A list of 40 words by 100000232338334.
- shimenawawas added by 100001565647859 and appears on 2 lists
- jinjawas added by 100001565647859 and appears on 2 lists
- kamidanawas added by 100001565647859 and appears on just this list
- amaterasuwas added by 100001565647859 and appears on 3 lists
- daode tingwas added by 100001565647859 and appears on just this list
- laozi(lao tzu)was added by 100001565647859 and appears on just this list
- bhagavad gitawas added by 100001565647859 and appears on just this list
- mandalaswas added by 100001565647859 and appears on 3 lists
- nevimwas added by 100001565647859 and appears on just this list
- torahwas added by 100001565647859 and appears on 5 lists
- abatementwas added by racquelcline and appears on 33 lists
- carbon mitigationwas added by racquelcline and appears on 2 lists
- incandescentwas added by racquelcline and appears on 156 lists
- turbineswas added by racquelcline and appears on just this list
- trudgewas added by racquelcline and appears on 58 lists
- scrutinizedwas added by agustinolvera and appears on 9 lists
- sneerwas added by agustinolvera and appears on 51 lists
- grimacewas added by agustinolvera and appears on 68 lists
- wincedwas added by agustinolvera and appears on 4 lists
- cringewas added by agustinolvera and appears on 71 lists
- ghastlywas added by agustinolvera and appears on 91 lists
- mongrelwas added by agustinolvera and appears on 53 lists
- incredulouswas added by agustinolvera and appears on 165 lists
- cryptwas added by agustinolvera and appears on 53 lists
- implicitwas added by agustinolvera and appears on 102 lists
- ostracismwas added by 100000576437856 and appears on 20 lists
- akimbowas added by JTroyer and appears on 213 lists
- addledwas added by JTroyer and appears on 35 lists
- deferentialwas added by JTroyer and appears on 81 lists
- mootwas added by JTroyer and appears on 149 lists
- valisewas added by JTroyer and appears on 45 lists
- mottledwas added by JTroyer and appears on 38 lists
- menageriewas added by JTroyer and appears on 139 lists
- languorouswas added by JTroyer and appears on 72 lists
- metastaticwas added by JTroyer and appears on 9 lists
- pneumaticwas added by JTroyer and appears on 58 lists
- irreparablywas added by 100000576437856 and appears on 7 lists
- incongruouswas added by racquelcline and appears on 162 lists
- Girnwas added by racquelcline and appears on just this list
- desalinationwas added by racquelcline and appears on 10 lists
racquelcline commented on the list october-words-11849
I was looking for a topic for my sustainability paper and I came across the word "desalination" in the list of potential topics given to us by our teacher. It means to remove the salt from sea water.
October 11, 2010
racquelcline commented on the list october-words-11849
My brother told me not to girn my teeth and I had no clue that teeth could be girned! It means to bare your teeth together in anger.
October 11, 2010
racquelcline commented on the list october-words-11849
"Spluttering with static over the garden at home; incongruous from the branches of acacia trees in campsites we have set up in the bush across the countryside." This sentence is in the book im reading right now, "Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight" by Alexandra Fuller
October 11, 2010