@ bilby It's not so much about vast screeds of instructions, FAQ pages, and the like.
What I'm driving at is that at some level it should be intuitive, so that non-computer literate people can use it with ease. I guess it's the old Mac-literate versus PC literate argument again *sigh*
I see what you're saying, but the problem for me is that the interface is clumsy and gets in the way of the reason for the website's existence - to play with words.
I know very little about coding (as you can see from my efforts to make a simple word link under mokusatsu earlier), but it would be much more fun if everything was on one homepage. As it is, I'm still thinking: "Now where was it I saw that word/feature/list/etc/." instead of being able to make the comment or add (which I've usually forgotten by the time I've got to where I wanted to go). That's quite important for people who need time to reflect on things before they comment.
An FAQ page is a pretty basic requirement of every website I've ever come across though, so I'm not sure what I think about that..
Hmm.. The problem is I'm scrolling through a whole page of info to find the one thing that I want.
Also - can't see FAQ on the home page or my list page. Everything needs to be grouped on one page for ease of access. It's too labyrinthine at the moment.
Comments by artbizness
artbizness commented on the word egg chaser
Similar to rugger bugger
September 23, 2008
artbizness commented on the word dullard
I feel like one of these today.
September 23, 2008
artbizness commented on the word attention whore
Oh, I see. Reading it back now.
(..and feeling really stupid)!
September 23, 2008
artbizness commented on the word trunnion cap
My Grandpa knew this. He was a gunner in the army.
September 22, 2008
artbizness commented on the word attention whore
Fuming slightly,as I've had to see one off recently....
(elsewhere, though - not here).
September 20, 2008
artbizness commented on the word attention whore
I'm not so sure... I've referred to males as attention whores before.
Drama Queen can be non-gender specific, too. I know several (straight) men who are Drama Queens.
September 20, 2008
artbizness commented on the word meniscus
I only find myself using this word when I'm filling up baby-bottles with water and Aptamil.
September 20, 2008
artbizness commented on the word fuck
I am the 99th person to list the word, the song is called "99 problems".
September 19, 2008
artbizness commented on the word bed
See you all tomorrow.
September 19, 2008
artbizness commented on the word chambawamba
I thought it was Chewbacca's cousin.
September 19, 2008
artbizness commented on the word fuck
September 19, 2008
artbizness commented on the word churros
Anda y fria un churro.
September 19, 2008
artbizness commented on the word rammalammadingdong
Musical sound often sung by Showaddywaddy.
September 19, 2008
artbizness commented on the word pope
A long time ago, I was a bit of a full-on Christian. I didn't like swearing, so I took to bellowing "pope" instead of "fuck" or somesuch.
As I saw it, this highlighted the fact that it was ok for people to say "Jesus" as a swearword, but not "pope".
What a wanker I was.
September 19, 2008
artbizness commented on the word boswellox
Urban Dictionary
September 19, 2008
artbizness commented on the word boswellox
L'Oreal Wrinkle Cream
September 19, 2008
artbizness commented on the word boswellox
(n) A spurious, invented chemical added to a beauty product to give it scientific weight.
Can also be used to describe any other such empty promise or bullshit.
eg. "This is just complete and utter boswellox, isn't it?"
September 19, 2008
artbizness commented on the word chambawamba
Not to be confused with Chumbawumba.
September 19, 2008
artbizness commented on the word dunno
This is what we're having for dinner tonight, according to the wife.
September 19, 2008
artbizness commented on the word worded gentry
I iz a he.
September 19, 2008
artbizness commented on the list •-wordie-for-dummies
How about pica ?
September 19, 2008
artbizness commented on the word word-lubber
Hmm. It wasn't put here by me, otherwise I would. I s'pose I could delete it and re-post it.
September 18, 2008
artbizness commented on the word bamboozle
I love this word - it's quite popular on the Indian subcontinent apparently.
September 18, 2008
artbizness commented on the word worded gentry
Heh. Glad I wasn't around for that.
September 18, 2008
artbizness commented on the word worded gentry
An elite group of people who think they have the monopoly on clever words and word-play.
Never play scrabble with them.
September 18, 2008
artbizness commented on the word word-lubber
Someone who is beached on a sea of words. See also worded gentry
September 18, 2008
artbizness commented on the list artbizness-a-wordie-newbie-on-a-mission-ie
@ bilby It's not so much about vast screeds of instructions, FAQ pages, and the like.
What I'm driving at is that at some level it should be intuitive, so that non-computer literate people can use it with ease. I guess it's the old Mac-literate versus PC literate argument again *sigh*
September 18, 2008
artbizness commented on the list artbizness-a-wordie-newbie-on-a-mission-ie
@ Prolagus I am indeed familiar with the dummies series ;-)
September 18, 2008
artbizness commented on the list artbizness-a-wordie-newbie-on-a-mission-ie
LOL @Prolagus Very funny. I shall be reading and adding to it profusely.
September 18, 2008
artbizness commented on the list artbizness-a-wordie-newbie-on-a-mission-ie
I see what you're saying, but the problem for me is that the interface is clumsy and gets in the way of the reason for the website's existence - to play with words.
I know very little about coding (as you can see from my efforts to make a simple word link under mokusatsu earlier), but it would be much more fun if everything was on one homepage. As it is, I'm still thinking: "Now where was it I saw that word/feature/list/etc/." instead of being able to make the comment or add (which I've usually forgotten by the time I've got to where I wanted to go). That's quite important for people who need time to reflect on things before they comment.
An FAQ page is a pretty basic requirement of every website I've ever come across though, so I'm not sure what I think about that..
September 18, 2008
artbizness commented on the word labyrinthine
(adj): relating to wordie.org interface.
September 18, 2008
artbizness commented on the list artbizness-a-wordie-newbie-on-a-mission-ie
Hmm.. The problem is I'm scrolling through a whole page of info to find the one thing that I want.
Also - can't see FAQ on the home page or my list page. Everything needs to be grouped on one page for ease of access. It's too labyrinthine at the moment.
September 18, 2008
artbizness commented on the word blimey
This is possibly my most over-used word at the moment.
September 18, 2008
artbizness commented on the word mokusatsu
Blimey, I got there in the end.
September 18, 2008
artbizness commented on the word mokusatsu
It's funny how a word can lead to the h-bomb
September 18, 2008
artbizness commented on the word spargepipe
Oh, OK, got it.
I'm usually quite good with this sort of stuff, but I've gone all fingers and thumbs now I'm here.
September 18, 2008
artbizness commented on the list artbizness-a-wordie-newbie-on-a-mission-ie
OK. Blimey it's a lot to learn!
It's not like Twitter or Plurk...!
September 18, 2008
artbizness commented on the word spargepipe
It's basically the pipe that runs across the top of a slab urinal in a men's toilet. It's the one that flushes the water through.
Not to be confused with a single urinal, which has no spargepipe:
September 18, 2008
artbizness commented on the word spargepipe
I'm not sure if this should be two separate words.
September 18, 2008
artbizness commented on the word features
Is there any way to "follow" poeple or words that you've taken an interest in other than RSS?
September 18, 2008
artbizness commented on the word mokusatsu
Right... So basically there'll already be a link to Wikipedia.
It's going to take me a while to get used to this...
September 18, 2008
artbizness commented on the word mokusatsu
Citation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mokusatsu
September 18, 2008
artbizness commented on the word mokusatsu
"the act of keeping a contemptuous silence."
September 18, 2008
artbizness commented on the list artbizness-a-wordie-newbie-on-a-mission-ie
I'm not getting the hang of this...
September 18, 2008
artbizness commented on the list artbizness-a-wordie-newbie-on-a-mission-ie
This will also be the title of my first compilation of poetry.
September 18, 2008
artbizness commented on the list artbizness-a-wordie-newbie-on-a-mission-ie
This will also be the title of my first compilation of poetry.
September 18, 2008
artbizness commented on the user documentally
Yes, I can vouch for him.
September 18, 2008