cmcmyriff commented on the list wilfred-j--funks--ten-most-beautiful-words-in-the-english-language--1932--1933
I agree with 'seanahan' because "diarrhea" is found on some so-called beautiful word lists. 'Kinda like' a type of form(sound) over function(denotation).
December 27, 2009
About sixty years ago, my third grade teacher, Miss Stapleton said that "cellar door" and "murmur" were the most beautiful words.
Comments by cmcmyriff
cmcmyriff commented on the list wilfred-j--funks--ten-most-beautiful-words-in-the-english-language--1932--1933
I agree with 'seanahan' because "diarrhea" is found on some so-called beautiful word lists. 'Kinda like' a type of form(sound) over function(denotation).
December 27, 2009
cmcmyriff commented on the list wilfred-j--funks--ten-most-beautiful-words-in-the-english-language--1932--1933
About sixty years ago, my third grade teacher, Miss Stapleton said that "cellar door" and "murmur" were the most beautiful words.
December 27, 2009