When you rip out stitches in quilting, you are doing the "frog stitch." "To frog" means to pull out stitches, and is referred to as frogging. I'm told the origin of the term is the sound a frog makes (ribbit, ribbit), which sounds like "rip it." This is probably also the etymology of "frog" as applied to knitting, which is listed above.
I always try to guess the etymology before I read it, and of course guessed wrong on this. It *looks* like it should be the king's cords, but it's not.
Comments by cherird
CheriRD commented on the word frog
When you rip out stitches in quilting, you are doing the "frog stitch." "To frog" means to pull out stitches, and is referred to as frogging. I'm told the origin of the term is the sound a frog makes (ribbit, ribbit), which sounds like "rip it." This is probably also the etymology of "frog" as applied to knitting, which is listed above.
January 26, 2012
CheriRD commented on the word kine
I find the definition of 'weasel' curious -- does anyone know how that came about? or have an example of its use?
November 17, 2011
CheriRD commented on the word corduroy
I always try to guess the etymology before I read it, and of course guessed wrong on this. It *looks* like it should be the king's cords, but it's not.
November 11, 2011