Noun: The experience where the one being humbled becomes unable to do anything about it. Both humbling (or humiliated) and debilitating at the same time.
Soldoutedness - the act of being completely sold out to something, usually a cause that's larger than life; describes the condition after drinking the kool-aid, raved about the movie, and bought the t-shirt!
Comments by 645762395
645762395 commented on the word humbilitating
Noun: The experience where the one being humbled becomes unable to do anything about it. Both humbling (or humiliated) and debilitating at the same time.
October 9, 2012
645762395 commented on the word filibegs
Filibegs is the plural of filibeg.
August 9, 2011
645762395 commented on the word soldoutedness
Soldoutedness - the act of being completely sold out to something, usually a cause that's larger than life; describes the condition after drinking the kool-aid, raved about the movie, and bought the t-shirt!
February 16, 2011
645762395 commented on the word hilarifooleous
hilarifooleous (adj): when something is so funny and foolish that you can't help from laughing, even if you don't know why
hilarifooleousness (noun): the something that is so hilarifooleous
February 16, 2011