Ooh, this would be a good term to use as the name of some fictional supernatural phenomena. Possibly something halfway between a tulpa and a genius loci
Should probably append the definition, since in my experience this word is nowadays most commonly used to mean "doomed" or otherwise destined to fail spectacularly
Is there are word meaning a word that means the opposite of what it sounds like it means? Because I would've thought "pulchritude" would mean "ugliness"
Comments by brokeneye
brokeneye commented on the word spae-craft
Oh, I thought it was another word for tarship
February 24, 2024
brokeneye commented on the word ataxia
And not, as some may have assumed, the loss of ability to comprehend tax forms
October 31, 2023
brokeneye commented on the word strenuity
I invented this word a moment ago, and then thought I'd check to see if it was a word already. As you've probably guessed, it is.
July 24, 2022
brokeneye commented on the word landraker
The earthbound equivalent of Moonraker?
February 14, 2022
brokeneye commented on the list science-fact-or-fiction
Hey, somebody's raiding one of my lists. Cool.
August 6, 2021
brokeneye commented on the list dream-words--1
Who you calling a hypnic jerk?
August 6, 2021
brokeneye commented on the list alternative-spellings
December 10, 2020
brokeneye commented on the word hypothecary
Not an establishment which dispenses hypothetical drugs, then?
September 16, 2019
BrokenEye commented on the list diseases-that-make-lovely-baby-girls-names
Halitosis? That's a terrible name for a baby girl
June 7, 2016
BrokenEye commented on the word cathexis
Ooh, this would be a good term to use as the name of some fictional supernatural phenomena. Possibly something halfway between a tulpa and a genius loci
April 14, 2016
BrokenEye commented on the list a-glossary-of-filth
Don't forget dross
February 10, 2016
BrokenEye commented on the list alternative-spellings
Straunge Wunder
September 7, 2015
BrokenEye commented on the word discursion
Does the official dictionary definition really include "hither and thither"? That's awesome
July 24, 2015
BrokenEye commented on the word poetaster
Is there also such a thing as a prosaster?
July 11, 2015
BrokenEye commented on the list masthead-staples
New Petition Against Tax
May 19, 2015
BrokenEye commented on the list lies--1
Eskimos may not have 50 words for snow, but we English speakers apparently have nearly 200 words for bullshit. What does that tell you?
May 5, 2015
BrokenEye commented on the list public-list-kill-the-wabbit
Angwo-Japanese? Dat's a funny way of spewwing "Ewmuh Fudd". Eh eh eh eh
April 27, 2015
BrokenEye commented on the word grue
n. That which one is likely to be eaten by
April 16, 2015
BrokenEye commented on the word gleed
The loot of are ever
April 16, 2015
BrokenEye commented on the word unsinkable
Should probably append the definition, since in my experience this word is nowadays most commonly used to mean "doomed" or otherwise destined to fail spectacularly
Thanks for that, White Star Line
April 16, 2015
BrokenEye commented on the word woebegone
Isn't that where Garrison Keillor comes from?
April 16, 2015
BrokenEye commented on the word pulchritude
Is there are word meaning a word that means the opposite of what it sounds like it means? Because I would've thought "pulchritude" would mean "ugliness"
April 16, 2015
BrokenEye commented on the list public-list-kill-the-wabbit
You misspewwed "Pubwic Wist" in the titwe
July 15, 2014
BrokenEye commented on the word frounce
Why is there a word for "a canker in the mouth of a hawk"? Is that really something we need a specific word for? Why not just call it a canker?
March 24, 2014