Could this definition be accepted? I am a Baha'i and can vouch for its correctness:
noun (plural Baha'is)
a monotheistic religion founded in the 19th century as a development of Babism, emphasizing the essential oneness of humankind and of all religions and seeking world peace. The Baha'i faith was founded by the Persian Baha'ullah (1817–92) and his son Abdul Baha (1844–1921).
Comments by amzolt
amzolt commented on the word Word
Wondering why word doesn't have a more "mundane" definition in this dictionary...?
March 14, 2019
amzolt commented on the word Baha'i
Baha'i is not a Scrabble word?
Not even without it's apostrophe?
March 14, 2019
amzolt commented on the word baha'i
Could this definition be accepted? I am a Baha'i and can vouch for its correctness:
noun (plural Baha'is)
a monotheistic religion founded in the 19th century as a development of Babism, emphasizing the essential oneness of humankind and of all religions and seeking world peace. The Baha'i faith was founded by the Persian Baha'ullah (1817–92) and his son Abdul Baha (1844–1921).
• an adherent of the Baha'i faith.
March 31, 2018
amzolt commented on the word anagnost
Somewhat surprised there's no pronunciation audio for this word...
September 22, 2015
amzolt commented on the word blog
Too many folks forget that blogs are social media...
September 21, 2015
amzolt commented on the word pulp
When pulp is applied to literature it appears to lose the "valuableness" it has when applied to vegetative matter...
And, since paper is derived from pulp and writing happens (often) on paper, why should pulp literature be considered "less than"?
September 20, 2015
amzolt commented on the word omnivoracious
Omnivoracious is the name of Amazon's Readers' Blog and a fine portmanteau word :-)
July 17, 2012
amzolt commented on the word renunciation
So often one needs to renounce yet fears any loss in an age of over-promised gain...
July 8, 2012