It is not a common word, like omnivorous, meaning something that can eat both meat and plants, but I think it is a good adjective for people that love to read anything they can get their hands on.
Usage: He was so verbivorous that he could read an entire novel by Scott Sigler in a single evening.
Comments by dans42
dans42 commented on the word verbivorous
ver·biv·or·ous (vûr-biv'er-us) adj.
1. Literally, eating words for sustenance.
2. To be such a voracious reader that one could seem to live solely on words.
3. The name of a website ( where you can share books with other readers.
From Latin: verb- (meaning word), + -vorous (meaning to eat).
It is not a common word, like omnivorous, meaning something that can eat both meat and plants, but I think it is a good adjective for people that love to read anything they can get their hands on.
Usage: He was so verbivorous that he could read an entire novel by Scott Sigler in a single evening.
May 6, 2008