dougsta22 commented on the word mafipulation
Watch, as the gas mafipulates through the liquid; turning it from brown...what we have made here is embenzalmine nitrotamine, more comoonly knowm as Whiskey.
July 21, 2009
dougsta22 commented on the word ommatophobia
Don't look in the mirror!! Aaarrrgh!
July 1, 2009
dougsta22 commented on the word sirenian
E.g. Manatee?
dougsta22 commented on the word albeit
Is it pronounced All-be-it (as you see it) or Al-bite (as the scandinavians might)?
Comments by dougsta22
dougsta22 commented on the word mafipulation
Watch, as the gas mafipulates through the liquid; turning it from brown...what we have made here is embenzalmine nitrotamine, more comoonly knowm as Whiskey.
July 21, 2009
dougsta22 commented on the word ommatophobia
Don't look in the mirror!! Aaarrrgh!
July 1, 2009
dougsta22 commented on the word sirenian
E.g. Manatee?
July 1, 2009
dougsta22 commented on the word albeit
Is it pronounced All-be-it (as you see it) or Al-bite (as the scandinavians might)?
July 1, 2009