fehguy commented on the word bandled
bandled is a mix between "band-aid" and "handled". It's like patching a boat with duct tape
May 7, 2013
fehguy commented on the word shit-gram
formal word for nasty emails
fehguy commented on the word Lance Armstrong
Lance Armstrong is king but for how long?
November 29, 2011
fehguy commented on the word crapplications
Applications that are bundled on technical gizmos that end-users really don't want.
April 10, 2011
fehguy commented on the word muggle
A non wizard
March 20, 2011
fehguy commented on the word hiybbprqag
A word coined by Google which means "we're afraid of Bing"
February 2, 2011
fehguy commented on the word gah
or gaaah
January 15, 2011
fehguy commented on the word Merckx
aka the Cannibal!
May 29, 2010
fehguy commented on the user john
nice work on the text box expand logic
May 7, 2010
fehguy commented on the user tonytam
Ever ride a bamboo bike?
February 18, 2010
fehguy commented on the list cycling-terms
February 17, 2010
fehguy commented on the list meat
There's a restaurant in big bear (los angeles) that has a burrito called the "big juan". It claims to have "5 meats":
ground beef
lesson is, beef and ground beef are different meats. good to know.
January 6, 2010
how about roof-rabbit
Love the site updates, thanks for the hard work
December 20, 2009
fehguy commented on the user grantbarrett
The bunny is cool
December 19, 2009
fehguy commented on the word aliquid in aere erat ea nocte, stellae illustres erant, fernande
lovely pronunciation!
November 17, 2009
fehguy commented on the word ☃
can we get one of these with a smile?
November 14, 2009
fehguy commented on the word ☕
What's not to love about this
fehguy commented on the word moist
How about a piece of moist cake? There's nothing to hate about that.
November 12, 2009
fehguy commented on the list words-about-old-houses
in california old = pre 1906 earthquake, i think
November 11, 2009
fehguy commented on the word MAJORLY
The all caps just works here.
fehguy commented on the word more late nights ahead
I've been there...
fehguy commented on the word google
some call it the new evil empire
August 1, 2009
Comments by fehguy
fehguy commented on the word bandled
bandled is a mix between "band-aid" and "handled". It's like patching a boat with duct tape
May 7, 2013
fehguy commented on the word shit-gram
formal word for nasty emails
May 7, 2013
fehguy commented on the word Lance Armstrong
Lance Armstrong is king but for how long?
November 29, 2011
fehguy commented on the word crapplications
Applications that are bundled on technical gizmos that end-users really don't want.
April 10, 2011
fehguy commented on the word muggle
A non wizard
March 20, 2011
fehguy commented on the word hiybbprqag
A word coined by Google which means "we're afraid of Bing"
February 2, 2011
fehguy commented on the word gah
or gaaah
January 15, 2011
fehguy commented on the word Merckx
aka the Cannibal!
May 29, 2010
fehguy commented on the user john
nice work on the text box expand logic
May 7, 2010
fehguy commented on the user tonytam
Ever ride a bamboo bike?
February 18, 2010
fehguy commented on the list cycling-terms
February 17, 2010
fehguy commented on the list meat
There's a restaurant in big bear (los angeles) that has a burrito called the "big juan". It claims to have "5 meats":
ground beef
lesson is, beef and ground beef are different meats. good to know.
January 6, 2010
fehguy commented on the list meat
how about roof-rabbit
January 6, 2010
fehguy commented on the user john
Love the site updates, thanks for the hard work
December 20, 2009
fehguy commented on the user grantbarrett
The bunny is cool
December 19, 2009
fehguy commented on the word aliquid in aere erat ea nocte, stellae illustres erant, fernande
lovely pronunciation!
November 17, 2009
fehguy commented on the word ☃
can we get one of these with a smile?
November 14, 2009
fehguy commented on the word ☕
What's not to love about this
November 14, 2009
fehguy commented on the word moist
How about a piece of moist cake? There's nothing to hate about that.
November 12, 2009
fehguy commented on the list words-about-old-houses
in california old = pre 1906 earthquake, i think
November 11, 2009
fehguy commented on the word MAJORLY
The all caps just works here.
November 11, 2009
fehguy commented on the word more late nights ahead
I've been there...
November 11, 2009
fehguy commented on the word google
some call it the new evil empire
August 1, 2009