gmemastrchrs commented on the word google
i love the google website and its the best thing on the web lol
December 13, 2008
gmemastrchrs commented on the word ur mum
the phrase used in some of the best cusses and insults known to man. Also its used mainly by chavs.
gmemastrchrs commented on the word hurcrux
this is something in the universe of Harry potter that will bring immortality by seperating your soul and sealing it in a number of objects.
Comments by gmemastrchrs
gmemastrchrs commented on the word google
i love the google website and its the best thing on the web lol
December 13, 2008
gmemastrchrs commented on the word ur mum
the phrase used in some of the best cusses and insults known to man. Also its used mainly by chavs.
December 13, 2008
gmemastrchrs commented on the word hurcrux
this is something in the universe of Harry potter that will bring immortality by seperating your soul and sealing it in a number of objects.
December 13, 2008