Kevin Kelly, talking about dot-communism on Wired: " is a spectrum of attitudes, techniques, and tools that promote collaboration, sharing, aggregation, coordination, ad hocracy, and a host of other newly enabled types of social cooperation."
"May I compartmentalize? - I hate to, but may I? May I? Is our language a function of our British cynicism, tolerance, resistance to false emotion, humour and so on, or do those qualities come extrinsically - extrinsically - from the language itself?"
It's just a wonderfully evocative name. Rather than holidaying in Gran Canaria or (worse) Lanzagrotty (I think notty), we should all go on expeditions to Mesopotamia. What a world that would be...
A cryptid rumoured to be living in a remote jungle region of Sumatra. Descriptions are very similar to the fossilised remains of a recently (10,000 years ago) extinct hominid found on Flores Island, homo floresiensis (colloquially known as the "hobbit").
Say for example, a feminist metanarrative holds that patriarchies oppress women, then a feminist 'pata-narrative might hold that patriarchies oppress women, before flying off to Venus to conquer an alien race of seven-breasted Iguanas, and finally settling down in comfort with pipe and slippers.
Describes the processes in the Canada Act 1982, in the UK Parliament, which formally severed the constitutional ties of the two countries. A process of patriation is therefore one that "brings sovereignty home".
Since the credit crunch is such a woefully weak-sounding name for a recession, here's a better one. Note: Monster Crunch is a proper noun. We know him all too well.
Also, thinking about this whilst on a date, my lady friend and I decided on flirty blurb. The glowing kiss-me-quick profile you put on dating websites.
It's the latin name for the Common Hazel, named after the town of Avella by (according to Wikipedia) Linnaeus, from Leonhart Fuchs's De historia stirpium commentarii insignes (1542), where the species was described as "Avellana nux sylvestris" ("wild nut of Avella").
In rare cases you might be removing a genuine classical prefix (when an affixed word is in use and the root never has been), but it depends entirely on the word and its etymology. Otherwise, yes, it's just a bit of fun.
I was always told that Bronze Age burial mounds were often placed on the brows of hills, in a liminal location, giving a feeling of ancestral belonging to the residents of the valleys below.
I am repeatedly warned that puns are a low form of wit... I can't wholly agree, as they make me profoundly joyful, but I suppose the stigma has rubbed off. Somehow it seems safer for the wider world to have a specific place for puns...
"There is a slight potential problem with this method if the result is a noun." Sionnach is correct... avoid using this method to create nouns from words with a- prefixes. It may get terribly confusing.
I'm rather touched that nobody's yet pointed out my glaring typo... if only one could edit the word after the event.
From the Deeper Meaning of Liff (John Lloyd and Douglas Adams): "The deep and peaceful sleep you finally fall into two minutes before the alarm goes off."
The slightly elfin-sounding "-withiel" turns a sleepy Cornish town into a delicious concept.
Comments by corylusavellana
corylusavellana commented on the word islomane
A person afflicted (or conversely, blessed) with islomania.
October 7, 2010
corylusavellana commented on the word coccyx
Public transport always leaves me with a sore one of these.
August 13, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word repurpose
I keep seeing this on Lifehacker and it annoys me to hyperbole. Perhaps I should stop reading it...
In Lifehacker's context it's usually applied to any DIY job entailing recycling some old item and giving it new life, with a new purpose.
August 13, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word countercream
Any cream for the treatment of stuff; general ailments.
August 13, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word struthiocracy
Government by Ostriches. See Gordon Brown.
June 4, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word li-ion
A hesitant lion.
May 30, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word ad hocracy
Dash it. Foiled by the compounding process once again!
May 30, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word dot-communism
Describes the broad ideological basis for internet collaboration. Wired article.
May 27, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word ad hocracy
Kevin Kelly, talking about dot-communism on Wired: " is a spectrum of attitudes, techniques, and tools that promote collaboration, sharing, aggregation, coordination, ad hocracy, and a host of other newly enabled types of social cooperation."
May 27, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word skiptonite
The one weakness of fictional Northern superhero, Yorkshireman.
April 7, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word palimpsest
We were always told, in Landscape Archaeology, that a palimpsest was the whole landscape, in its infinite complexity, spread out before us.
April 2, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word hotel schadenfreude
Think of waking up late when on holiday, knowing that the rest of the world is already sweating at work.
March 27, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word clever clogs
Not those again!
March 23, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word clever clogs
Any footwear that showcases advanced technology. Such as this.
See also: smart shoes.
March 22, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word hunch-hound
A fictional group of dogs bred for their ability to hunt using either instinct or Extrasensory Perception.
March 22, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word sighthound
It would be rather nice if there was a dog with Extrasensory Perception. We could call it a psych-hound. Or a hunch-hound.
March 22, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word hold the newsreader's nose squarely, waiter, or friendly milk will countermand my trousers
Delicious phrase from A Bit of Fry and Laurie.
March 22, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word compartmentalize
"May I compartmentalize? - I hate to, but may I? May I? Is our language a function of our British cynicism, tolerance, resistance to false emotion, humour and so on, or do those qualities come extrinsically - extrinsically - from the language itself?"
- A Bit of Fry and Laurie, S01 E02.
March 22, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word double chin
A good substitute for "chin-chin"!
March 22, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word up yours
I use this instead of "cheers!", when raising a glass. See also: double chin.
March 22, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word up yours
Oops. See above.
March 22, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word dino-fuzz
Yes, I saw that and giggled today. Well done for putting it up!
March 20, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word great recession
Good times. Constant growth is so last year...
March 9, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word autarchia
I would have thought this meant a state of political independence? Or even be an apt name for such an independent state.
March 8, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word wintnic
A winter picnic.
March 7, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word press here for a random word
I agree c_b. "I must have my share in this conversation, I must!"
March 7, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word brunk
That's brilliant. It's my perpetual state.
March 6, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word petrified
Allows for total satisfaction whenever someone says "petrified log". Bless.
March 6, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word quantitative easing
I just wish they'd bought CorylusAvellana bonds with money created out of thin air...
March 6, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word krill
Apparently there's been a large increase in the commercial krill catch in recent years. Licensed to krill?
March 6, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word mesopotamia
It's just a wonderfully evocative name. Rather than holidaying in Gran Canaria or (worse) Lanzagrotty (I think notty), we should all go on expeditions to Mesopotamia. What a world that would be...
March 6, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word snood
The shape of a handlebar moustache may be protected during the night by a moustache snood.
In another (more Scottish) universe, the past tense for snow?
March 6, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word flandom
A happy domain of flans. (Inhabited by flaneurs?)
March 6, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word soc-netting
Yes, it does sound like that. I can't get the idea of a web forum for darners out of my head now...
March 6, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word potentious
As in, this is a very potentious argument. (The very idea makes me shudder somewhat...)
March 6, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word lollery
Lots of lol. Grr.
March 6, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word webism
See the list Twit 2.0.
March 6, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word soc-netting
Well, a bit obvious.
March 6, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word permanently enlarge your froghood!
I wish someone would send me spam like that. That reminds me... recession is really starting to be visible. I saw spam fritters in the supermarket. Permanently enlarge your spamhood!
March 6, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word starry gazey pie
A Cornish fish pie with the heads and tails of fish protruding from the crust.
March 6, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word regeneration
The process by which Doctor Who turns into 25,000m² of executive apartments.
March 6, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word bunburyist
"I have invented an invaluable permanent invalid called Bunbury, in order that I may be able to go down into the country whenever I choose."
- Algernon Moncrieff, in Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest.
March 6, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word orang pendek
A cryptid rumoured to be living in a remote jungle region of Sumatra. Descriptions are very similar to the fossilised remains of a recently (10,000 years ago) extinct hominid found on Flores Island, homo floresiensis (colloquially known as the "hobbit").
Oh, to find one...
March 6, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word quantitative easing
The Bank of England just essentially bought £75bn in government bonds, with money it created out of thin air. Quantitative easing in action!
March 6, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word bettermost
Anachronistic word for "best". Rather lovely in a hobbity context.
March 5, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word is my one weakness
Wordie is my one weakness. The favourite saying of Dorcas Lane, in Flora Thompson's Lark Rise to Candleford.
February 28, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word ectoderm
That's a shame. I was hoping it would be ghost skin or somesuch... :(
January 26, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word trefusist
Hugely so to you!
January 26, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word samhain
Pron. "sow-inn" apparently.
January 26, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word gaoth
Irish Gaelic: wind.
January 26, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word derailliance
The state of being "off the rails".
January 26, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word rubimentary
Of basic frottage.
January 26, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word trefusist
A follower of the teachings of Donald Trefusis.
January 26, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word drupulent
Challenge: define this word!
January 26, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word ergophile
Do such people exist?
January 26, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word vacuism
January 14, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word sir ely
To know a Sir Ely would be, well, surreal.
January 14, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word mo'glee
A mother's joy?
January 14, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word vacuism
The theory than nature can allow for vacuums.
Also a possible alternative to voidword.
January 14, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word voidword
Any word now devoid of meaning, thanks to middle managers. Chosen because vacuism, which is also appealing, refers to a scientific theory.
January 14, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word sustainable development
This used to be a worthwhile concept until the middle managers ripped any meaning out of it.
January 14, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word megafaunal charisma
See charismatic megafauna.
January 14, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word fatly baffled
A fictional Dorset village.
In reality, taken from the opening page of Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things:
"Dissolute bluebottles hum vacuously in the fruity air. Then they stun themselves against clear windowpanes and die, fatly baffled in the sun."
January 10, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word umbrage
I always think the Archers should live here.
January 10, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word 'pata-narrative
What lies beyond the metanarrative.
Say for example, a feminist metanarrative holds that patriarchies oppress women, then a feminist 'pata-narrative might hold that patriarchies oppress women, before flying off to Venus to conquer an alien race of seven-breasted Iguanas, and finally settling down in comfort with pipe and slippers.
January 10, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word patriation
Describes the processes in the Canada Act 1982, in the UK Parliament, which formally severed the constitutional ties of the two countries. A process of patriation is therefore one that "brings sovereignty home".
January 10, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word righteous indignation
Also the spaceship of the brilliant Captain Bucky O'Hare. Ahem.
January 9, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word heir miles
I'm sure *everyone* has seen King Ralph...
January 9, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word soft, strong and long
Good name for a firm of solicitors.
January 9, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word wengland and ales
Drunken countries.
January 9, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word cantank'r'us
A retailer of grumpy old men.
January 9, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the list lexosynthesis
Ahhh, wordlings.... how joyous to be sporting with you in this dalliance of love.
January 9, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word prejoice
Feuerlibelle, I'm prejoicing at the thought of our fireside snuggles. Maybe this isn't the place...
January 9, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word moule
To grow moldy. As in, "the condensation mouled the window frame."
January 8, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word wanking industry
It would please me, twistedly, if such a thing existed.
January 8, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word theatre of the custard
See Absurd.
January 8, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word flawedband
In the evenings, sharing one line with six people, in special measures because of high volume.... but unable to find a better solution...
January 7, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word protohippus
From a purely etymological perspective (I can read the WordNet thingy!) it's a nice thought... well, dans mon petite franglais opinion.
January 6, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word pilk
It's "deloinkful".
January 6, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word protohippus
Almost a hippo?
January 6, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word quaffage
Yes, although I think one could get away with quaffing mead too.
January 5, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word torporware
Just about anything running on Vista.
January 5, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word waremonger
January 5, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word outware
Out-sourced software.
January 5, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the user feuerlibelle
I hope you had a Gonzo weekend. See you in Zurich!
January 5, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word uvavu
"We really wanna see those fingers...."
January 5, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the list great-character-names
How about Flora Dies-Early and Mr. Gently Benevolent?
January 4, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word auspuff
January 4, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word hugely so to you all
January 4, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word auspuff
Very literally "Out Puff", the German for exhaust. Brilliant.
January 4, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word neverland dole-scum
A little light-hearted term I apply to myself during idle months...
January 4, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word monster crunch
Since the credit crunch is such a woefully weak-sounding name for a recession, here's a better one. Note: Monster Crunch is a proper noun. We know him all too well.
January 4, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word flurb
Also, thinking about this whilst on a date, my lady friend and I decided on flirty blurb. The glowing kiss-me-quick profile you put on dating websites.
January 3, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word perty
A small party.
January 3, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word flanders and swannabe
I'm thinking mainly of the British comedy duo Armstrong & Miller.
January 2, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word new art for the people
A glorious song by the fabulously high-brow Indelicates.
January 2, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word antipodean
See podean.
January 2, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word municipalization
Ooooh... wonderful! In a horrid way. It sounds like the word of choice for 60s town planners...
January 2, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word podean
Which, oddly, must describe you. Geographically at least.
January 2, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word caseucratic
Government by Cheese. (I'm in a silly mood!)
January 2, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word flurb
A single snowdrift? (As in flurry and blob)
January 2, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word atavista
Perhaps the next version of Windows will be better, a reversion to type?
January 2, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word atavist
January 2, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word totnes
A rather nice market town in Devon.
January 2, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word fin de siecle
Bicycle enthusiast.
January 2, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word morous
Of which amorous is the inverse.
January 2, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word i'm not racist, but...
The most annoying phrase in the English language.
January 2, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word luscient
An alternative to luscious.
January 2, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word tilth
A good tilth is always so very pleasing.
January 2, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word egognomics
Inventing maxims, aphorisms, truisms etc in the hope of gaining notoriety.
January 2, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word wabi-sabi
I'm ashamed to say this always makes me think of wasabi.
January 2, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word wordeye
That late-night blurred vision we all know and love...
January 2, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word peter pantheism
Too delightful to resist. All children grow up, except the One.
January 2, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word moriartorium
A ban on evil arch-rivals.
January 2, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word excalibur cottage
Alan Partridge's ridiculous home address.
January 2, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word annus renovus
Recycling years.
January 2, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word new year
What wasteful creatures we are to have disposable years. (annus renovus?)
January 2, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word sexiled
That is very pleasing, and all-too-familiar.
January 2, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word pratchett's law
The annoying rule whereby every original idea has already been thought of, and novelized, by Terry Pratchett.
January 2, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word lickr
This one was staring me in the face somewhat... (alas a quick Google search reveals it's another victim of Pratchett's Law.)
January 2, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word mindwend
A mental journey.
January 2, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the word hugely so to you all
Non-sequitur greeting commonly used by Stephen Fry's "Donald Trefusis".
January 2, 2009
corylusavellana commented on the user elisheba
It's the latin name for the Common Hazel, named after the town of Avella by (according to Wikipedia) Linnaeus, from Leonhart Fuchs's De historia stirpium commentarii insignes (1542), where the species was described as "Avellana nux sylvestris" ("wild nut of Avella").
It also sounds pretty!
December 31, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word sexcellent
A word championed by Ray Holnrew.
December 31, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word cheesemite
Great word!
December 31, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word tour d'os
I just can't decide on the right Linux option for my laptop...
December 31, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word dewberry
Also as thingummy.
December 31, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word paronomasy
December 31, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word colonol panic
As in "Linux is slowly turning me into Colonel Panic."
December 31, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word ladle
Singing: "Ladle vice..."
December 30, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word piskie
See pixie.
December 30, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the list list-of-onyms
December 30, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word onanym
Drat... foiled again. Top work!
December 30, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word bedfordshire
Where one sleeps.
December 30, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word noshstalgic
When you rather miss those days of fine dining...
December 30, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word onanmatopoeia
Unfortunately self-explanatory.
December 30, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word pig
Also a mild curse, as used by Yockenthwaite in the Rottentrolls.
December 30, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word sozialesmedienwohnzimmer
See smewzimmer.
December 30, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word racking off
In brewing, he process of siphoning off clear, newly-fermented liquids into clean vessels. See racking.
December 30, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word rackmanenough
Sufficient racking off undertaken by a man. Poor pun.
December 30, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word nindles
Was a pet name for an ex-girlfriend, Linda, but is just generally pleasing.
December 30, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word the day that one wishes the whole christmas season was over
Around 4 B.C.
December 30, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word harumble!
Exclamation of joy, taken from Mark Evans's "Bleak Expectations", BBC Radio 4.
December 30, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word handlebar
Caddish, wide moustache worn by RAF pilots and Chaps.
December 29, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word sadly, adding several ruins the concept
Well, I'd hate to be a trouble-maker...!
December 29, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word smewzimmer
See social media living room.
December 29, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word social media living room
That would sound rather good in German... Sozialesmedienwohnzimmer anyone?
(Which could almost become Smewzimmer...)
December 29, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word 'phesis
Sadly it's almost a homophone for something less exalted.
December 29, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word glitterbug
Certain type of person who leaves a trail of glitter and sparkle everywhere.
December 29, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word tee sauce
My childish name for toothpaste.
December 29, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word deprifixation
In rare cases you might be removing a genuine classical prefix (when an affixed word is in use and the root never has been), but it depends entirely on the word and its etymology. Otherwise, yes, it's just a bit of fun.
December 29, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word finings
Any substance used to clarify alcoholic and some non-alcoholic beverages after fermentation. For some disgusting trivia, see Isinglass.
December 28, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word caullifluous
As pleasant-sounding as a cauliflower.
December 28, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word cauliflorous
See cauliflory.
December 28, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word cauliflory
Botanical term for the production of seeds and flowers on old branches and trunk, rather than on newer outer growth.
December 28, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word white collar
Such a surprising song, and so wonderfully catchy.
December 28, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word darcissistic
Think Jane Austen...
December 28, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word verb
How would we get anything done without verbs?
December 26, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word arctic lorry
As seen in festive Coca-Cola commercials.
December 24, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word best girl
Girlfriend and boyfriend just seem dull or, at worst, cringe-worthy.
December 24, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word bully for you
Term of praise, often sarcastic.
December 24, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word best girl
A rather lovely old-fashioned alternative to the atrocious girlfriend.
December 24, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word punnery
As in a current pun?
December 24, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word furrowed
"This furrowed field, this hallowed ground, acre of Weald, of peace unbound,
I dream of living, earth in hand, and plot my plot; to live the land."
December 24, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word windlestraw
A truly beautiful word.
December 23, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word i like cheese
I find this works well as a filler of awkward silences... or any silences for that matter.
December 23, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word gite
BrainyBabe.... what better use of language is there?!
December 23, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word buck the kickit
As used by Johnny Five in Short Circuit 2, during a particularly emotional scene...
December 23, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word luftspaffe
Not if it lands on your head unwarranted...
December 23, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word pleasant
Engrish Christmas...
December 23, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word luftspaffe
Luftwaffe and spaffed. Not pleasant.
December 23, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word spaffed
See Luftspaffe.
December 23, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word liminal
I was always told that Bronze Age burial mounds were often placed on the brows of hills, in a liminal location, giving a feeling of ancestral belonging to the residents of the valleys below.
December 23, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word dotsam and netsam
Charming phrase.
December 23, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word punnery
I am repeatedly warned that puns are a low form of wit... I can't wholly agree, as they make me profoundly joyful, but I suppose the stigma has rubbed off. Somehow it seems safer for the wider world to have a specific place for puns...
December 23, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word deprifixation
That's a brilliant solution, rolig! Thank you.
December 23, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word bojo
Pithy stand-in for Tory politician and London Mayor, Boris Johnson.
December 22, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word deprifixation
"There is a slight potential problem with this method if the result is a noun." Sionnach is correct... avoid using this method to create nouns from words with a- prefixes. It may get terribly confusing.
I'm rather touched that nobody's yet pointed out my glaring typo... if only one could edit the word after the event.
December 22, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word necdotal evidence
Very good!
December 22, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the user sarra
Yes indeed! I do enjoy wearing a good Harris Tweed.
December 22, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the user feuerlibelle
Welcome my darling!
December 22, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word abstruse
"The Frost performs its secret ministry,
Unhelped by any wind. The owlet's cry
Came loud--and hark, again ! loud as before.
The inmates of my cottage, all at rest,
Have left me to that solitude, which suits
Abstruser musings : save that at my side
My cradled infant slumbers peacefully.
'Tis calm indeed ! so calm, that it disturbs
And vexes meditation with its strange
And extreme silentness."
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Frost at Midnight.
December 22, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word struth
Exclamation. Contraction of "God's truth". Slang.
December 22, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word nempnett thrubwell
Actually the name of a place, but it sounds wonderfully like a motorcycle revving.
December 22, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word irrelephant
From Flanders & Swann:
"It's irrelevant... "
"No it's not, it's a Hippopotamus".
December 22, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word motination
A nation of overly motivated people, e.g. Germany.
December 22, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word mafficking
Celebrating with boisterous public demonstrations.
December 22, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word hazel
See my nameline for the Latin name of Common Hazel...
December 22, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word vanden plas
See austintatious.
December 22, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word chappist
One who follows the doctrines of the Chap Magazine.
December 22, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word propertea
As in the chappist call to arms, "All Propertea is Best!"
December 22, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word corylus avellana
Common Hazel.
December 22, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word shaggy ink-cap
Has a delicious nutty taste, and looks friendly.
December 22, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word porcini
Was he not a composer?
December 22, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word duck
Noun. Term of endearment. Colloq. Northern England.
December 22, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word peripatetic
I used to have a sworn enemy (get one, they're fun) called Perry... so peripatetic always made me giggle.
December 22, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word demagod
One who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain worship and followers; cult leader.
December 22, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word deprifixation
The art of making madeupical words by the simple removal or prefixes, e.g. ascetic --> scetic.
December 22, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word punnery
A place for the rehabilitating habitual poor punners. Inspired by Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing: "Get thee to a nunnery."
December 22, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the user shoepixie
I saw your remarks on insouciant and had to convey my approval...
December 22, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word moism
December 22, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word nefarious
So delightfully melodramatic...
December 22, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word scetic
Adj.) Saying yes to everything... (See Yes Man)
N.) Someone who says yes a lot.
Note: Never confuse things by saying "a scetic"!
December 22, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word bysmal
Really actually quite good. (A deprifixation of abysmal.)
December 22, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word lostwithiel
From the Deeper Meaning of Liff (John Lloyd and Douglas Adams): "The deep and peaceful sleep you finally fall into two minutes before the alarm goes off."
The slightly elfin-sounding "-withiel" turns a sleepy Cornish town into a delicious concept.
December 22, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word empower
I agree whole-heartedly. Such an annoying and vacuous word.
December 22, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word empower
I agree whole-heartedly. Such an annoying and vacuous word.
December 22, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word depidgin
Derision via IM.
December 22, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the list nice-colloquialisms-my-idiolect
This makes a good euphemism: "Nice colloquialisms, darlin'..."
December 22, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word hobbitry
Oh to be part of the hobbitry...
December 22, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word hack rag
Derogatory. Tabloid newspapers and other purveyors of filth!
December 22, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word pippiculture
Fabulous word, this!
December 22, 2008
corylusavellana commented on the word choclamous
Busy or frenetic, spuriously derived from Chocolate Mousse.
December 22, 2008
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