Definition: the writing of a death, in all aspects.
Example: The Buddha Gautama: d 483 B.C., age 80
Cause of Death: Intestinal hemorrhaging from acute indigestion following a large, spicy meal.
Mode of Burial: Cremation
Last words: "Never forget it: decay is inherent in all things".
For Prince Siddhartha Gautama, the buddha, his last supper was as fateful as Jesus Christ's. Each died follwing a banquet, the buddha, from the last food.
Diet was a problem from the start. To achieve enlightenment, or Bodhi, the buddha ate only mosses, roots, grains and an occasional wild fruit. Growing emaciated, he permanently damaged his health.
Enlgihtenment did not come with starvation, he learned. Returning to the traditional Indian diet, he put on weight, a gut that would become a hallmark, and experiences intense stomach and intestinal burning -- most likely from ulcers. He ate the food that is thought to have caused his death in 483 B.C. after preaching a sermon in a mango grove at the village of Pava.
Comments by deidionysus
deidionysus commented on the word thanatographies
Definition: the writing of a death, in all aspects.
Example: The Buddha Gautama: d 483 B.C., age 80
Cause of Death: Intestinal hemorrhaging from acute indigestion following a large, spicy meal.
Mode of Burial: Cremation
Last words: "Never forget it: decay is inherent in all things".
For Prince Siddhartha Gautama, the buddha, his last supper was as fateful as Jesus Christ's. Each died follwing a banquet, the buddha, from the last food.
Diet was a problem from the start. To achieve enlightenment, or Bodhi, the buddha ate only mosses, roots, grains and an occasional wild fruit. Growing emaciated, he permanently damaged his health.
Enlgihtenment did not come with starvation, he learned. Returning to the traditional Indian diet, he put on weight, a gut that would become a hallmark, and experiences intense stomach and intestinal burning -- most likely from ulcers. He ate the food that is thought to have caused his death in 483 B.C. after preaching a sermon in a mango grove at the village of Pava.
May 20, 2009
deidionysus commented on the word chocoiste
word used by Godiva Chocolotes to sound superior
May 10, 2009
deidionysus commented on the word guac
abbr. of guacamole found on Chipotle napkins.
May 10, 2009