harley commented on the word harley's profile
Protodaw Formerly prothodaw British English Found in the OED but not usually in American dicionaries.
August 17, 2009
harley commented on the word Zeugma
See Syllepsis
August 3, 2009
harley commented on the word Syllepsis
It's related to Zeugma, also a grammatical or retorical word, both are frequenetly confused as their definitions are almost identical.
harley commented on the word Executrix
Executrix is the feminine form of Executor. I'm interested in other words that have this "trix" ending.
July 21, 2009
It is the female for Executor
Comments by harley
harley commented on the word harley's profile
Protodaw Formerly prothodaw British English Found in the OED but not usually in American dicionaries.
August 17, 2009
harley commented on the word Zeugma
See Syllepsis
August 3, 2009
harley commented on the word Syllepsis
It's related to Zeugma, also a grammatical or retorical word, both are frequenetly confused as their definitions are almost identical.
August 3, 2009
harley commented on the word Executrix
Executrix is the feminine form of Executor. I'm interested in other words that have this "trix" ending.
July 21, 2009
harley commented on the word Executrix
It is the female for Executor
July 21, 2009