Of or relating to poetry. After Mount Parnassus, a mountain in Greece, considered sacred to Apollo, the Greek god of music and poetry, and the Muses. Earliest documented use: 1565.--A Word A Day
The law does not concern itself with trifles; - a principle of law, that even if a technical violation of a law appears to exist according to the letter of the law, if the effect is too small to be of consequence, the violation of the law will not be considered as a sufficient cause of action, whether in civil or criminal proceedings.
Comments by dream7184
dream7184 commented on the list new-words--93
pleonasm noun
the use of more words than are necessary to convey meaning (e.g., see with one's eyes ), either as a fault of style or for emphasis
September 9, 2017
dream7184 commented on the list new-words--93
skylark v.
to run up and down the rigging of a ship in sport
October 23, 2013
dream7184 commented on the word himalayan
Enormously large.
May 24, 2013
dream7184 commented on the word down
an undulating generally treeless upland with sparse soil — usually used in plural
b :plural and often capitalized: treeless chalk uplands along the south and southeast coast of England
2 :often capitalized : a sheep of any breed originating in the downs of southern England
--A Word A Day
May 22, 2013
dream7184 commented on the word parnassian
Of or relating to poetry. After Mount Parnassus, a mountain in Greece, considered sacred to Apollo, the Greek god of music and poetry, and the Muses. Earliest documented use: 1565.--A Word A Day
May 21, 2013
dream7184 commented on the word buttonhole
To accost and detain (a person) in conversation by or as if by grasping the person's outer garments:
January 9, 2013
dream7184 commented on the list new-words--93
buttonhole To accost and detain (a person) in conversation by or as if by grasping the person's outer garments:
January 9, 2013
dream7184 commented on the word blowzy
also spelled blousy and blowsy
November 14, 2012
dream7184 commented on the list latin--12
de minimis --de minimis non curat lex
The law does not concern itself with trifles; - a principle of law, that even if a technical violation of a law appears to exist according to the letter of the law, if the effect is too small to be of consequence, the violation of the law will not be considered as a sufficient cause of action, whether in civil or criminal proceedings.
August 19, 2012
dream7184 commented on the word dotial
A Pashtun tribe in Pakistan and Afghanistan
April 25, 2012
dream7184 commented on the word lambent
Always has been one of my favorite words. It sounds and looks like what it means.
April 21, 2012