A list of 6 words by kalayzich.
- specifics Bobwas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- George Malleywas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
- docwas added by kalayzich and appears on 20 lists
- luckywas added by kalayzich and appears on 40 lists
- hopingwas added by kalayzich and appears on 12 lists
- have a little faith in mewas added by kalayzich and appears on just this list
kalayzich commented on the list phenomenon-the-movie
Name as many mammals
as you can in sixty seconds.
Ready. Go.
Hmm. Sixty seconds. Well, how would
you like that? How about alphabetical?
Aardvark, baboon, caribou,
dolphin, eohippus, fox,
gorilla, hyena, ibex, jackal,
kangaroo, lion, marmoset,
Newfoundland, ocelot, panda,
rat, sloth, tiger, unicorn,
varmint, whale, yak, zebra.
Now, varmint is a stretch.
So is Newfoundland. That's a dog breed.
Unicorn is mythical.
Eohippus is prehistoric.
But you weren't being
very specific now, were you, Bob?
September 16, 2015
bilby commented on the list phenomenon-the-movie
September 17, 2015