Nor did the First Commissioner of Works deny the statement publicly made that a station ("kiosque" the wise call it), with all its charming concomitants of a ticket collector, a policeman, an applewoman, and a newsboy, is to be erected in the heart of that beautiful park, where now children play in peace and safety and those in search of rest and solitude ramble undisturbed.
And why is this thing to be done? The truth is that the Albert Hall has been a financial fiasco, and the seatholders, amongst whom are some very influential persons, are making this last desperate effort to bring the public to their doors, within which, I am told, the entertainments in future are more likely to be of the Wild West of Hengler's Circus order than classical concerts.
Comments by claudiob
claudiob commented on the word sputtering
"Oh fuck, I left my car keys in the sputtering machine!"
"Will you please stop to sputter all over the fucking place!"
"Oh, you are a damn sputter!"
July 3, 2009
claudiob commented on the word desensitised
How many more young children are being desensitised to homosexuality in their young years by these sophisticated techniques?
July 3, 2009
claudiob commented on the word undeserving
July 3, 2009
claudiob commented on the word gaybackward
"Good morning, Sir."
"Good morning, Mister."
"Would you like a cup of tea?"
"Gosh, don't be gaybackward! Let's fuck now!"
July 3, 2009
claudiob commented on the word gaybackward
The opposite of straightforward
July 3, 2009
claudiob commented on the word guilloché
July 3, 2009
claudiob commented on the word applewoman
Nor did the First Commissioner of Works deny the statement publicly made that a station ("kiosque" the wise call it), with all its charming concomitants of a ticket collector, a policeman, an applewoman, and a newsboy, is to be erected in the heart of that beautiful park, where now children play in peace and safety and those in search of rest and solitude ramble undisturbed.
And why is this thing to be done? The truth is that the Albert Hall has been a financial fiasco, and the seatholders, amongst whom are some very influential persons, are making this last desperate effort to bring the public to their doors, within which, I am told, the entertainments in future are more likely to be of the Wild West of Hengler's Circus order than classical concerts.
July 3, 2009