Comments by 100000366421718

  • constancy.Stead fastness, as in purpose or affection; faithfulness.

    October 28, 2010

  • interpellate:To address with a question; especially, to question formally or publicly; demand an answer or explanation from

    October 28, 2010

  • clairvoyant:Having the supposed power to see objects or events that cannot be perceived by the senses

    October 28, 2010

  • ancillary: Of secondary importance

    October 28, 2010

  • delineate:2.To represent pictorially; depict

    October 28, 2010

  • insofar:To such an extent

    October 28, 2010

  • municipal:Having local self-government.

    October 28, 2010

  • albeit:Even though; although; notwithstanding

    October 28, 2010

  • theoretician:.A theorist; a theorizer; one who is expert in the theory of a science or art.

    October 28, 2010

  • purport:1.To have or present the often false appearance of being or intending; profess

    October 28, 2010