a popular weekend ritual performed by devotees of competitive action at local pay-to-fish catch and release ponds; a locally accepted form of gambling
The ponds are typically stocked commercially with catfish, carp, and/or crappie. Each tournament fisherman pays an entry fee to fish and compete for prizes. Tournaments vary in duration, and may be arranged as eight-hour, overnight, or full weekend contests. The pooled entry fees are awarded to hourly and overall winners of "most fish" and "biggest fish" caught. A $25 entry fee could net a lucky fisherman hundreds of dollars in prizes.
used as bait for casual and tournament fishing; not to be confused with minner-cheese which, I've learned, is something entirely different... thank goodness.
Comments by granny
granny commented on the word rutlers
A popular mater variety grown in local gardens, it is used for both table (fresh) and home canning.
April 7, 2007
granny commented on the word who-do'ed
cheated, scammed
as in, "Dat sombitch who-do'ed me! I'm gonna go get my money back."
April 7, 2007
granny commented on the word cow tipping
a prank my friends play on folks that "ain't from aroun' here!"
April 4, 2007
granny commented on the word gamelands
special areas set aside by state or federal authorities for public access to hunting/fishing resources
April 2, 2007
granny commented on the word resonator guitar
sometimes called a dobro, it is an adaptation of the typical guitar and is often featured in bluegrass music
April 2, 2007
granny commented on the word doghouse bass
a large bass guitar played upright and often used in bluegrass music ensembles as both a rhythm and lead instrument
April 2, 2007
granny commented on the word bluegrass
traditionally, a genre of old-time and mountain music played on acoustic instruments with alternating leads and sung in multi-part harmonies
April 2, 2007
granny commented on the word appalachia
the rural (and often deeply isolated) regions and peoples of the Appalachian mountain range located in the eastern United States
April 2, 2007
granny commented on the word checked in
gamelands terminology; the mandated recording by authorities of a sportsman's captures and kills
as in, "I checked in that old bear I kilt, but they wooden let me keep her."
April 2, 2007
granny commented on the word catch and release
a fishing strategy whereby the fisherman returns a captured fish to the water to be caught again later
In a catfish tournament the captured fish is checked in and weighed before being returned to the pond.
April 2, 2007
granny commented on the word tournament fishing
a popular weekend ritual performed by devotees of competitive action at local pay-to-fish catch and release ponds; a locally accepted form of gambling
The ponds are typically stocked commercially with catfish, carp, and/or crappie. Each tournament fisherman pays an entry fee to fish and compete for prizes. Tournaments vary in duration, and may be arranged as eight-hour, overnight, or full weekend contests. The pooled entry fees are awarded to hourly and overall winners of "most fish" and "biggest fish" caught. A $25 entry fee could net a lucky fisherman hundreds of dollars in prizes.
April 2, 2007
granny commented on the word minner
used as bait for casual and tournament fishing; not to be confused with minner-cheese which, I've learned, is something entirely different... thank goodness.
April 2, 2007
granny commented on the word dat
as in, "Dat sombitch gave me down the road."
April 2, 2007
granny commented on the word knowed
as in, "I knowed dat!"
April 2, 2007
granny commented on the word purdy
as in, "She's purdy now, but she was a heifer back when I knowed her."
April 2, 2007
granny commented on the word mater
as in, "Look at them purdy maters on the vine!"
April 2, 2007
granny commented on the word hosepipe
as in, "Bring that hosepipe over here. The maters are dry."
April 2, 2007
granny commented on the word rat cheese
not to be confused with: deedah.org/cheese/facts.html
April 2, 2007
granny commented on the word minner-cheese
a recipe of grated or crumbled rat cheese, pimento, mayonnaise, and seasonings used as a sandwich spread
as in, "I ate a minner-cheese sammich for dinner."
April 2, 2007
granny commented on the word kindly
as in, "She kindly made me mad."
April 2, 2007
granny commented on the user john
the bleeding edge... I'll stay until I'm drained. Love what's happening here!
March 23, 2007