chairmank commented on the word insha'allah
a useful interjection with which the speaker ironically disavows responsibility for a future outcome
September 19, 2008
chairmank commented on the word ferrum
I prefer this word over "iron".
August 26, 2008
chairmank commented on the word aluminium
The names of other elements terminate in "-ium"; the American (mis)spelling "aluminum" is an ugly anomaly.
chairmank commented on the word snowball
slang for mouth-to-mouth exchange of semen through kissing (e.g. following fellatio to completion)
chairmank commented on the word infotaxis
Vergassola M, Villermaux E, Shraiman BI (2007) 'Infotaxis' as a strategy for searching without gradients. Nature 445:406-409.
chairmank commented on the word contrapuntal
The Renaissance Latin noun is "contrapunctus", but the OED does not recognize "contrapunctal" as an alternative spelling.
chairmank commented on the word inlibration
divine revelation of Logos in the form of a Book (analogous to incarnation)
August 25, 2008
chairmank commented on the word legshow
"she had always been singularly absentminded, or shameless, or both, in matters of legshow" (Lolita, V. Nabokov)
Comments by chairmank
chairmank commented on the word insha'allah
a useful interjection with which the speaker ironically disavows responsibility for a future outcome
September 19, 2008
chairmank commented on the word ferrum
I prefer this word over "iron".
August 26, 2008
chairmank commented on the word aluminium
The names of other elements terminate in "-ium"; the American (mis)spelling "aluminum" is an ugly anomaly.
August 26, 2008
chairmank commented on the word snowball
slang for mouth-to-mouth exchange of semen through kissing (e.g. following fellatio to completion)
August 26, 2008
chairmank commented on the word infotaxis
Vergassola M, Villermaux E, Shraiman BI (2007) 'Infotaxis' as a strategy for searching without gradients. Nature 445:406-409.
August 26, 2008
chairmank commented on the word contrapuntal
The Renaissance Latin noun is "contrapunctus", but the OED does not recognize "contrapunctal" as an alternative spelling.
August 26, 2008
chairmank commented on the word inlibration
divine revelation of Logos in the form of a Book (analogous to incarnation)
August 25, 2008
chairmank commented on the word legshow
"she had always been singularly absentminded, or shameless, or both, in matters of legshow" (Lolita, V. Nabokov)
August 25, 2008