They were useful not because they made the patient swallow what were for the most part harmful substances (the harm was little felt, because the harmful substances were given in small quantities), but they were useful, necessary, inevitable (for the same reason that there are and always will be imaginary healers, fortune-tellers, homeopaths, and allopaths), because they satisfied the moral need of the sick girl and the people who loved her.
- War and Peace, Tolstoy, 2007 translation by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky
Bilibin went on. "Ce n'est ni trahison, ni lâcheté, ni bêtise; c'est comme à Ulm..." It was as if he fell to pondering, searching for a phrase: "C'est...c'est du Mack. Nous somme mackés," he concluded, feeling that he had uttered a mot, and a fresh mot, a mot that would be repeated.
- War and Peace, Tolstoy, 2007 translation by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky
Comments by abcedertree
abcedertree commented on the word zillion
Online Etymology Dictionary has citation year 1942.
March 15, 2019
abcedertree commented on the word zillion
First recorded instance of word ‘zillion’?
Song “You’re Too Good To Be True” (1936)
Copyright 31Oct36
lyrics by Bud Green
music by Jesse Greer
Library of Congress
Catalog of Copyright Entries: Third Series
Volume 17, Part 5, Number 2
Recording: (found on youtube)
Brunswick 7779
“You’re Too Good To Be True”
lyrics by Bud Green
music by Jesse Greer
performed by Lud Gluskin & his Orchestra
vocal by Buddy Clark
recorded in NYC November 13, 1936
March 15, 2019
abcedertree commented on the word homeopath
They were useful not because they made the patient swallow what were for the most part harmful substances (the harm was little felt, because the harmful substances were given in small quantities), but they were useful, necessary, inevitable (for the same reason that there are and always will be imaginary healers, fortune-tellers, homeopaths, and allopaths), because they satisfied the moral need of the sick girl and the people who loved her.
- War and Peace, Tolstoy, 2007 translation by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky
April 13, 2011
abcedertree commented on the word mot
Bilibin went on. "Ce n'est ni trahison, ni lâcheté, ni bêtise; c'est comme à Ulm..." It was as if he fell to pondering, searching for a phrase: "C'est...c'est du Mack. Nous somme mackés," he concluded, feeling that he had uttered a mot, and a fresh mot, a mot that would be repeated.
- War and Peace, Tolstoy, 2007 translation by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky
April 13, 2011
abcedertree commented on the word no-eyed big-eyed spider
I had no-eyed ear there was such a thing.
October 13, 2010
abcedertree commented on the list mycological-hues
these would also make good dwarf names
July 23, 2010
abcedertree commented on the word friendly milk
Stephen Fry
February 11, 2010
abcedertree commented on the word heavy light
February 11, 2010
abcedertree commented on the list false-teeth-fairy-ring-around-the-rosie
This won't contribute to sweet tooth fairy decay, will it?
January 26, 2010