizewas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 4 lists
- bismarckianwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- invidiouswas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 208 lists
- himmleresquewas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on just this list
- christianistwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 3 lists
- palingeneticwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 2 lists
- de rigueurwas added by taciturnyetprolix and appears on 43 lists
whichbe commented on the list liberal-fascism
What do you think of this book? I haven't read it but the marketing of it sounds fucking nuts.
August 27, 2008
john commented on the list liberal-fascism
I'd love to know what he describes as "yeasty."
August 27, 2008
taciturnyetprolix commented on the list liberal-fascism
I think it delivered on what it promised. Goldberg goes to great lengths to say that liberals are nowhere near Nazis or Brown Shirts, but he shows how they have the same philosophical parentage and how they espouse some of the same ideas.
Essentially, he wanted to counter the "get out of rational debate free" card that certain liberals use by calling any one right of center a Nazi or fascist. His contention was the Left has at least, if not more, in common with fascism than the Right, and I think he proved his point.
John, I don't recall off hand what he used "yeasty" to describe, but I think it had something to do with the philippic he had against Buchanan.
August 28, 2008
chained_bear commented on the list liberal-fascism
It does seem that anyone, anywhere on the political spectrum, who demonizes the opposition (by using names such as "Nazi" or "fascist") to "get out of rational debate" has the same philosophical parentage as the Nazis and the Brown Shirts. I'm not sure that's as cogent an argument when it's applied to only one side of the spectrum. In such a case (not saying this is one), it would seem like such an argument itself could be seen as essentially the activity it decries.
Disclaimer: I didn't read the book; I'm only commenting on the discussion here. :) With all good faith and no intentions to start any kind of flame war or argument.
Whichbe, what kind of fucking nuts marketing are you referring to? (Signed, Living in a Cave.)
August 28, 2008
whichbe commented on the list liberal-fascism
The air of 'SECRET-LEFT TAXATION PRISON-CAMP MASTER-PLAN' which might make an excellent eau de toilette brandname. But I'm pleased to see that it's more of an academic argument with a flashy cover to push paper. Defaulting to "you hitler" is a weak way to debate, naturally, but I so rarely, rarely see a sustained, intelligent, civil-minded debate (or even better: a discussion!) from either side of the so-called LEFT/RIGHT. It seems to inherently devolve into name-calling, over-generalization, presuppositions, and self-righteousness. Like pro-wrestling for lawyers.
August 28, 2008
chained_bear commented on the list liberal-fascism
Agreed. Sad, but that sort of thing moves books, and that's the point of it, I suppose.
August 28, 2008
taciturnyetprolix commented on the list liberal-fascism
Chained Bear: Goldberg takes pains to try not to make his case too damning, and he ends the book with an analysis on fascistic trends on the Right. But, he made two points (each of which I agree with) that made it more than just a "do as I say, not as I do" type of thing. First, he argued that the idea that communism is the far Left, and on the opposite end is fascism on the far Right does not hold water. The heavy amount of government regulation of life and business that is part of fascism makes it much closer to communism than the minimalist state of classical liberals, a.k.a. Libertarians, that the Right (at least as viewed by Goldberg) espouses. Secondly, in the past eight years we've had no end of the "Bush = Hitler" business, but not much in the opposite direction. That's not to say it can't come from the Right, (he cites Falwell and Robinson as rightwingers who are knocking on the door of fascism) but that people on the Right tend to get pegged with the name more often.
And yes, it's a very detailed, meticulously footnoted book. For a work directed at the general populace, it's rather discursive.
P.S. You should get some of the old footage of Buckley and Chomsky debating. I'm nerdy enough (I know you're shocked) that I actually find it kind of fun to see two very intellectual people on the far ends of the spectrum debate like civilized humans.
Whichbe: Agreed. I hesitate saying this because I know I'm biased, but I recently read American Fascist, about the threat of the Christian Right, and it was not nearly as academic. We need more books, from all points of view, that rely less on preaching to the choir and more towards reasoned debate.
He actually takes the title Liberal Fascist from a speech H.G. Wells gave where he said Hitler and Mussilini (sp) had the wrong ideology but the right methods.
August 28, 2008
chained_bear commented on the list liberal-fascism
Thanks for your post, TYP! I'm glad to hear more about this book even if I probably (sadly) won't have the time to read it. I agree with you we definitely need more reasoned, thoughtful debate. Hallelujah, yes we do.
August 28, 2008