This was a favorite of the greatest orator I ever had the honor to learn from, Richard Sodikow, Speech & Debate Coach, The Bronx HS of Science. When he said it, he demonstrated just how well it flowed like honey past his lips.
I learned acaudal from It is now the leading description in my dating profile, for both myself and potential partners (although I suppose I am caudate-curious.)
Comments by chesler
chesler commented on the word mellifluous
This was a favorite of the greatest orator I ever had the honor to learn from, Richard Sodikow, Speech & Debate Coach, The Bronx HS of Science. When he said it, he demonstrated just how well it flowed like honey past his lips.
March 2, 2008
chesler commented on the word callipygian
What can beat a word that is both dirty and high-brow at the same time?
March 2, 2008
chesler commented on the word sesquicentennial
You've got to love a language with a prefix that means one and a half.
March 2, 2008
chesler commented on the word acaudal
I learned acaudal from It is now the leading description in my dating profile, for both myself and potential partners (although I suppose I am caudate-curious.)
March 2, 2008