"cally thanatopsian. It is not the virus of morbidity they suffer from but a metaphysically alienated state. It is as if they had already surrendered to ..."
October 17, 2007 entry at http://daddyzine.typepad.com/ (by Garrett Scott) "But rarely have I met with unqualified success when I've attempted to assuage my misery by shifting the thanatopsian burden onto the shoulders of a young child, so likely I will simply continue my ad hoc approach to inuring her to the manifold sucker punches of grief."
What the Japanese called Christianity, introduced to Japan in 1549 by Francis Xavier, the Jesuit missionary. From the Portuguese "Christao." Refers to both the period of active missionary activity (1549-1639) and the period following the expulsion of European missionaries up to 1873, also known as "hidden" or underground.
Comments by bridgeofdreams
bridgeofdreams commented on the word thanatopsian
1929 usage by Will Cuppy in a book review referred to:
"cally thanatopsian. It is not the virus of morbidity they suffer from but a metaphysically alienated state. It is as if they had already surrendered to ..."
* The Lost Generation of College Youth
* Charles I. Glicksberg
* The Journal of Higher Education
Vol. 28, No. 5 (May, 1957), pp. 257-264+294
(article consists of 9 pages)
* Published by: Ohio State University Press
* Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/1978740
Andre Chabot quoted referring to "thanatopsian eroticism" in
Pornography and sexual representation: a reference guide
By Joseph W. Slade
October 17, 2007 entry at http://daddyzine.typepad.com/ (by Garrett Scott) "But rarely have I met with unqualified success when I've attempted to assuage my misery by shifting the thanatopsian burden onto the shoulders of a young child, so likely I will simply continue my ad hoc approach to inuring her to the manifold sucker punches of grief."
September 18, 2010
bridgeofdreams commented on the word fingerspitzengefuhl
A tingling in the fingers when near an 'interesting' object, esp. a rare book, that has a value not apparent to the seller.
August 17, 2009
bridgeofdreams commented on the word librocubicularist
one who reads in bed
August 6, 2009
bridgeofdreams commented on the word novexcel
a novel written in a spreadsheet.
Word coined by Nick Name http://namenick.wordpress.com/'>http://namenick.wordpress.com/
in response to an idea by David Nygren http://twitter.com/davidnygren/statuses/1294767398'>http://twitter.com/davidnygren/statuses/1294767398
March 31, 2009
bridgeofdreams commented on the word kirishitan
What the Japanese called Christianity, introduced to Japan in 1549 by Francis Xavier, the Jesuit missionary. From the Portuguese "Christao." Refers to both the period of active missionary activity (1549-1639) and the period following the expulsion of European missionaries up to 1873, also known as "hidden" or underground.
March 26, 2009