goodkitten commented on the user goodkitten
April 13, 2014
goodkitten commented on the word panophobia
Hey, I Have panophobia! *runs away*
August 30, 2012
goodkitten commented on the list worse-than-they-sound
Is ackee acceptable?
August 24, 2012
goodkitten commented on the word jinrikisha
Hey, i just listed it.
August 16, 2012
goodkitten commented on the word euphobia
Probably Malumnuntiumphobia. Is the good news that?
August 9, 2012
goodkitten commented on the word tilaka
See first example-- Its the dot
AAAAHHH!!!!!!!!! I just heard i was going to have a long healthy life! *goosebumps*
August 8, 2012
goodkitten commented on the word non
Uzbek bread
August 7, 2012
goodkitten commented on the word loblolly
C'mon wordnik. loblolly-- a stupid or foolish person
July 27, 2012
goodkitten commented on the list of-arabic-origin
My list Loanwords,Arabic is exactly like yours. I am copying you (Not Really!)
July 26, 2012
goodkitten commented on the word red panda
Theme weeks?
July 24, 2012
goodkitten commented on the word Rothko
Born in Latvia-Latvia just wasn't independent yet.
July 21, 2012
goodkitten commented on the word Latvija
Latvija- The latvian word for latvia
goodkitten commented on the list latvia
Wow, thanks for the words, Ruzuzu
goodkitten commented on the list rest-in-please
why thank you, bilby, I just took one
goodkitten commented on the user MikeFox1
Welcome! (Ruzuzu is usally the one who says welcome.)
goodkitten commented on the word Tom and Jerry
Hey There's also the show!
(why can't I catch that dumb mouse!)
July 12, 2012
goodkitten commented on the word sizzard
Sippin Sizzard In My Right Like 36
goodkitten commented on the user catkisses
Finally, I have found my long lost cousin.
July 8, 2012
goodkitten commented on the word rixatrix
Im pretty sure this was my first word I ever saw on Wordnik ..... Ah, the memories..
goodkitten commented on the word phansigar
I will store all that information in my Wordnik Phansigar Notebook meanwhile I will water my Phansigarden
My lawyer? He's in jail.
July 1, 2012
Hmmm.........….…........… hmmmmmmn....
June 29, 2012
Are you calling me a cat riot? *claws up bilby's face*
June 28, 2012
Sorry ruzuzu, *repose the group*
Mutters to self "Ruzuzu's so naif"
June 27, 2012
* Vanishes in a puff of angry goodkittenzcats
ready to take on bilbyzcat *
Ruzuzu: thanks for the catnip
Vanderpink: I heard the CMT ( Cat Military Troops ) had come to your house!!!
Bilbyzcat: did I hear the word '"Humankind"' if I'm imagining I thought it was '"Catkind"'
Bilby: Ruzuzu is getting you for free
*throws bilbyzcat down the hole I dug to china* Now that should teach him a lesson!!
We should stop talking like this, it's bad for the English language anyway , there selling yarn around the street!
*chases bilby back to the pound*
Metal! *Lunges*
June 26, 2012
*clock tik-toks*
June 25, 2012
Hmm.. Quiet down now kitty cats *takes toy away from bilbyzcat * And you *points at bilby* well you're about to get whipped *calls to sionnach*
Hmm... That actually sounds like fun! Even
bilby's cat does it!
June 23, 2012
*goes to change my name 2 badkitten*
June 22, 2012
goodkitten commented on the user bilby
*goes to war zone*
*scans everbody*
*apoligizes and robs a bakery*
Sorry 2 Fuflunder up
June 21, 2012
goodkitten commented on the word boll weevil
i destroyed south carolina's cotton MWAHAHAHA
June 19, 2012
goodkitten commented on the word vader
vader- a father see father
June 18, 2012
goodkitten commented on the word firewater
i thought it was smoke!
goodkitten commented on the word radish
radish...well its kinda reddish...rad .... *thinks really fast* ....uh....yummy!
goodkitten commented on the word haters
those are haters
goodkitten commented on the word ailurophobia
mmhmm. People say dog is a "Mans Best Friend" . I think picking up and stepping on dog poop is the"Best Idea Yet"...Well until cats were domesticated.
goodkitten commented on the word kindle
the reason kindle is on my list Fantastic Cats!, Open List is because a kindle is a litter of kittens
June 17, 2012
goodkitten commented on the word matilda
Matilda by Roald Dahl
June 16, 2012
goodkitten commented on the word dentophobia
did u know? dentoophobia is my hero! Im having "Oral Surgery". )-:
June 12, 2012
Comments by goodkitten
goodkitten commented on the user goodkitten
April 13, 2014
goodkitten commented on the word panophobia
Hey, I Have panophobia! *runs away*
August 30, 2012
goodkitten commented on the list worse-than-they-sound
August 30, 2012
goodkitten commented on the list worse-than-they-sound
Is ackee acceptable?
August 24, 2012
goodkitten commented on the word jinrikisha
Hey, i just listed it.
August 16, 2012
goodkitten commented on the word euphobia
Probably Malumnuntiumphobia. Is the good news that?
August 9, 2012
goodkitten commented on the word tilaka
See first example-- Its the dot
August 9, 2012
goodkitten commented on the word euphobia
AAAAHHH!!!!!!!!! I just heard i was going to have a long healthy life! *goosebumps*
August 8, 2012
goodkitten commented on the word non
Uzbek bread
August 7, 2012
goodkitten commented on the word loblolly
C'mon wordnik. loblolly-- a stupid or foolish person
July 27, 2012
goodkitten commented on the list of-arabic-origin
My list Loanwords,Arabic is exactly like yours. I am copying you (Not Really!)
July 26, 2012
goodkitten commented on the word red panda
Theme weeks?
July 24, 2012
goodkitten commented on the word Rothko
Born in Latvia-Latvia just wasn't independent yet.
July 21, 2012
goodkitten commented on the word Latvija
Latvija- The latvian word for latvia
July 21, 2012
goodkitten commented on the list latvia
Wow, thanks for the words, Ruzuzu
July 21, 2012
goodkitten commented on the list rest-in-please
why thank you, bilby, I just took one
July 21, 2012
goodkitten commented on the user MikeFox1
Welcome! (Ruzuzu is usally the one who says welcome.)
July 21, 2012
goodkitten commented on the word Tom and Jerry
Hey There's also the show!
(why can't I catch that dumb mouse!)
July 12, 2012
goodkitten commented on the word sizzard
Sippin Sizzard In My Right Like 36
July 12, 2012
goodkitten commented on the user catkisses
Finally, I have found my long lost cousin.
July 8, 2012
goodkitten commented on the word rixatrix
Im pretty sure this was my first word I ever saw on Wordnik ..... Ah, the memories..
July 8, 2012
goodkitten commented on the word phansigar
I will store all that information in my Wordnik Phansigar Notebook meanwhile I will water my Phansigarden
July 8, 2012
goodkitten commented on the user goodkitten
My lawyer? He's in jail.
July 1, 2012
goodkitten commented on the user goodkitten
Hmmm.........….…........… hmmmmmmn....
June 29, 2012
goodkitten commented on the user goodkitten
Are you calling me a cat riot? *claws up bilby's face*
June 28, 2012
goodkitten commented on the user goodkitten
Sorry ruzuzu, *repose the group*
June 28, 2012
goodkitten commented on the user goodkitten
Mutters to self "Ruzuzu's so naif"
June 27, 2012
goodkitten commented on the user goodkitten
June 27, 2012
goodkitten commented on the user goodkitten
* Vanishes in a puff of angry goodkittenzcats
ready to take on bilbyzcat *
June 27, 2012
goodkitten commented on the user goodkitten
Ruzuzu: thanks for the catnip
Vanderpink: I heard the CMT ( Cat Military Troops ) had come to your house!!!
Bilbyzcat: did I hear the word '"Humankind"' if I'm imagining I thought it was '"Catkind"'
Bilby: Ruzuzu is getting you for free
June 27, 2012
goodkitten commented on the user goodkitten
*throws bilbyzcat down the hole I dug to china* Now that should teach him a lesson!!
June 27, 2012
goodkitten commented on the user goodkitten
We should stop talking like this, it's bad for the English language anyway , there selling yarn around the street!
June 27, 2012
goodkitten commented on the user goodkitten
*chases bilby back to the pound*
June 27, 2012
goodkitten commented on the user goodkitten
Metal! *Lunges*
June 26, 2012
goodkitten commented on the user goodkitten
*clock tik-toks*
June 25, 2012
goodkitten commented on the user goodkitten
Hmm.. Quiet down now kitty cats *takes toy away from bilbyzcat * And you *points at bilby* well you're about to get whipped *calls to sionnach*
June 25, 2012
goodkitten commented on the user goodkitten
Hmm... That actually sounds like fun! Even
bilby's cat does it!
June 23, 2012
goodkitten commented on the user goodkitten
*goes to change my name 2 badkitten*
June 22, 2012
goodkitten commented on the user bilby
*goes to war zone*
*scans everbody*
*apoligizes and robs a bakery*
Sorry 2 Fuflunder up
June 21, 2012
goodkitten commented on the word boll weevil
i destroyed south carolina's cotton MWAHAHAHA
June 19, 2012
goodkitten commented on the word vader
vader- a father see father
June 18, 2012
goodkitten commented on the word firewater
i thought it was smoke!
June 18, 2012
goodkitten commented on the word radish
radish...well its kinda reddish...rad .... *thinks really fast* ....uh....yummy!
June 18, 2012
goodkitten commented on the word haters
those are haters
June 18, 2012
goodkitten commented on the word ailurophobia
mmhmm. People say dog is a "Mans Best Friend" . I think picking up and stepping on dog poop is the"Best Idea Yet"...Well until cats were domesticated.
June 18, 2012
goodkitten commented on the word kindle
the reason kindle is on my list Fantastic Cats!, Open List is because a kindle is a litter of kittens
June 17, 2012
goodkitten commented on the word matilda
Matilda by Roald Dahl
June 16, 2012
goodkitten commented on the word dentophobia
did u know? dentoophobia is my hero! Im having "Oral Surgery". )-:
June 12, 2012