Empathy is the ability to mutually experience the thoughts, emotions, and direct experience of others. It goes beyond sympathy, which is a feeling of care and understanding for the suffering of others. Both words have similar usage but differ in their emotional meaning.
Definition Understanding what others are feeling because you have experienced it yourself or can put yourself in their shoes. Acknowledging another person's emotional hardships and providing comfort and assurance.
Example I know it's not easy to lose weight because I have faced the same problems myself. When people try to make changes like this (e.g. lose some weight) at first it seems difficult.
Relationship Personal Friends, family and community ( the experience of others) .
Nursing context Relating with your patient because you have been in a similar situation or experience Comforting your patient or their family
Scope Personal, It can be one to many in some circumstances From either one to another person or one to many (or one to a group).
1 Emotional differences
2 Origin of the words
3 Relationship
4 Examples of empathy and sympathy
5 Empathy as a communication skill
6 Video explaining the differences
Emotional differences
Sympathy essentially implies a feeling of recognition of another's suffering while empathy is actually sharing another's suffering, if only briefly. Empathy is often characterized as the ability to "put oneself into another's shoes". So empathy is a deeper emotional experience.
Empathy develops into an unspoken understanding and mutual decision making that is unquestioned, and forms the basis of tribal community. Sympathy may be positive or negative, in the sense that it attracts a perceived quality to a perceived self identity, or it gives love and assistance to the unfortunate and needy.
Origin of the words
Sympathy comes from Middle French sympathie, from Late Latin sympathia, from Ancient Greek συμπάθεια (sumpatheia), from σύν (sun, “with, together”) + πάθος (pathos, “suffering”).
The word 'empathy' is a twentieth-century borrowing of Ancient Greek ἐμπάθεια (empatheia, literally “passion”) (formed from ἐν (en-, “in, at”) + πάθος (pathos, “feeling”)), coined by Edward Bradford Titchener to translate German Einfühlung. The modern Greek word εμπάθεια has an opposite meaning denoting strong negative feelings and prejudice against someone.
Compassion can form a base for both empathy and sympathy, and each may be seen as aspects of wisdom, or the means through which wisdom is synthesized. Sympathy also involves caring, but a compassionate sense of assistance and protection for those who are poor and less fortunate. Empathy is expressed when trying to feel someone else’s feeling who generally is known to you.
Examples of empathy and sympathy
To quote an example here: A man goes to hear a lecture. He may hold the following opinions after the encore.
Empathy: "I understand the writer's empathetic study of the subject."
Sympathy: "I can only sympathize with the writer's total lack of knowledge."
It is possible to be empathetic and not sympathetic at the same time. For example: If a person gambles and loses all his money, you may feel empathetic and try to analyze the reason for doing so but you will not be sympathetic towards him as it is his fault entirely in losing the money. On the other hand, you can both empathize and sympathize at the same point. If someone loses a loved one to a disease, you will feel sympathy for them and, if you have ever lost a loved one yourself, you are likely to empathize with their position.
Another example that captures the difference between empathy and sympathy: "When I think about the abuse the serial killer endured as a child, I feel empathy, however I simply cannot sympathize with the choices he made as an adult."
When one exhibits empathy a person doesn't necessarily have to agree with the conclusions being drawn by the person who they are empathizing with. For example, one may empathize with the loss of a loved one but may not agree with another person that the loss be avenged violently.
Empathy as a communication skill
Empathy can be employed as a communication skill. Empathy can allow great communicators to sense the emotions of an audience and is the mutual understanding and inspiration communicated to the audience. A lack of empathy involves a poor sense of communication that fails to understand the perspective of the audience. An audience may feel a positive or negative sympathy to both the communicator and the message as it is transmitted in communication. Empathy can also be found in the artist, musician, and drama, as well as the audience.
A one stop shop, one stop store or one stop source is a business or office where multiple services are offered; i.e., customers can get all they need in just "one stop." The term originated in the United States in the late 1920s or early 1930s1 to describe a business model offering customers the convenience of having multiple needs met in one location, instead of having to "drive all over town" to attain related services at different stores. The phrase is now used as slang to describe everything from Web sites to TV shows where people can find most of what they need, including information, in one place.
Plastic Paddy is a pejorative term for members of the Irish diaspora who appropriate (often stereotypical) Irish customs and identity. The term has also been applied to those with no ancestral connection to Ireland or who claim Irish identity or nationality. A plastic Paddy may know little of actual Irish culture, but nevertheless assert an Irish identity.12 The term is pejoratively used to refer to people on the basis of their perceived lack of authenticity as Irish.34
1. to incline toward someone or something. Tom is leaning toward Randy. I think he is going to fall on him. The tree is leaning toward the edge of the cliff. It will fall eventually.
2. to tend to favor choosing someone or something. lam leaning toward Sarah as the new committee head. I'm leaning toward a new committee.
Weighing scales (usually just "scales" in UK and Australian English, "weighing machine" in south Asian English or "scale" in US English) is a measuring instrument for determining the weight or mass of an object. Weighing scales are used in many industrial and commercial applications, and products from feathers to loaded tractor-trailers are sold by weight. Specialized medical scales and bathroom scales are used to measure the body weight of human beings.
The name scales derives from the pair of scales or dishes in which objects to be weighed and the weights / masses against which to weigh them are placed. The Oxford English Dictionary defines scales as "Apparatus for weighing. The pan, or each of the pans, of a balance."1 Spring balances or spring scales measure force or weight by balancing the force due to gravity against the force on a spring, whereas a balance or pair of scales using a balance beam compares masses by balancing the force of gravity (weight) due to the mass of an object against the force due to gravity (weight) of a known mass. Either type of balance or scales can be calibrated to read in units of force (weight) such as Newtons, or in units of mass such as kilograms, but the balance or pair of scales using a traditional balance beam to compare masses will read correctly for mass even if moved to a place with a different (non-zero) gravitational field strength (but would then not read correctly if calibrated in units of force), while the spring balance would read correctly in force in a different gravitational feld strength (but would nor read correctly if calibrated in units of mass).
Gross margin is the difference between revenue and cost before accounting for certain other costs. Generally, it is calculated as the selling price of an item, less the cost of goods sold (production or acquisition costs, essentially).
The term reverse chronological order refers to a format that is commonly used in combination resumes and chronological resumes to display work experience or work history. The reverse chronological order format calls for the most recent work experience to appear first in the document, while the oldest experience appears last.
When presenting work history on a resume, the reader is more interested in what the applicant has done recently than in the distant past. The rationale behind using reverse chronological order is that it presents the recruiter, or hiring manager, with the most recent work experience first, and then allows them to read back in time to see how the applicant's career has progressed.
Below is an illustration of work experience presented in reverse chronological order (the dates have been placed in italics to demonstrate this point):
Company ABC, New Town, New York
September 2012 to Present
Manager: Workforce Planning
Responsible for managing eight associates trained in the art of Six Sigma. The team was successful in launching a minimum of five process improvement initiatives annually. Typical bottom line benefits would exceed $5 million.
U.S. Manufacturing Specialty Company, First Town, Connecticut
June 2006 to September 2012
Plant Manager: Specialty Items
Responsible for supervising and controlling the daily production schedules of 28 employees in the area of plant operations. Under my direction, the plant met all production run schedules on time and under budget. Created first formal quality control committee, which was directly responsible for improving output of products, increasing quality standards from 87% to 96%.
A muster point is a place where everyone is ordered to go when there is an emergency.
The distance? It depends on the emergency. Though, there are usually signs posted outside that tell you where the muster point is. And if there are no signs, emergency personnel will direct you.
Rub the titanium surfaces clean with the lint-free cloth. Be very careful to get into all the nooks and crannies in the strap so that you do not end up with toothpaste left on your watch. The watch should look as bright and shiny as new.
Thanks ruzuzu ! I have just recently joined "wordnik" and this list is not yet even started. I'm going to put some effort into it in the next few weeks and hopefully prepare something that would be of use to you and other community members.
Shotcrete is concrete (or sometimes mortar) conveyed through a hose and pneumatically projected at high velocity onto a surface, as a construction technique.
Shotcrete is usually an all-inclusive term that can be used for both wet-mix and dry-mix versions. In the pool construction trade however, the term "shotcrete" refers to wet-mix and "gunite" refers to dry-mix; in this context, these two terms are not interchangeable (see "Shotcrete vs. gunite" discussion below).
Shotcrete undergoes placement and compaction at the same time due to the force with which it is projected from the nozzle. It can be impacted onto any type or shape of surface, including vertical or overhead areas.
A sediment control is a practice or device designed to keep eroded soil on a construction site, so that it does not wash off and cause water pollution to a nearby stream, river, lake, or sea. Sediment controls are usually employed together with erosion controls, which are designed to prevent or minimize erosion and thus reduce the need for sediment controls.
Comments by amirtyz
amirtyz commented on the word sympathy
From: http://www.diffen.com/difference/Empathy_vs_Sympathy
Empathy is the ability to mutually experience the thoughts, emotions, and direct experience of others. It goes beyond sympathy, which is a feeling of care and understanding for the suffering of others. Both words have similar usage but differ in their emotional meaning.
Definition Understanding what others are feeling because you have experienced it yourself or can put yourself in their shoes. Acknowledging another person's emotional hardships and providing comfort and assurance.
Example I know it's not easy to lose weight because I have faced the same problems myself. When people try to make changes like this (e.g. lose some weight) at first it seems difficult.
Relationship Personal Friends, family and community ( the experience of others) .
Nursing context Relating with your patient because you have been in a similar situation or experience Comforting your patient or their family
Scope Personal, It can be one to many in some circumstances From either one to another person or one to many (or one to a group).
1 Emotional differences
2 Origin of the words
3 Relationship
4 Examples of empathy and sympathy
5 Empathy as a communication skill
6 Video explaining the differences
Emotional differences
Sympathy essentially implies a feeling of recognition of another's suffering while empathy is actually sharing another's suffering, if only briefly. Empathy is often characterized as the ability to "put oneself into another's shoes". So empathy is a deeper emotional experience.
Empathy develops into an unspoken understanding and mutual decision making that is unquestioned, and forms the basis of tribal community. Sympathy may be positive or negative, in the sense that it attracts a perceived quality to a perceived self identity, or it gives love and assistance to the unfortunate and needy.
Origin of the words
Sympathy comes from Middle French sympathie, from Late Latin sympathia, from Ancient Greek συμπάθεια (sumpatheia), from σύν (sun, “with, together”) + πάθος (pathos, “suffering”).
The word 'empathy' is a twentieth-century borrowing of Ancient Greek ἐμπάθεια (empatheia, literally “passion”) (formed from ἐν (en-, “in, at”) + πάθος (pathos, “feeling”)), coined by Edward Bradford Titchener to translate German Einfühlung. The modern Greek word εμπάθεια has an opposite meaning denoting strong negative feelings and prejudice against someone.
Compassion can form a base for both empathy and sympathy, and each may be seen as aspects of wisdom, or the means through which wisdom is synthesized. Sympathy also involves caring, but a compassionate sense of assistance and protection for those who are poor and less fortunate. Empathy is expressed when trying to feel someone else’s feeling who generally is known to you.
Examples of empathy and sympathy
To quote an example here: A man goes to hear a lecture. He may hold the following opinions after the encore.
Empathy: "I understand the writer's empathetic study of the subject."
Sympathy: "I can only sympathize with the writer's total lack of knowledge."
It is possible to be empathetic and not sympathetic at the same time. For example: If a person gambles and loses all his money, you may feel empathetic and try to analyze the reason for doing so but you will not be sympathetic towards him as it is his fault entirely in losing the money. On the other hand, you can both empathize and sympathize at the same point. If someone loses a loved one to a disease, you will feel sympathy for them and, if you have ever lost a loved one yourself, you are likely to empathize with their position.
Another example that captures the difference between empathy and sympathy: "When I think about the abuse the serial killer endured as a child, I feel empathy, however I simply cannot sympathize with the choices he made as an adult."
When one exhibits empathy a person doesn't necessarily have to agree with the conclusions being drawn by the person who they are empathizing with. For example, one may empathize with the loss of a loved one but may not agree with another person that the loss be avenged violently.
Empathy as a communication skill
Empathy can be employed as a communication skill. Empathy can allow great communicators to sense the emotions of an audience and is the mutual understanding and inspiration communicated to the audience. A lack of empathy involves a poor sense of communication that fails to understand the perspective of the audience. An audience may feel a positive or negative sympathy to both the communicator and the message as it is transmitted in communication. Empathy can also be found in the artist, musician, and drama, as well as the audience.
January 22, 2014
amirtyz commented on the word one stop shop
A one stop shop, one stop store or one stop source is a business or office where multiple services are offered; i.e., customers can get all they need in just "one stop." The term originated in the United States in the late 1920s or early 1930s1 to describe a business model offering customers the convenience of having multiple needs met in one location, instead of having to "drive all over town" to attain related services at different stores. The phrase is now used as slang to describe everything from Web sites to TV shows where people can find most of what they need, including information, in one place.
December 19, 2013
amirtyz commented on the word to get mugged
To threaten or assault (a person) with the intent to rob: arrested the thief who mugged the tourists.
November 27, 2013
amirtyz commented on the word plastic paddy
Plastic Paddy is a pejorative term for members of the Irish diaspora who appropriate (often stereotypical) Irish customs and identity. The term has also been applied to those with no ancestral connection to Ireland or who claim Irish identity or nationality. A plastic Paddy may know little of actual Irish culture, but nevertheless assert an Irish identity.12 The term is pejoratively used to refer to people on the basis of their perceived lack of authenticity as Irish.34
From Wikipedia
November 6, 2013
amirtyz commented on the word to come out of the blue
from "The Free Dictionary":
"come out of a clear blue sky / come out of the clear blue sky / come out of the blue":
suddenly; without warning.
Then, out of a clear blue sky, he told me he was leaving. My sister Mary appeared on my doorstep out of the blue, after years with no word from her.
August 27, 2013
amirtyz commented on the word QA-QC
From: http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/
QAQC Quality Assurance/Quality Control
QAQC Quality Assurance/Quality Checks
June 25, 2013
amirtyz commented on the word hailed as
3D printing has been hailed as the future of manufacturing.
May 9, 2013
amirtyz commented on the word to lean toward someone or something
1. to incline toward someone or something. Tom is leaning toward Randy. I think he is going to fall on him. The tree is leaning toward the edge of the cliff. It will fall eventually.
2. to tend to favor choosing someone or something. lam leaning toward Sarah as the new committee head. I'm leaning toward a new committee.
May 9, 2013
amirtyz commented on the word to hone in on something
Means: to give all your attention to something
Source: http://www.macmillandictionary.com/dictionary/british/hone-in-on
May 9, 2013
amirtyz commented on the word indicative design
This is an architect’s drawing of a possible design to show what could be built, based on the size of the site, the number of pupils...
April 25, 2013
amirtyz commented on the word weighing scale
Weighing scales (usually just "scales" in UK and Australian English, "weighing machine" in south Asian English or "scale" in US English) is a measuring instrument for determining the weight or mass of an object. Weighing scales are used in many industrial and commercial applications, and products from feathers to loaded tractor-trailers are sold by weight. Specialized medical scales and bathroom scales are used to measure the body weight of human beings.
The name scales derives from the pair of scales or dishes in which objects to be weighed and the weights / masses against which to weigh them are placed. The Oxford English Dictionary defines scales as "Apparatus for weighing. The pan, or each of the pans, of a balance."1 Spring balances or spring scales measure force or weight by balancing the force due to gravity against the force on a spring, whereas a balance or pair of scales using a balance beam compares masses by balancing the force of gravity (weight) due to the mass of an object against the force due to gravity (weight) of a known mass. Either type of balance or scales can be calibrated to read in units of force (weight) such as Newtons, or in units of mass such as kilograms, but the balance or pair of scales using a traditional balance beam to compare masses will read correctly for mass even if moved to a place with a different (non-zero) gravitational field strength (but would then not read correctly if calibrated in units of force), while the spring balance would read correctly in force in a different gravitational feld strength (but would nor read correctly if calibrated in units of mass).
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weighing_scale
April 25, 2013
amirtyz commented on the word gross margin
Gross margin is the difference between revenue and cost before accounting for certain other costs. Generally, it is calculated as the selling price of an item, less the cost of goods sold (production or acquisition costs, essentially).
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gross_margin
April 25, 2013
amirtyz commented on the word ferris wheel
An amusement ride consisting of a large upright rotating wheel having suspended seats that remain in a horizontal position as the wheel revolves.
Source: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Ferris+wheel
April 25, 2013
amirtyz commented on the word Reverse Chronological Order
The term reverse chronological order refers to a format that is commonly used in combination resumes and chronological resumes to display work experience or work history. The reverse chronological order format calls for the most recent work experience to appear first in the document, while the oldest experience appears last.
When presenting work history on a resume, the reader is more interested in what the applicant has done recently than in the distant past. The rationale behind using reverse chronological order is that it presents the recruiter, or hiring manager, with the most recent work experience first, and then allows them to read back in time to see how the applicant's career has progressed.
Below is an illustration of work experience presented in reverse chronological order (the dates have been placed in italics to demonstrate this point):
Company ABC, New Town, New York
September 2012 to Present
Manager: Workforce Planning
Responsible for managing eight associates trained in the art of Six Sigma. The team was successful in launching a minimum of five process improvement initiatives annually. Typical bottom line benefits would exceed $5 million.
U.S. Manufacturing Specialty Company, First Town, Connecticut
June 2006 to September 2012
Plant Manager: Specialty Items
Responsible for supervising and controlling the daily production schedules of 28 employees in the area of plant operations. Under my direction, the plant met all production run schedules on time and under budget. Created first formal quality control committee, which was directly responsible for improving output of products, increasing quality standards from 87% to 96%.
Source: http://www.money-zine.com/definitions/career-dictionary/reverse-chronological-order/
April 25, 2013
amirtyz commented on the word notch
Example: I have circled the proposed notch out location of the beam for coordination with structural.
April 24, 2013
amirtyz commented on the word muster point
A muster point is a place where everyone is ordered to go when there is an emergency.
The distance? It depends on the emergency. Though, there are usually signs posted outside that tell you where the muster point is. And if there are no signs, emergency personnel will direct you.
April 2, 2013
amirtyz commented on the word nooks and crannies
Rub the titanium surfaces clean with the lint-free cloth. Be very careful to get into all the nooks and crannies in the strap so that you do not end up with toothpaste left on your watch. The watch should look as bright and shiny as new.
March 22, 2013
amirtyz commented on the word joist
Means: Smaller elements which support slab and are expanded between wall-wall, wall-beam, beam-beam. See girder
March 20, 2013
amirtyz commented on the word girder
Means: The main horizontal support of a structure which supports smaller beams. See joist
March 20, 2013
amirtyz commented on the word step up to the plate
Means: To take responsibility for doing something.
March 20, 2013
amirtyz commented on the word rally the troops
Means: To meet with friends and colleagues etc. and get them united and ready to help out with something.
March 20, 2013
amirtyz commented on the word to pull the plug
Means: To end something
March 20, 2013
amirtyz commented on the word to get a project off the ground
Means: To begin a project
March 20, 2013
amirtyz commented on the list construction-zone
This looks like a very good list and I hope you keep working on it and make it more versatile.
March 14, 2013
amirtyz commented on the list construction-related-glossary
Thanks ruzuzu ! I have just recently joined "wordnik" and this list is not yet even started. I'm going to put some effort into it in the next few weeks and hopefully prepare something that would be of use to you and other community members.
March 14, 2013
amirtyz commented on the word shotcrete
From Wikipedia:
Shotcrete is concrete (or sometimes mortar) conveyed through a hose and pneumatically projected at high velocity onto a surface, as a construction technique.
Shotcrete is usually an all-inclusive term that can be used for both wet-mix and dry-mix versions. In the pool construction trade however, the term "shotcrete" refers to wet-mix and "gunite" refers to dry-mix; in this context, these two terms are not interchangeable (see "Shotcrete vs. gunite" discussion below).
Shotcrete undergoes placement and compaction at the same time due to the force with which it is projected from the nozzle. It can be impacted onto any type or shape of surface, including vertical or overhead areas.
March 13, 2013
amirtyz commented on the word sediment control
Sediment control
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A sediment control is a practice or device designed to keep eroded soil on a construction site, so that it does not wash off and cause water pollution to a nearby stream, river, lake, or sea. Sediment controls are usually employed together with erosion controls, which are designed to prevent or minimize erosion and thus reduce the need for sediment controls.
March 13, 2013