GraybillAG5 commented on the word funner
funner fun-ner adjective.
Having more fun than fun; I was having funner a time today. syn: synonyms.
Origin: `
Circa 2012. < Informal. Of or pertaining to fun, especially to social fun: a fun thing to do; really a fun person; the funniest game
Two derivatives and their part of speech.
Fun-ni-er- adjective
Fun-ni-est- adjective
October 2, 2012
GraybillAG5 commented on the user GraybillAG5
Having more fun than fun; I was having funner a time today. syn: synonyms.
Comments by graybillag5
GraybillAG5 commented on the word funner
funner fun-ner adjective.
Having more fun than fun; I was having funner a time today. syn: synonyms.
Origin: `
Circa 2012. < Informal. Of or pertaining to fun, especially to social fun: a fun thing to do; really a fun person; the funniest game
Two derivatives and their part of speech.
Fun-ni-er- adjective
Fun-ni-est- adjective
October 2, 2012
GraybillAG5 commented on the user GraybillAG5
funner fun-ner adjective.
Having more fun than fun; I was having funner a time today. syn: synonyms.
Origin: `
Circa 2012. < Informal. Of or pertaining to fun, especially to social fun: a fun thing to do; really a fun person; the funniest game
Two derivatives and their part of speech.
Fun-ni-er- adjective
Fun-ni-est- adjective
October 2, 2012