I think it is something that Google is doing rather than UD or M-W. Could Google be tracking the all the searches on Wordie?If you do a yahoo search it comes up with 3 entries - 2 from Wordie and 1 from the Society Promoting Byzantine Studies.
Oh man, I had to work hard to think of some more. Thanks for the challenge. How about the chicken dance, cha cha slide, contra dance, hand jive, and apache
The urban dictionary has 29 definitions for this word. How about this one - "a person who interferes with one's sexual intentions with another person". I had no idea.
It seems that I spend a great deal of my life being digistracted. One of my favorite portmanteaus was created by my son when he was about five - ignoying.
Comments by amcd56
amcd56 commented on the user enginerd
October 14, 2010
amcd56 commented on the word condom
Practice safe eating. Use a condiment. Whoops - wrong word.
October 4, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word glycyrrhizin
Nice word. Wish I liked licorice.
September 5, 2007
amcd56 commented on the user marzipanda
Lurking and commenting on Marzipanda's profile page feels a little like Goldilocks - visiting when the Three Bears are out for a walk.
August 27, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word bed
I never noticed that before.
July 21, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word synectic
July 16, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word stuffocate
Yep, it's a good one. I also am from a family of stuffocators.
July 10, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word qualtagh
Leaving now - wonder who my qualtagh will be? Hellooo - anybody out there?
July 8, 2007
amcd56 commented on the user pruufreadr
Just curious - you spelled pruufreader with 2 U, but spelled whoosh with 2 O. Reason? Check out my onomatopoeia.
July 6, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word hagiothecium
I think it is something that Google is doing rather than UD or M-W. Could Google be tracking the all the searches on Wordie?If you do a yahoo search it comes up with 3 entries - 2 from Wordie and 1 from the Society Promoting Byzantine Studies.
July 6, 2007
amcd56 commented on the list ium-ium
Wouldn't that cause pandemonium?
July 4, 2007
amcd56 commented on the list eyes-without-sight
hurricanes have eyes too
July 2, 2007
amcd56 commented on the list ium-ium
praesidium, librium
July 2, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word bombylious
So how about badonkadonk?
June 30, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word bombylious
I read it as bombylicious too. What do you suppose that means?
June 30, 2007
amcd56 commented on the list elbow-room
narthex, cry room, office
June 29, 2007
amcd56 commented on the list only-the-lonely
One is the loneliest number.
June 29, 2007
amcd56 commented on the list pay-no-attention-to-the-man-behind-the-curtain
I was hoping this would be a "Wizard of Oz" list. Ooooh - maybe I'll do that.
June 29, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word crisp
Looks like the joke's on all the rest of us. (:
June 28, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word crisp
apple crisp - I would say that is yummy, but not crisp
June 27, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word undisillusioned
I always thought of it as the state of being in life before you become disillusioned by the real world.
June 27, 2007
amcd56 commented on the list redundancing
Oh man, I had to work hard to think of some more. Thanks for the challenge. How about the chicken dance, cha cha slide, contra dance, hand jive, and apache
June 27, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word tar baby
racially derogatory term - ugh
June 26, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word lapsarian
somebody want to define this for me?
June 26, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word anticimissing
Does this mean "to antcipate missing someone or something'?
June 24, 2007
amcd56 commented on the list let-the-wild-rumpus-start
hanky panky?
June 23, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word cock of the rock
And Oklahoma City has a bar called "The Cock of the Walk". Think you're going to see a bird there?
June 22, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word wordieology
oh yeah, necessary word
June 22, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word waxed paper
like the difference between ice tea and iced tea - please!
June 18, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word cockblock
The urban dictionary has 29 definitions for this word. How about this one - "a person who interferes with one's sexual intentions with another person". I had no idea.
June 17, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word crosshares
Oh my - that's hysterical. Or maybe that's hyst-hare-ical.
June 17, 2007
amcd56 commented on the list argumentative
And then at night, you berate and excoriate, berate and excoriate.
June 15, 2007
amcd56 commented on the user slumry
Hey, aren't you also on the UU readers on Librarything? A UU are U?
June 15, 2007
amcd56 commented on the list just-cause-i-like-em-b
Not time on your hands but words on your brain - and where would be a better place to keep them?
June 12, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word unobtanium
I use it to describe the color fabric that I really need that i just can't find.
June 12, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word awry
Awry and askew - the story of my life.
June 11, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word absurdistan
Sounds like somewhere I have been lately.
June 10, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word slangwhangy
Well I like the way it sounds anyway - trying to think of what it could mean.
June 10, 2007
amcd56 commented on the list only-the-longest-threads
Wanna share? Check out my Fabrications list.
June 9, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word earworm
I meant that it was mean to put that song into my head for me to hear all day. (:
June 1, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word earworm
Oooooh - that was mean.
May 31, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word vortexas
Being from that state just north of Texas, I wholeheartedly agree.
May 23, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word π
Put a ) in front of it and you have a moonpie.
May 22, 2007
amcd56 commented on the list ne-word-er
Oh yes, please give commentary. I'm curious about manic impressive.
May 22, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word moonshine
more than you would think - a mathematical conjecture
May 16, 2007
amcd56 commented on the list tulgey-s-words
It seems that I spend a great deal of my life being digistracted. One of my favorite portmanteaus was created by my son when he was about five - ignoying.
May 15, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word bananana
I like it.
May 5, 2007
amcd56 commented on the list sarahpants5-s-words
I think your list is absotively fantabulous.
May 2, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word chatoyant
I like this word as it relates to fabric.
April 26, 2007
amcd56 commented on the list amcd56-s-words
April 16, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word laughative
Is this like "laughs a lot"? If so, then it definitely pertains to me.
April 15, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word vocabularious
Oh wow! I love it.
April 12, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word moondance
With the stars up above in your eyes.
April 11, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word moonswept
makes sense when you are sad
April 10, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word moonswept
I wonder - is it moon swept or moons wept?
April 10, 2007
amcd56 commented on the list april-showers
what about a gully wash?
April 10, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word perhapsy
from e.e. cummings
April 5, 2007
amcd56 commented on the list mad-as-a-march-hare
Well, everybody says I'm wacky or just plain crazy.
April 4, 2007
amcd56 commented on the list words-that-are-also-movies
March 21, 2007
amcd56 commented on the list greens-2
My Crayola box has a teal, fern, and a granny smith apple green. (:
March 21, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word poser
Poseur is an alternate spelling. And an alternate definition is "a person who pretends to be something he is not".
March 19, 2007
amcd56 commented on the list words-with-sex
ambisexual, bisexual, metrosexual, selfsexual, and OMG, don't foget heterosexual
March 15, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word moon
March 9, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word tmesis
"West By God Virginia" is the one my father used to say.
March 8, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word moonshadow
"I won't have to talk no more."
March 7, 2007
amcd56 commented on the list collage-s-words
You've got some great words. I stole a few.
March 1, 2007
amcd56 commented on the list trade-names
BVDs and fig newtons
February 17, 2007
amcd56 commented on the list exotic-color-names
Oh wow! I've been thinking about making this list but you did a fabulous job so now I don't have to. I would have included mango and eggplant.
February 12, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word nonunparallel
Things are not always as they appear - as in optical illusions.
January 31, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word ignoying
From my youngest son, when he was five, "My brothers are ignoying me."
January 30, 2007
amcd56 commented on the list smiling-words
January 30, 2007
amcd56 commented on the list trademarks-2
fig newton
January 29, 2007
amcd56 commented on the list animal-sounds
How about caw, warble, and maybe screech?
January 19, 2007
amcd56 commented on the word posthumorously
That feeling you get after you've laughed really hard at something and can't explain why - but everytime you think about it, you giggle.
January 17, 2007