Some corrections are needed for (spell-check defeating) typos for the definitions listed for 'sigmoid' in the section attributed to The Century Dictionary:
1. The sigmoid colon could feasibly end 'in' or 'at' the rectum but not 'ill' the rectum.
2. 'Of the cervical vertebral' should be change to 'vertebrae'.
3. Herons are not small protuberances developing on stems of plants; 'buds'. Herons belong to a class of warm blooded, egg laying, winged, feathered, beaked vertebrates; 'birds'.
Additionally, in the second definition for 'sigmoid' attributed to Wiktionary, the term for the Greek symbol for Sigma in the form of a semicircle (found beginning in earliest manuscripts of the New Testament) is 'lunate sigma', though a few non-authoritative examples using 'lunar sigma' come up in searches.
Comments by bbben
bbben commented on the word sigmoid
Some corrections are needed for (spell-check defeating) typos for the definitions listed for 'sigmoid' in the section attributed to The Century Dictionary:
1. The sigmoid colon could feasibly end 'in' or 'at' the rectum but not 'ill' the rectum.
2. 'Of the cervical vertebral' should be change to 'vertebrae'.
3. Herons are not small protuberances developing on stems of plants; 'buds'. Herons belong to a class of warm blooded, egg laying, winged, feathered, beaked vertebrates; 'birds'.
Additionally, in the second definition for 'sigmoid' attributed to Wiktionary, the term for the Greek symbol for Sigma in the form of a semicircle (found beginning in earliest manuscripts of the New Testament) is 'lunate sigma', though a few non-authoritative examples using 'lunar sigma' come up in searches.
April 24, 2020