I could definitely see this word being used by Gladwell in the Outliers. It reminds me of a timeline that needs to be put in chronological order (like dinosaurs).
I really like this word! Its definition really explains the definition of Outliers really well. I would have never guessed that that's what it meant but it sounds very sophisticated and makes sense.
Comments by allyjamers
allyjamers commented on the word patience
This is definitely a quality I possess very little of!
October 5, 2011
allyjamers commented on the word chronometry
I could definitely see this word being used by Gladwell in the Outliers. It reminds me of a timeline that needs to be put in chronological order (like dinosaurs).
October 5, 2011
allyjamers commented on the word virtuosos
I really like this word! Its definition really explains the definition of Outliers really well. I would have never guessed that that's what it meant but it sounds very sophisticated and makes sense.
September 28, 2011