n. informal the apparent artificiality of something. "(referring to the fictitious entryesquivalience)...Its inherent fakeitude is fairly obvious...” Erin McKean
The modern usage of this word, that is a rice porridge needs to be first (as is the case in noad2) and the leave to depart usages labelled with archaic.
Comments by alanl
alanl commented on the word fictitious entry
n. fake entry that is deliberately inserted in a reference work to detect wholesale plagiarism.
contrast with ghost word, the result of editorial error.
May 15, 2013
alanl commented on the word fakeitude
I'm rather surprised this word isn't here considering its origin.
May 15, 2013
alanl commented on the word fakeitude
n. informal the apparent artificiality of something. "(referring to the fictitious entry esquivalience)...Its inherent fakeitude is fairly obvious...” Erin McKean
May 15, 2013
alanl commented on the word Chinese gooseberry
n. archaic kiwi fruit.
May 14, 2013
alanl commented on the word congee
The modern usage of this word, that is a rice porridge needs to be first (as is the case in noad2) and the leave to depart usages labelled with archaic.
May 14, 2013