I could have accepted disunderstanding as spurious incomprehension and misunderstanding forged mostly consciously, due to one's indifference in combination with unwillingness to help or even to understand importance of matter itself. Such disunderstanding tends to create obstacles in one's way.
Example 1: Many people have a dislike for bureaucracy, because of bureaucrats' tendency to show disunderstanding.
Example2: wall of disunderstanding
Meaning of prefix "dis-" in this case matches most of its possible meanings: 1) expressing negation, 2) denoting reversal or absence of an action or state, 3) expressing completeness or intensification of an unpleasant or unattractive action.
Concept has deception, disrespect, manipulation and misleadingness included.
But I am not sure if there is any actual need to coin such a word.
Comments by haides
Haides commented on the word ressault
I've met this word in architctural context and it should be a part of a building or it's structural element... or just someone's mistake ;)
Usage example:
The four ressaults are used as rising piers and orientation points
September 11, 2012
Haides commented on the word toytoon
Product of clipping of toy and cartoon
December 22, 2011
Haides commented on the word toytoon
Product of clipping of toy and cartoon
a type of cartoons made by taking pictures of staged frames with puppets (specially designed puppets or regular toys)
December 22, 2011
Haides commented on the word disunderstanding
I could have accepted disunderstanding as spurious incomprehension and misunderstanding forged mostly consciously, due to one's indifference in combination with unwillingness to help or even to understand importance of matter itself. Such disunderstanding tends to create obstacles in one's way.
Example 1: Many people have a dislike for bureaucracy, because of bureaucrats' tendency to show disunderstanding.
Example2: wall of disunderstanding
Meaning of prefix "dis-" in this case matches most of its possible meanings: 1) expressing negation, 2) denoting reversal or absence of an action or state, 3) expressing completeness or intensification of an unpleasant or unattractive action.
Concept has deception, disrespect, manipulation and misleadingness included.
But I am not sure if there is any actual need to coin such a word.
December 22, 2011