A principle, analogous to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which states that a googlewhack once observed will cease to be a googlewhack. This is due to the fact that Google spiders websites where googlewhacks are posted upon discovery.
A gödelwhack (after Kurt Gödel, 1906-1978) is any self-referential Google query. For example, the phrase "exemplary googlewhack" was a gödelwhack during the early days of googlewhacking. One interesting form is the cardinal gödelwhack, a Google query that accurately describes the number of results it will return (e.g. "This Google query produced fourteen thousand three hundred eighty two hits," if in fact it does).
"The universal computation ability of antimagician systems may be rephrased in the following form: belief systems containing conjunctive default categorization, and having the potential to override default categorizations, are capable of computing anything whatsoever. Belief systems themselves may in their natural course of operation perform much of the computation required for mental process."
Comments by cschx
cschx commented on the word googlewhack
That's the Heisenwhack principle at work.
July 10, 2007
cschx commented on the word heisenwhack principle
A principle, analogous to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which states that a googlewhack once observed will cease to be a googlewhack. This is due to the fact that Google spiders websites where googlewhacks are posted upon discovery.
July 10, 2007
cschx commented on the word gödelwhack
A gödelwhack (after Kurt Gödel, 1906-1978) is any self-referential Google query. For example, the phrase "exemplary googlewhack" was a gödelwhack during the early days of googlewhacking. One interesting form is the cardinal gödelwhack, a Google query that accurately describes the number of results it will return (e.g. "This Google query produced fourteen thousand three hundred eighty two hits," if in fact it does).
July 10, 2007
cschx commented on the word psychic antimagician
"The universal computation ability of antimagician systems may be rephrased in the following form: belief systems containing conjunctive default categorization, and having the potential to override default categorizations, are capable of computing anything whatsoever. Belief systems themselves may in their natural course of operation perform much of the computation required for mental process."
July 10, 2007