eburn commented on the word ru
(according to the urban dictionary)
A versatile word that can be used in several situatons to mean several different things.
1. use it as you would any other cuss word i.e. Oh, ru! I forgot to bring that.
2. Use it to describe something totally awesome. i.e. that was so ru!
August 2, 2008
eburn commented on the word textpectation
"I just texted her for a date – but now the textpectation is killing me."
eburn commented on the word mapache
spanish for raccoon
eburn commented on the word sosia
spanish definition 1. m. Persona que tiene parecido con otra hasta el punto de poder ser confundida con ella. (De Sosias, personaje de la comedia Anfitrión, de Plauto)
Comments by eburn
eburn commented on the word ru
(according to the urban dictionary)
A versatile word that can be used in several situatons to mean several different things.
1. use it as you would any other cuss word i.e. Oh, ru! I forgot to bring that.
2. Use it to describe something totally awesome. i.e. that was so ru!
August 2, 2008
eburn commented on the word textpectation
"I just texted her for a date – but now the textpectation is killing me."
August 2, 2008
eburn commented on the word mapache
spanish for raccoon
August 2, 2008
eburn commented on the word sosia
spanish definition 1. m. Persona que tiene parecido con otra hasta el punto de poder ser confundida con ella. (De Sosias, personaje de la comedia Anfitrión, de Plauto)
August 2, 2008