I met somebody who used this as a gender-neutral term for a significant other. It derives from Spanish novio/novia, meaning "boyfriend" and "girlfriend" respectively—with the gendered suffix removed. It denotes a more casual relationship than the clunky "partner," I think.
In case you can't see it in the "Tweets" pane, the somatilla agarrazas (somas) were a species of rodent not unlike a chinchilla or a guinea pig that I discovered in a dream. They had a formidable bite and an odd fascination with mirrors.
Thanks, markusloke. When I was originally making this list, I tried to stay away from words that weren't primarily colors, but I don't think I had a real reason for that. I'll add your suggestions!
ETA: I don't think i'm going to add colors like camo and neon because those encompass multiple hues. Still, thank you!
A book that appeared to me in a dream. It manifested itself as exactly the book the reader was looking for, regardless of whether that book existed or not.
Also spelled salty or sauty, saldy is a slang term popular among young Philadelphians. It's apparently a versatile word, but the most interesting definition I've heard is "you thought you were right, but you're wrong." Useful!
According to the ever-trustworthy Wikipedia, methexis refers to "the relation between a particular and its form (in Plato's sense), e.g. a beautiful object is said to partake of the form of beauty."
Do you know when you're on vacation and you say "let's go home" when you mean "let's go back to the hotel?" I've taken to saying "let's go hote" when staying abroad, just to avoid/create confusion.
My mom and I used this word to describe the funny way my dog used to walk: sort of a clipped, bouncy lope. This isn't the first neologism to come out of our family.
I like to play a game with these where I make up band names for them.
"Among the most prominent jazzcore groups are the Upriver Collective and Thelonius Punk."
"Bluehouse, a mix of bluegrass and early 90s house music, was first popularized by artists such as Bootheel Mountain and Electric Nelson."
"Glamhop has been compared to genres such as sparkletune and glitterwave … Wavefunction (feat. Pegasynth), off "Polymorphism"—glitterwave phenom Seaqueen's debut album—is one of the artist's most-loved tracks."
I like making up backstories for these. "Sfatu response" alone sounds like a sinister medical maneuver, or maybe a title from a dystopian science-fiction saga.
Comments by glypheme
glypheme commented on the list mineral-names-not-ending-in-–ite
Thank you markusloke!! You're a big help!
June 15, 2015
glypheme commented on the word duoneoprotonatalpseudocircumpedisale
From this installment of Ryan North's Dinosaur Comics. T-Rex's one-word rendition of "for sale: baby shoes, never worn."
January 6, 2015
glypheme commented on the word novi
I met somebody who used this as a gender-neutral term for a significant other. It derives from Spanish novio/novia, meaning "boyfriend" and "girlfriend" respectively—with the gendered suffix removed. It denotes a more casual relationship than the clunky "partner," I think.
December 17, 2014
glypheme commented on the word scramblet
A nickname my mom gave me upon seeing my egg sweater (see the "Tweets" pane). She's full of weird words like this.
December 17, 2014
glypheme commented on the list words-that-look-like-compounds-but-arent
Thank you, fbharjo!
June 22, 2014
glypheme commented on the word tane
Lexic.us gives the definition of tane as "one (pronoun)"
June 21, 2014
glypheme commented on the word EWISOTT
Exactly What It Says On The Tin.
June 18, 2014
glypheme commented on the word erev
Lexic.us gives me the definition "the day before."
June 18, 2014
glypheme commented on the word Jonno Frakes
T-Rex's nickname for Jonathan Frakes. From Dinosaur Comics.
June 17, 2014
glypheme commented on the word Patty Stew
T-Rex's nickname for Patrick Stewart. From Dinosaur Comics.
June 17, 2014
glypheme commented on the word dirndls 'r' us
In my dream, this was actually a store for baby clothes, but everyone insisted on calling them "dirndls." Some weird regionalism.
June 16, 2014
glypheme commented on the word somatilla agarraza
In case you can't see it in the "Tweets" pane, the somatilla agarrazas (somas) were a species of rodent not unlike a chinchilla or a guinea pig that I discovered in a dream. They had a formidable bite and an odd fascination with mirrors.
June 16, 2014
glypheme commented on the list four-letter-colors
Thanks, markusloke. When I was originally making this list, I tried to stay away from words that weren't primarily colors, but I don't think I had a real reason for that. I'll add your suggestions!
June 12, 2014
glypheme commented on the list femmesque
May 30, 2014
glypheme commented on the word marianismo
The counterpart of machismo; the spirit of the virgin Mary.
May 30, 2014
glypheme commented on the list four-letter-colors
Thanks, you two!
May 29, 2014
glypheme commented on the word hamso
An adjective I invented for my dog (not the dog responsible for pooplet or beetling). Corruption of hamsome; he's cute and smells of ham.
May 28, 2014
glypheme commented on the word crapandina
This is what I'm naming my first-born daughter.
May 15, 2014
glypheme commented on the word parasolecism
Check the "Tweets" pane for my definition.
May 15, 2014
glypheme commented on the word smir
To drizzle.
May 6, 2014
glypheme commented on the word styte
To bounce.
May 5, 2014
glypheme commented on the word voar
According to lexic.us, this means "springtime."
May 5, 2014
glypheme commented on the word rancel
An obsolete Scottish verb meaning "to search thoroughly". Lexic.us gives me "a search for stolen goods," though I'm not sure of the source.
May 5, 2014
glypheme commented on the word skronking
My mom's name for the sound of loud, saw-like sniffling due to congestion or tearfulness.
May 4, 2014
glypheme commented on the list beyond-the-binary
Thanks madmouth! Can't believe I forgot that one.
April 25, 2014
glypheme commented on the word gynandroid
Out-of-favor synonym for "androgyne," meaning an androgynous person.
April 24, 2014
glypheme commented on the word salmacian
Of or pertaining to Salmacis, a nymph who merged with Hermaphroditis, who in turn cursed Salmacis' waters to feminize any man who drinks it.
April 24, 2014
glypheme commented on the list words-i-made-up--1
Nice, fbharjo! Thanks for the tip.
April 18, 2014
glypheme commented on the list words-i-made-up--1
Oh yeah, I love the "Words of the Future" lists! And ry, go ahead. I'll check your list out!
April 18, 2014
glypheme commented on the word snatchy
In Bob's Burgers, this is a very drunk Linda's word for a taxi.
April 17, 2014
glypheme commented on the list bobs-burgers
fbharjo, i don't recognize any of those from episodes of Bob's Burgers. That's where all these words come from.
April 13, 2014
glypheme commented on the list bobs-burgers
Haha! Thanks anyway.
April 12, 2014
glypheme commented on the list bobs-burgers
Haha, thanks! If you have any suggestions, please let me know, because I've been unable to find Bob's Burgers transcripts online.
April 11, 2014
glypheme commented on the list hiding-places
April 11, 2014
glypheme commented on the list hiding-places
Thanks ry!
April 11, 2014
glypheme commented on the word bfos
Boys From Other Schools, in the memorable formulation of Tina Belcher.
April 10, 2014
glypheme commented on the word Unreal Lauren: nectareous raconteuse, nectarous courtesan
My dream gal.
April 10, 2014
glypheme commented on the list anagram-poetry
I have the sudden urge to draw some of these. If I do, I'll be sure to link them here!
April 10, 2014
glypheme commented on the list anagram-poetry
I love Unreal Lauren! Oh man! Thanks, markusloke.
April 10, 2014
glypheme commented on the word šaddai
A book that appeared to me in a dream. It manifested itself as exactly the book the reader was looking for, regardless of whether that book existed or not.
April 8, 2014
glypheme commented on the list anagram-poetry
ry, it's true. This is my favorite out of all of my lists.
April 8, 2014
glypheme commented on the word kaerionet
An approximation of a word that appeared in a dream. The definition given was something like "catapult or trebuchet."
April 8, 2014
glypheme commented on the word onanism mansion
One hell of a house you got there, buddy.
April 8, 2014
glypheme commented on the list anagram-poetry
ry and ruzuzu, thanks for your amazing additions!
April 3, 2014
glypheme commented on the list antlers
Thanks ry!
April 3, 2014
glypheme commented on the word arenotelicon
A mythical creature said to alternate between sexes. I love it!
April 2, 2014
glypheme commented on the word plaid music
This is what I used to call jazz when I was little.
March 29, 2014
glypheme commented on the word dingity
My mom's misspelling of dignity.
March 27, 2014
glypheme commented on the word saldy
Also spelled salty or sauty, saldy is a slang term popular among young Philadelphians. It's apparently a versatile word, but the most interesting definition I've heard is "you thought you were right, but you're wrong." Useful!
March 23, 2014
glypheme commented on the word methexis
According to the ever-trustworthy Wikipedia, methexis refers to "the relation between a particular and its form (in Plato's sense), e.g. a beautiful object is said to partake of the form of beauty."
March 22, 2014
glypheme commented on the word boner move
My sister's started saying this recently. "That was a boner move on my part," etc.
March 22, 2014
glypheme commented on the list points-and-accents
March 22, 2014
glypheme commented on the word teeve
My word for television.
March 22, 2014
glypheme commented on the word donker
A disparaging term I invented (or borrowed from Adventure Time, I don't remember). Its usage is probably closest to that of the word dummy.
March 22, 2014
glypheme commented on the list words-my-family-invented
@mollusque Ha, awesome! Just goes to show that weirdness runs in the family.
March 22, 2014
glypheme commented on the word pooplet
Not unlike some of the entries on specific-excrement. Sadly, another term that we can attribute to our dog.
March 22, 2014
glypheme commented on the word dinner royale
The phrase my sister uses to describe the argument my family has every Friday over where to get takeout.
March 22, 2014
glypheme commented on the word gramble
A verb our family used to describe the noises the dog made.
March 22, 2014
glypheme commented on the word hote
Do you know when you're on vacation and you say "let's go home" when you mean "let's go back to the hotel?" I've taken to saying "let's go hote" when staying abroad, just to avoid/create confusion.
March 22, 2014
glypheme commented on the word udmaf
Stands for "uh, do me a favor," a beloved catchphrase of my dad's old coworker/boss. Now in frequent use within our family.
March 22, 2014
glypheme commented on the word beetling
My mom and I used this word to describe the funny way my dog used to walk: sort of a clipped, bouncy lope. This isn't the first neologism to come out of our family.
March 22, 2014
glypheme commented on the word paralian
This is a really pretty word! Great meaning, and it's got a certain cellar door quality about it.
March 18, 2014
glypheme commented on the word ominatio
A prophecy of evil.
March 17, 2014
glypheme commented on the word mumbudget
I think this means something like "be quiet" in cant…
March 15, 2014
glypheme commented on the word laroun
A thief.
March 15, 2014
glypheme commented on the word hoket
A toy or plaything.
March 15, 2014
glypheme commented on the word disesperance
March 15, 2014
glypheme commented on the word crackrope
An insult meaning "one who deserves the gallows."
March 15, 2014
glypheme commented on the word capul
Archaic term for a horse.
March 15, 2014
glypheme commented on the word avoir
From French; means "possession or wealth."
March 15, 2014
glypheme commented on the word aumere
A purse.
"Weare streight gloves with aumere,
Of silk and alway with good chere."
—Chaucer, "Romance of the Rose"
March 15, 2014
glypheme commented on the word avision
I love this one. According to this 1834 lexicon, it means "the faculty of seeing a vision or phantom."
March 15, 2014
glypheme commented on the word avenant
From French; means "comely, graceful, beautiful or agreeable."
March 15, 2014
glypheme commented on the word amiture
March 15, 2014
glypheme commented on the word alfridaria
The power which the planets possess over a person's life.
"I'll find the cusp and alfridaria,
And know what planet is in cazimi."
—O.P. Albumazar
March 15, 2014
glypheme commented on the word afatement
Teaching, address, or demeanor.
March 15, 2014
glypheme commented on the word airen
An egg. Sometimes spelled "ayren" or "eyren".
March 15, 2014
glypheme commented on the word musser
A hole to hide in or conceal.
March 15, 2014
glypheme commented on the word sonde
A message or something sent.
"She kneeleth downe and thanketh Goddes sonde." — Chaucer, "Man of Lawes Tale"
March 15, 2014
glypheme commented on the word kime
A fellow or a man.
"That at the last the sely kime" — Chaucer's "Plowman's Tale"
March 15, 2014
glypheme commented on the list bizarre-books
Fun fact: I've read "The Haunted Vagina". There honestly aren't a lot of ghosts in it.
March 15, 2014
glypheme commented on the list fictional-music-genres
I like to play a game with these where I make up band names for them.
"Among the most prominent jazzcore groups are the Upriver Collective and Thelonius Punk."
"Bluehouse, a mix of bluegrass and early 90s house music, was first popularized by artists such as Bootheel Mountain and Electric Nelson."
"Glamhop has been compared to genres such as sparkletune and glitterwave … Wavefunction (feat. Pegasynth), off "Polymorphism"—glitterwave phenom Seaqueen's debut album—is one of the artist's most-loved tracks."
March 15, 2014
glypheme commented on the list words-describing-one-long-dream-which-spans-nearly-two-years-and-takes-place-between-the-hours-10-pm-and-1-am
Oh wow! This makes me want to do a list based on my own dreams…
March 15, 2014
glypheme commented on the list recaptcha-words
I like making up backstories for these. "Sfatu response" alone sounds like a sinister medical maneuver, or maybe a title from a dystopian science-fiction saga.
March 15, 2014
glypheme commented on the list recaptcha-words
Incoming word dump!
Sorry, I know this is an old list…
March 15, 2014
glypheme commented on the list groupthink
I can't believe nosism isn't on this awesome list!
November 30, 2013
glypheme commented on the word progeny
"I'm a child progeny."
"Most children are."
—Calvin and Hobbes
November 29, 2013
glypheme commented on the list wtnv
November 21, 2013
glypheme commented on the list eccentric-girls-names
@bilby: Thanks for the tip!
November 12, 2013
glypheme commented on the list apple-words
October 30, 2013
glypheme commented on the list it-has-a-name
October 25, 2013
glypheme commented on the word ⚧
I've also seen this used as a symbol for transgender persons.
October 23, 2013
glypheme commented on the list hiding-places
@alexz and @bilby, added! Thank you.
October 23, 2013
glypheme commented on the list i-hardly-know-him
@bilby Oh, I forgot the -nyms. Nice catch. As for -eme, going by my own accent (US), it doesn't sound a lot like -im.
October 21, 2013
glypheme commented on the list it-has-a-name
Love love love this list! I think obreption might work here, or maybe ruelle.
October 20, 2013
glypheme commented on the list the-shadow-knows
Love it! You might consider adding ascian.
October 20, 2013
glypheme commented on the list great-race-horse-names
Don't forget "Orb"!
October 20, 2013