A list of 144 words by deinonychus.
- balloon syndromewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- poll evilwas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- swamp cancerwas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- moon blindnesswas added by deinonychus and appears on 3 lists
- blacklegwas added by deinonychus and appears on 27 lists
- avalanche of rage syndromewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- rage syndromewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- turkey X diseasewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- hardware diseasewas added by deinonychus and appears on 2 lists
- grass tetanywas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- grass staggerswas added by deinonychus and appears on 2 lists
- twin lamb diseasewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- bumblefootwas added by deinonychus and appears on 3 lists
- fish dropsywas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- rosette agentwas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- fin rotwas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- hole-in-the-headwas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- wound tumor viruswas added by deinonychus and appears on 2 lists
- myxomatosiswas added by deinonychus and appears on 19 lists
- chalkbroodwas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- collie eye anomalywas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- sick sinus syndromewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- camerywas added by ry and appears on just this list
- pop-eyewas added by ry and appears on 3 lists
- hog cholerawas added by deinonychus and appears on 3 lists
- pig plaguewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- inclusion body rhinitiswas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- canarypoxwas added by deinonychus and appears on 3 lists
- mad itchwas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- pseudorabieswas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- leaping-evilwas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- louping-illwas added by deinonychus and appears on 3 lists
- trembling-illwas added by deinonychus and appears on 2 lists
- slow bee paralysis viruswas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- European foulbroodwas added by deinonychus and appears on 2 lists
- mal noirewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- Schwarzsuchtwas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- hairless black syndromewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- mal nerowas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- little blackswas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- chronic bee paralysis viruswas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- deformed wing viruswas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- colony collapse disorderwas added by deinonychus and appears on 10 lists
- starfish wasting diseasewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- sea star wasting syndromewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- feline foamy viruswas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- cottontail rabbit papilloma viruswas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- simian foamy viruswas added by deinonychus and appears on 5 lists
- scrapiewas added by deinonychus and appears on 4 lists
- devil facial tumour diseasewas added by deinonychus and appears on 4 lists
- shell rotwas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- pyramidingwas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- dumb rabieswas added by deinonychus and appears on 2 lists
- wobbly hedgehog syndromewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- dark spots diseasewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- white band diseasewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- skeletal eroding bandwas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- patchy necrosiswas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- white plaguewas added by deinonychus and appears on 3 lists
- black band diseasewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- rapid wastingwas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- Arenaviruswas added by deinonychus and appears on 2 lists
- inclusion body diseasewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- redmouth diseasewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- flipoverwas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- covering sicknesswas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- velvet diseasewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- gold dust diseasewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- marine ichwas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- yellowhead diseasewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- wite spot syndromewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- hole-in-the-head diseasewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- marine velvetwas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- strawberry footrotwas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- lumpy woolwas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- fleece rotwas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- foot rotwas added by deinonychus and appears on 2 lists
- quarter evilwas added by deinonychus and appears on 2 lists
- orfwas added by deinonychus and appears on 9 lists
- scabby mouthwas added by deinonychus and appears on 2 lists
- feline acnewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- high-rise syndromewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- flat chested kitten syndromewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- lick granulomawas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- iris cystwas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- cherry eyewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- lumpy jawwas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- wooden tonguewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- heartwormwas added by deinonychus and appears on 16 lists
- kennel coughwas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- classical swine feverwas added by deinonychus and appears on 2 lists
- pseudo-lumpy skin diseasewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- bluetonguewas added by deinonychus and appears on 6 lists
- avian influenzawas added by deinonychus and appears on 3 lists
- duck plaguewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- heartwaterwas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- lumpyskin diseasewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- peste des petits ruminantswas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- rabieswas added by deinonychus and appears on 16 lists
- babesiosiswas added by deinonychus and appears on 8 lists
- mad cow diseasewas added by ruzuzu and appears on 4 lists
- golden shiner viruswas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- dancing doberman diseasewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- white-nose syndromewas added by deinonychus and appears on 2 lists
- sweating sicknesswas added by deinonychus and appears on 2 lists
- chilled broodwas added by deinonychus and appears on 3 lists
- cloudy wing viruswas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- black queen cell viruswas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- stonebroodwas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- panzooticwas added by deinonychus and appears on 7 lists
- moose sicknesswas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- scrambler mousewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- harlequin mousewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- reelerwas added by deinonychus and appears on 3 lists
- imposexwas added by deinonychus and appears on 2 lists
- shaking rat Kawasakiwas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- wasted mousewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- hot spotwas added by deinonychus and appears on 6 lists
- sticky mousewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- American foulbroodwas added by deinonychus and appears on 3 lists
- flaccid trunk paralysiswas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- foot-and-mouth diseasewas added by deinonychus and appears on 6 lists
- camelpoxwas added by deinonychus and appears on 3 lists
- chronic wasting diseasewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- floppy trunk syndromewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- bald sea urchin diseasewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- cricket paralysis viruswas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- strangleswas added by deinonychus and appears on 3 lists
- distemperwas added by deinonychus and appears on 26 lists
- buffalopoxwas added by deinonychus and appears on 3 lists
- epizooticwas added by deinonychus and appears on 20 lists
- OncoMousewas added by deinonychus and appears on 3 lists
- bag of wormswas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- whirling diseasewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- Impressive syndromewas added by deinonychus and appears on 2 lists
- wry nosewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- blackhead diseasewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- puppy strangleswas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- berserk male syndromewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- berserk llama syndromewas added by deinonychus and appears on 3 lists
- blue eye diseasewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- white dog shaker syndromewas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- mud feverwas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
- rain rotwas added by deinonychus and appears on just this list
ruzuzu commented on the list sick-animals
This list is fun... I'm thinking it would also make a great band-name generator.
July 16, 2012
deinonychus commented on the list sick-animals
Good idea! (And compulsively I start looking for more diseases...)
At first I thougt that all theese bands would be aggressive, perhaps punk (bag of worms) or some sort of metal (dancing doberman disease). But peste des petits ruminants sounds very sweet.
Both chronic wasting disease and heartwater have some emo feeling to them. But what kind of music will floppy trunk syndrome play?
July 16, 2012
pterodactyl commented on the list sick-animals
OncoMouse does electronica. Berzerk Llama Syndrome is a jam band that does twenty-minute improvisations. Cat Scratch Fever is a retro swing band. Duck Plague is one guy in a basement with a cheap synthesizer.
July 17, 2012
ruzuzu commented on the list sick-animals
I think Floppy Trunk Syndrome is a steam calliope punk band.
July 17, 2012
bilby commented on the list sick-animals
Yep, they composed that heaving jingle for the viagra advertisements.
July 17, 2012
deinonychus commented on the list sick-animals
I'm pretty sure classical swine fever is a radio station.
March 30, 2014
deinonychus commented on the list sick-animals
Just found a list of "ways for sheep to die in Austraila", got some good new terms there. Could be of use to someone with a sheep-list, I have a feeling those exist. https://drferox.tumblr.com/post/164511954373/ways-for-sheep-to-die-in-australia
August 27, 2017
ruzuzu commented on the list sick-animals
Nice! Hernesheir's got a sheepishness list.
August 28, 2017