n. A social engagement between two heterosexual men, particularly one that occurs in a setting other than a traditionally masculine venue such as a bar or live sporting event.
(FOH.hee.mee.un) adj. Relating to something that is bohemian in a fake or pretentious manner. —n. A middle class or wealthy person who affects a countercultural lifestyle. Also: faux-hemian.
(SWOHRM law.jik) n. The process by which a large number of unintelligent entities can, by working together without central direction, produce intelligent action.
(smawl-WURLD uh.fekt) n. The tendency for individual elements in a large system to be separated from any other element in the system by only a few steps (a.k.a. "six degrees of separation").
n. Hostility towards current ideas about healthy living, which includes a return to allegedly non-healthy activities such as smoking cigars, drinking martinis, and eating steak.
(proh.luh.TAYR.ee.un drift) n. The tendency for originally upscale products to eventually become popular with the working class; the tendency for most elements of the culture to eventually appeal to the lowest common denominator.
n. a person who believes himself indispensible to a group, esp. a person who becomes so over-involved in a group’s internal management, policies, or politics as to lose sight of its larger goals; (hence) a person with a negative, moralizing character, who acts like the sole source of wisdom.
"Milk" (Russian origin)in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange), in the book Moloko was actually enfused with performance enhancing chemicals.
An emetic drug with psychological effects used in a classical conditioning experiment in conjunction with violent visual stimulus to rehabilitate Alex in A Clockwork Orange.
Comments by feelsurreal
feelsurreal commented on the word shrub rustling
yes, or the boring definition.
April 15, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word shrub rustling
n. The theft of shrubs, flowers, trees, and other flora.
January 8, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word extreme gardening
n. Gardening that takes places in hostile or difficult conditions.
January 8, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word voluntary simplicity
n. A lifestyle that consciously avoids luxury, flamboyance, and pretense.
January 8, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word quiet party
n. A party in which talking and other loud noises are prohibited, and where guests communicate using handwritten notes.
January 8, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word potrepreneur
n. A person who creates a business based on selling marijuana (pot + entrepreneur).
January 8, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word narco-tourist
n. A person who travels to a foreign country to sample the local drugs or the indigenous narcotic plants.
January 8, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word baked potato
(BAYKT puh.tay.toh) n. A person who watches television or videos while high on drugs (cf. couch potato).
January 8, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word chillout
(CHIL.owt) n. A quiet period after a party; a post-rave gathering that features slow music and a calming ambience; soothing, hypnotic music.
January 8, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word cuddle puddle
(KUD.ul pud.ul) n. 1. A whirlpool bath or hot tub. 2. A group of people lying together on the floor hugging and massaging each other.
January 8, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word wardrobing
n. The practice of purchasing an item such as a piece of clothing or a device, using it briefly, and then returning it to the store for a refund. —pp.
January 8, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word man date
n. A social engagement between two heterosexual men, particularly one that occurs in a setting other than a traditionally masculine venue such as a bar or live sporting event.
January 8, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word nico-teen
(NIK.oh.teen) n. A teenager who smokes cigarettes.
January 8, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word chipper
(CHIP.ur) n. A person who smokes cigarettes only occasionally; a social smoker.
January 8, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word sheeple
(SHEE.pul) n. People who are meek, easily persuaded, and tend to follow the crowd (sheep + people).
January 8, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word urban tribe
n. A group of city dwellers who have formed a bond through a common interest, such as work or a social or recreational activity.
January 8, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word fauxhemian
(FOH.hee.mee.un) adj. Relating to something that is bohemian in a fake or pretentious manner. —n. A middle class or wealthy person who affects a countercultural lifestyle. Also: faux-hemian.
January 8, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word vocal grooming
n. Gossip and other forms of casual conversation that act as linguistic equivalents of the social grooming performed by some primates.
January 8, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word swarm logic
(SWOHRM law.jik) n. The process by which a large number of unintelligent entities can, by working together without central direction, produce intelligent action.
January 8, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word small-world effect
(smawl-WURLD uh.fekt) n. The tendency for individual elements in a large system to be separated from any other element in the system by only a few steps (a.k.a. "six degrees of separation").
January 8, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word schmooseoisie
n. The class of people who make their living by talking.
January 8, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word retro defiance
n. Hostility towards current ideas about healthy living, which includes a return to allegedly non-healthy activities such as smoking cigars, drinking martinis, and eating steak.
January 8, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word -rati
(RAT.ty) suffix. Indicates the intelligentsia or the elite of a particular group.
January 8, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word pseud
(SOOD) n. A person with pretensions to cultural or intellectual sophistication.
January 8, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word proletarian drift
(proh.luh.TAYR.ee.un drift) n. The tendency for originally upscale products to eventually become popular with the working class; the tendency for most elements of the culture to eventually appeal to the lowest common denominator.
January 8, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word helper's high
(HEL.purz hy) n. Feelings of euphoria and increased energy that occur while helping other people.
January 8, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word drink the kool aid
become a faithful follower
January 8, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word do-me queen
n. a selfish, submissive sexual partner, especially in a male homosexual relationship.
January 8, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word bleeding deacon
n. a person who believes himself indispensible to a group, esp. a person who becomes so over-involved in a group’s internal management, policies, or politics as to lose sight of its larger goals; (hence) a person with a negative, moralizing character, who acts like the sole source of wisdom.
January 8, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word appypolly loggy
Slang for an apology in Nadsat.
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word drencrom
Slang name for a dissociative drug in Nadsat.
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word devotchka
"Girl" (Russian origin)in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange).
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word droog
Meaning "Friend" in Nadsat, the droogs in A Clockwork Orange were usually companions in violence and public disturbance.
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word eggiweg
an egg, in Nadsat
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word filly
"to play" in Nadsat
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word gazetta
"Newspaper" in Nadsat
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word firegold
Slang for liquor in Nadsat
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word gulliver
"Head" (Russian origin)in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange).
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word guttiwuts
Insides or guts, in Nadsat.
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word horrorshow
"Good" or "Well" in Nadsat slang.
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word in-out-in-out
Nadsat slang for sex.
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word jeezny
"Life" (Russian origin)in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange).
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word lewdies
"People" (Russian origin)in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange).
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word krovvy
"Blood" (Russian origin)in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange).
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word loveted
"caught" (Russian origin)in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange).
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word litso
"face" (Russian origin)in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange).
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word lubbilubbing
Nadsat slang for sex
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word lucious glory
Slang for "hair" in Nadsat.
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word malchick
"Boy" (Russian origin)in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange).
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word malenky
"Little" (Russian origin)in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange).
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word millicent
"Policeman" in Nadsat
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word moloko
"Milk" (Russian origin)in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange), in the book Moloko was actually enfused with performance enhancing chemicals.
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word pan-handle
Nadsat slang for "erection".
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word oddy-knocky
"Alone" in Nadsat.
i.e. "All on my oddy-knocky."
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word nochy
"Night" in Nadsat
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word nagoy
"Naked" in Nadsat
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word nadsat
Meaning "Teenager" in A Clockwork Orange's gang lingo. Nadsat is also the name of the Russian-influenced slang the teens speak in the book.
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word ptitsa
A lady, in Nadsat slang
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word sarky
"Sarcastic" in Nadsat slang.
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word sharries
Slang for "testicles" in Nadsat.
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word shilarny
"Concern" (Russian origin)in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange).
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word shive
To slice or cut, in Nadsat
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word shoom
"Noise" (Russian origin)in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange).
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word sinny
Movies and films, in Nadsat
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word skazat
"To say" (Russian origin)in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange).
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word skolliwoll
"School" in Nadsat
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word skorry
Quick or quickly (Russian origin)in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange).
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word sloochat
"To happen" (Russian origin)in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange).
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word slooshy
"To listen, hear" (Russian origin)in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange).
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word slovo
Meaning "word" (Russian origin)in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange).
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word smeck
"To laugh" (Russian origin)in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange).
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word smot
"To look" (Russian origin)in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange).
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word sneety
"To dream" (Russian origin)in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange).
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word snoutie
Tobacco or snuff in Nadsat
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word sobirat
"To pick up" (Russian origin)in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange).
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word soomka
"Woman" (Russian origin)in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange).
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word staja
"State Jail" in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange).
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word strack
"Horror" (Russian origin)in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange).
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word tally
"Waist" (Russian origin)in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange).
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word tashtook
"Handkerchief" (German origin)in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange).
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word starry
"Ancient" in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange).
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word synthemesc
An emetic drug with psychological effects used in a classical conditioning experiment in conjunction with violent visual stimulus to rehabilitate Alex in A Clockwork Orange.
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word tolchock
"To hit" (Russian origin)in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange).
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word toofles
"Slippers" (Russian origin)in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange).
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word vaysay
"Washroom" or "Toilet" (French origin)in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange).
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word veck
"A guy/young male" (Russian origin)in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange).
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word vellocet
Slang for some kind of amphetamine in Nadsat, the gang lingo of A Clockwork Orange.
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word veshch
Meaning "thing" (Russian origin)in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange).
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word viddy
"To see" in A Clockwork Orange's Nadsat slang.
i.e. "Viddy this, my brothers!"
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word voloss
Slang for "hair" (Russian origin)in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange).
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word warble
In A Clockwork Orange's adolescent slang "Nadsat", warble means "song".
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word yahzick
Slang for "tongue" (Russian origin)in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange).
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word yarbles
Great bouncing yarbles!
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word yecate
Slang meaning "to drive" (Russian origin)in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange).
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word zammechat
Slang for "remarkable" (Russian origin)in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange).
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word zasnoot
Slang for "sleep" (Russian origin)in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange)
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word zheena
Slang for "sleep" (Russian origin)in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange)
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word zheena
Slang for "wife" (Russian origin)in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange)
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word zoobies
Slang for "teeth" (Russian origin)in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange)
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word zvonock
Slang for "doorbell" or "bellpull" (Russian origin)in Nadsat (literary lingo from A Clockwork orange)
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word zvook
Slang for "sound" (Russian origin) in Nadsat
(literary lingo from A Clockwork orange)
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word militsia
slang for "police" in Nadsat
(literary lingo from A Clockwork orange)
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word chelloveck
Street talk for "fellow" in Nadsat
(literary slang from A Clockwork orange)
January 7, 2009
feelsurreal commented on the word nothosonomia
the act of calling someone a bastard
January 7, 2009