A list of 81 words by deinonychus.
- Janizewska's Rulewas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- interhospital space, polyphagism, polyphagous, monophagism, monophagous, Corrodentia, nidicolous, host constancy, Hopkins' principle, Clay's Hypothesiswas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- noumenonwas added by skymandr and appears on 35 lists
- nullpointerwas added by skymandr and appears on just this list
- teleologywas added by skymandr and appears on 76 lists
- dysmorphophobiawas added by skymandr and appears on 6 lists
- jejunewas added by skymandr and appears on 354 lists
- brouhahawas added by skymandr and appears on 201 lists
- Cystwas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- Trematodewas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- Nematodewas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- Cestodewas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- mammalophagouswas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- aviphagouswas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- cropteethwas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- Siphonapteranwas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- co-speciationwas added by Kotatsu and appears on 2 lists
- nitwas added by Kotatsu and appears on 23 lists
- co-developmentwas added by Kotatsu and appears on 2 lists
- abundancewas added by Kotatsu and appears on 47 lists
- infectionwas added by Kotatsu and appears on 23 lists
- vertical transmissionwas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- co-phylogenywas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- mammalicolouswas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- lateral transmissionwas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- co-radiationwas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- bright male hypothesiswas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- co-evolutionwas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- stragglerwas added by Kotatsu and appears on 6 lists
- Mallophaganwas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- infestationwas added by Kotatsu and appears on 9 lists
- frasswas added by Kotatsu and appears on 38 lists
- host associationwas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- avicolouswas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- Aphidwas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- prevalencewas added by Kotatsu and appears on 17 lists
- honest signalswas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- pubic lousewas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- clothes lousewas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- head lousewas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- body lousewas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- wing lousewas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- thanatocresiswas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- Cowbirdwas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- Widowbirdwas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- Skuawas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- polyeicouswas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- monoeicouswas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- Ctenidiumwas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- Rhynchophthiranwas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- Zlotorzycka's Rulewas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- Primary Presencewas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- Sunningwas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- Lateral Dispersalwas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- Allohospitalitywas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- Fahrenholz' Rulewas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- Amblyceranwas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- Anopluranwas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- Horizontal Dispersalwas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- Synhospitalitywas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- Hippoboscidwas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- Tangled Treeswas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- Hopkins' Rulewas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- Primary Absencewas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- Timmermann's Rulewas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- Vertical Dispersalwas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- Harrison's Rulewas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- Filtering Effectwas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- Secondary Absencewas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- Secondary Presencewas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- Ischnoceranwas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- Eichler's Rulewas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- Missing the Boatwas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- Preeningwas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- Antingwas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- Szidat's Rulewas added by Kotatsu and appears on just this list
- sympatidigwas added by skymandr and appears on just this list
- scabrouswas added by apocalipstick and appears on 84 lists
- efficaciouswas added by apocalipstick and appears on 120 lists
- dolichocephalicwas added by apocalipstick and appears on 18 lists
- psychotronicswas added by apocalipstick and appears on 2 lists
Kotatsu commented on the list words-for-deinonychus
Adding some words for your parasitism list... more ill follow when I get back to my office
January 8, 2012
deinonychus commented on the list words-for-deinonychus
Yay! Parasites!
January 9, 2012
Kotatsu commented on the list words-for-deinonychus
Some more parasitology words... but I failed to read how to add more words at once, so it's all a bit messed up
January 31, 2012