the active future tense of the adj./n. : "smitten"; meaning "becoming quite fond of", in stead of the passive present "smitten" which indicates a current state of "already quite fond of".
<3; a pictorial reference to the common-day expression of "love", whether congenial or romantic. According to legend, the design has been said to be representative of the womanly endowment of the opposite sexes, i.e. the vagina, and used by St. Valentine when as a signature when he wrote letters to his prisonguard's blind daughter in secret letters he wrote to her. St. Valentine was also sent flowers and roses during his time in prison (when he was writing his girlfriend) from all of the neighborhood children. Hence, the tradition of sending roses on St. Valentine's Day. Also, when he signed his letter, he would write "love, your Valentine".
Comments by bettyannfromjapan
bettyannfromjapan commented on the word subinfiniplastifulisticism
in extreme moderation... yes
January 16, 2008
bettyannfromjapan commented on the list bettyannfromjapan-s-list
the active future tense of the adj./n. : "smitten"; meaning "becoming quite fond of", in stead of the passive present "smitten" which indicates a current state of "already quite fond of".
January 16, 2008
bettyannfromjapan commented on the word ♥
<3; a pictorial reference to the common-day expression of "love", whether congenial or romantic. According to legend, the design has been said to be representative of the womanly endowment of the opposite sexes, i.e. the vagina, and used by St. Valentine when as a signature when he wrote letters to his prisonguard's blind daughter in secret letters he wrote to her. St. Valentine was also sent flowers and roses during his time in prison (when he was writing his girlfriend) from all of the neighborhood children. Hence, the tradition of sending roses on St. Valentine's Day. Also, when he signed his letter, he would write "love, your Valentine".
January 16, 2008