I was telling my wife about a conversation I had with a store clerk, and I used the word definitively, and she asked if the clerk really said "definitively". I had to think for a moment to realize that no, what he was said was "for sure". Why would I do that? It was totally unintentional.
Comments by doubtingthomas
doubtingthomas commented on the word definitively
I was telling my wife about a conversation I had with a store clerk, and I used the word definitively, and she asked if the clerk really said "definitively". I had to think for a moment to realize that no, what he was said was "for sure". Why would I do that? It was totally unintentional.
December 22, 2006
doubtingthomas commented on the list doubtingthomas-s-words
Check the M-W link for other definitions of "truck" - you may be surprised.
December 4, 2006
doubtingthomas commented on the list doubtingthomas-s-words
With a little knowledge of Greek and Latin, one can make up words.
December 2, 2006