also used (negatively) to describe fragmentation of interests/priorities, etc. that used to be shared:
"Because the politically attentive tend to seek out information consistent with their existing views, Sunstein argued, the Internet threatens to balkanize political attention and discourse."
Stands for First Lady of the United States, sometimes in all caps and sometimes not. This word is everywhere now (now being since Michelle Obama)! Strange as I'd never even heard of Scotus or Potus.
Mmm: "As you slowly add water, the liquid in the glass seems to thicken, and transforms into an opalescent pastel cloud. The French call this effect the louche (which has the wonderful double meaning of turbulent in French and disreputable in English). Technically, when absinthe is distilled, the anise and fennel oils dissolve into the alcohol. As the water dilutes the alcohol, it frees the oils from their molecular prison, and they form a cloudy suspension."
I like this one: "There's something about this sexy beast that perfectly expresses the lesbian soul. Who better to appreciate one outrageous ride that lets you adventure all day and vogue all night, with barely a car wash in between?"
Comments by brainstem
brainstem commented on the word dopp kit
same as "dop kit" - small satchel often with many pockets, meant to hold men's toiletries and grooming items.
June 28, 2011
brainstem commented on the word flying turtle
Does it?
June 15, 2010
brainstem commented on the word twerk
Dance style that involves a woman moving shaking her butt rapidly, a la Beyonce. twerk twerk
May 22, 2010
brainstem commented on the word flying turtle
Yessss! Childhood toy of endless joy
April 11, 2010
brainstem commented on the word genuflective
John McWhorter enjoys this word.
April 7, 2010
brainstem commented on the word woah
God I hate this spelling. Where did this even come from!
March 17, 2010
brainstem commented on the word macro
(internet slang) Also "image macro," picture with funny text on it-- exemplified by LOLcats (or, anything with a picture + Impact font)
March 11, 2010
brainstem commented on the word idiotarian
When I made that comment, that little thing said it was the first time the word had been looked up. ...Why would I even lie about that?
March 11, 2010
brainstem commented on the word flotus
Perhaps. I meant in the "Supreme Court of the US" sense.
March 11, 2010
brainstem commented on the word spermatic
hahaha... I love language.
March 8, 2010
brainstem commented on the word balkanize
also used (negatively) to describe fragmentation of interests/priorities, etc. that used to be shared:
"Because the politically attentive tend to seek out information consistent with their existing views, Sunstein argued, the Internet threatens to balkanize political attention and discourse."
the above usage seems to be spelled "bulkanize" frequently... not sure if it's just an innocent, random misspelling.
March 6, 2010
brainstem commented on the word spermatic
Also used in mycology to non-creatively describe certain odors of certain mushrooms...
February 25, 2010
brainstem commented on the word flotus
Stands for First Lady of the United States, sometimes in all caps and sometimes not. This word is everywhere now (now being since Michelle Obama)! Strange as I'd never even heard of Scotus or Potus.
February 25, 2010
brainstem commented on the word louche
Mmm: "As you slowly add water, the liquid in the glass seems to thicken, and transforms into an opalescent pastel cloud. The French call this effect the louche (which has the wonderful double meaning of turbulent in French and disreputable in English). Technically, when absinthe is distilled, the anise and fennel oils dissolve into the alcohol. As the water dilutes the alcohol, it frees the oils from their molecular prison, and they form a cloudy suspension."
February 21, 2010
brainstem commented on the word vogue
I like this one: "There's something about this sexy beast that perfectly expresses the lesbian soul. Who better to appreciate one outrageous ride that lets you adventure all day and vogue all night, with barely a car wash in between?",...-a0126164419
February 12, 2010
brainstem commented on the word daydrink
Drinkin' during the day. Twitter says people like this word! Or, maybe not the word
February 12, 2010
brainstem commented on the word antergy
Opposite of synergy!
February 12, 2010
brainstem commented on the word freudenschade
play on "Schadenfreude," joy in others' misfortunes. Freudenschade = misery at others' fortune.
February 12, 2010
brainstem commented on the word idiotarian
How am I the first person to look this up on wordnik? Hm!
February 12, 2010
brainstem commented on the word yelp
How progressive is this site intended to be? Anyway, yelp has taken on a verb sense - to write reviews for the website
February 12, 2010
brainstem commented on the word blink
LOTS of Am. Heritage definition #5 in political news recently!
February 12, 2010