dangleberry commented on the word islay
and an island off the west coast of Scotland
July 1, 2008
dangleberry commented on the word glaikit
a bit vacant. away with the fairies. the lights are on but nobody is home sort of thing.
July 23, 2007
dangleberry commented on the word drouth
a thirst
dangleberry commented on the list doric
I think foggy bummer has to be one of my favorites! Closely followed by fou's yer doos? all to be uttered in a lilting scots accent while swigging irn bru
July 18, 2007
dangleberry commented on the word dingin doun
raining heavily
dangleberry commented on the word droukit
soaking, as in wet
dangleberry commented on the word doric
contrary to the entry on ninja, doric actually refers to the dialect spoken in the north east of scotland
dangleberry commented on the word heed
or in doric, head
dangleberry commented on the word dirl
as in "a gave mysel a richt dirl on the heed" (I gave myself a real bump on the head) or "it's makin ma heed dirl" (it's making my head thump)
dangleberry commented on the word quine
a girl
dangleberry commented on the word loun
a boy, can also be loonie without any derogatory connotations
dangleberry commented on the word fou's yer doos
literally translated means "how are your pigeons?" but is used as "How are you?"
dangleberry commented on the word foggy bummer
bumble bee
dangleberry commented on the word guid
dangleberry commented on the word doun
dangleberry commented on the word gaun
dangleberry commented on the word scunnered
dangleberry commented on the word ca canny
go easy, slow down, whoa there
dangleberry commented on the word yersel
translation: yourself
dangleberry commented on the list dangleberry-s-words
thank you! i think I'm going to like it here...
dangleberry commented on the word irn bru
made in scotland from girders!
thanks - I will as soon as I can think of more. Scottish in-laws visiting at the weekend so i'm sure will have many more to add soon.
dangleberry commented on the word docetaxel
generic name for taxotere
dangleberry commented on the word neulasta
drug used to treat and prevent neutropenia
dangleberry commented on the word dinnae
do not or don't
July 11, 2007
dangleberry commented on the word aboot
doric for about
dangleberry commented on the word fit like
Means how are you in doric. Used as a friendly greeting. Typical response would be aye, naye bad, yersel?
July 10, 2007
Comments by dangleberry
dangleberry commented on the word islay
and an island off the west coast of Scotland
July 1, 2008
dangleberry commented on the word glaikit
a bit vacant. away with the fairies. the lights are on but nobody is home sort of thing.
July 23, 2007
dangleberry commented on the word drouth
a thirst
July 23, 2007
dangleberry commented on the list doric
I think foggy bummer has to be one of my favorites! Closely followed by fou's yer doos? all to be uttered in a lilting scots accent while swigging irn bru
July 18, 2007
dangleberry commented on the word dingin doun
raining heavily
July 18, 2007
dangleberry commented on the word droukit
soaking, as in wet
July 18, 2007
dangleberry commented on the word doric
contrary to the entry on ninja, doric actually refers to the dialect spoken in the north east of scotland
July 18, 2007
dangleberry commented on the word heed
or in doric, head
July 18, 2007
dangleberry commented on the word dirl
as in "a gave mysel a richt dirl on the heed" (I gave myself a real bump on the head) or "it's makin ma heed dirl" (it's making my head thump)
July 18, 2007
dangleberry commented on the word quine
a girl
July 18, 2007
dangleberry commented on the word loun
a boy, can also be loonie without any derogatory connotations
July 18, 2007
dangleberry commented on the word fou's yer doos
literally translated means "how are your pigeons?" but is used as "How are you?"
July 18, 2007
dangleberry commented on the word foggy bummer
bumble bee
July 18, 2007
dangleberry commented on the word guid
July 18, 2007
dangleberry commented on the word doun
July 18, 2007
dangleberry commented on the word gaun
July 18, 2007
dangleberry commented on the word scunnered
July 18, 2007
dangleberry commented on the word ca canny
go easy, slow down, whoa there
July 18, 2007
dangleberry commented on the word yersel
translation: yourself
July 18, 2007
dangleberry commented on the list dangleberry-s-words
thank you! i think I'm going to like it here...
July 18, 2007
dangleberry commented on the word irn bru
made in scotland from girders!
July 18, 2007
dangleberry commented on the list doric
thanks - I will as soon as I can think of more. Scottish in-laws visiting at the weekend so i'm sure will have many more to add soon.
July 18, 2007
dangleberry commented on the word docetaxel
generic name for taxotere
July 18, 2007
dangleberry commented on the word neulasta
drug used to treat and prevent neutropenia
July 18, 2007
dangleberry commented on the word dinnae
do not or don't
July 11, 2007
dangleberry commented on the word aboot
doric for about
July 11, 2007
dangleberry commented on the word fit like
Means how are you in doric. Used as a friendly greeting. Typical response would be aye, naye bad, yersel?
July 10, 2007