Not at all obsolete: used by Deleuze to refer to non-realist fictions (and also the condition of postmodernism, as in "My day job is incompossible with my pursuits in Second Life"), such as Borges. I didn't realise that it was so storied until I tripped over this link to the Devil's Dictionary. Long may it not be expunged!
smaragdine is superb. it's interesting to note how many of these name the ingredients of the colours (as paints or dyes), and how many are descriptive...
Patrick Leigh Fermor writes eloquently about the multiple defenestrations and depontifications (throwing people of bridges) of Prague in Between the Woods and the Water. That book also has more impressive architectural terms than the whole of The Name of the Rose. And I think he learned Magyar for good measure...
Comments by deliriumslibrarian
deliriumslibrarian commented on the word yous
As used by Juliana Spahr to indicate "you, plural"
July 20, 2007
deliriumslibrarian commented on the word incompossible
Not at all obsolete: used by Deleuze to refer to non-realist fictions (and also the condition of postmodernism, as in "My day job is incompossible with my pursuits in Second Life"), such as Borges. I didn't realise that it was so storied until I tripped over this link to the Devil's Dictionary. Long may it not be expunged!
June 24, 2007
deliriumslibrarian commented on the word cunt
Not only quaint, but also kind and kenning - the roots give new meaning to the branches.
June 15, 2007
deliriumslibrarian commented on the word ninjabi
Ninjabi, as reported in G2, 15/06/07.
June 15, 2007
deliriumslibrarian commented on the word esemplastic
ST Coleridge, Biographica Litteraria.
June 14, 2007
deliriumslibrarian commented on the list the-dyer
smaragdine is superb. it's interesting to note how many of these name the ingredients of the colours (as paints or dyes), and how many are descriptive...
June 14, 2007
deliriumslibrarian commented on the word hierarchive
An archive. Only more so. With very, very strict librarians.
June 14, 2007
deliriumslibrarian commented on the word chroma
for derek jarman
June 14, 2007
deliriumslibrarian commented on the word dor
Roma: longing without object, passion without source, yearning without end.
June 14, 2007
deliriumslibrarian commented on the word sunravelling
"If I were a braver me I'd go travelling,
I think about it every night at sunravelling"
Martha Tilston
June 14, 2007
deliriumslibrarian commented on the word paramodernism
Coined by deliriumslibrarian.
June 14, 2007
deliriumslibrarian commented on the list cindywrites-s-words
I found you via slayer - how is it that only three people on this site have that word? your list is provocative, evocative and liketotallyawesome :)
June 14, 2007
deliriumslibrarian commented on the word defenestration
Patrick Leigh Fermor writes eloquently about the multiple defenestrations and depontifications (throwing people of bridges) of Prague in Between the Woods and the Water. That book also has more impressive architectural terms than the whole of The Name of the Rose. And I think he learned Magyar for good measure...
June 14, 2007
deliriumslibrarian commented on the word nifty
As in, "That was." Cool Buffy ref ;)
June 14, 2007
deliriumslibrarian commented on the word asterisk
"A star in any language." Anne Carson
June 14, 2007
deliriumslibrarian commented on the word wild
Courtesy of Jay Griffiths.
June 14, 2007
deliriumslibrarian commented on the word bioluminescence
"Some people say I got a psychedelic presence
Shining in the dark like bioluminescence"
Jolie Holland
June 14, 2007
deliriumslibrarian commented on the word lampyridae
aka: junebugs, fireflies. girls in white dresses at dusk.
June 14, 2007
deliriumslibrarian commented on the word morgengifu
Anglo Saxon: morning gift, a gift of money or goods given to the bride by her new husband on their wedding day. Abbreviated or elided to Mayfield.
June 14, 2007
deliriumslibrarian commented on the word filmgrimage
Coined by deliriumslibrarian and lady vervaine, december 2004, at the oratoire st. joseph in montréal. Used in Vertigo magazine to identify and describe a series of photo-articles exploring/addressing film locations. In French, pelerimage.
June 14, 2007
deliriumslibrarian commented on the word envagination
Derrida said it first. It probably sounds cooler in French.
June 14, 2007