A Juggalo (male or female) or Juggalette (more commonly used for a female) is a member of the group that has grown up around the fanbase of the Michigan rap/horrorcore group Insane Clown Posse (ICP).
That was lifted entirely from Wikipedia, source of all knowledge.
Comments by bridiekent
bridiekent commented on the word sesquipedalian
Wordie is sooooooo sesquipedalian. Did someone say that? It seems like someone should have.
June 13, 2008
bridiekent commented on the list emergency-preparedness-and-its-acrimonious-nyms
A Juggalo (male or female) or Juggalette (more commonly used for a female) is a member of the group that has grown up around the fanbase of the Michigan rap/horrorcore group Insane Clown Posse (ICP).
That was lifted entirely from Wikipedia, source of all knowledge.
May 29, 2008
bridiekent commented on the word nonechucks
Very nice, yarb. There are nonechucks better suited than Chuck Norris to head the Federal Emergency Management Agency, methinks.
May 29, 2008
bridiekent commented on the word nunchucks
There is no mention of these in FEMA's Emergency Plan.
May 28, 2008
bridiekent commented on the list emergency-preparedness-and-its-acrimonious-nyms
Incident Command Post, or a bunch of juggalos from Detroit.
May 28, 2008